
8/1/2017 20:29 – Facebook Post

2:51 p.m.


H.A….A.O A.H.



Yes, something did happen.

48… 48 Hours…

The Intel from Brenda was that I should give the Equation Manifestation… 48 Hours.

For Transformation Death… D.T..

Eddie Murphy E.M.. 48 Hours.

I had stated a few days ago, that I had read that Lisa Natalie Johnson had to comment ( which she did), and that the response lay with Ms. Brenda.

That response came at the very end of yesterday evening.

Recall, that Larry who is married to the Japanese woman called Chia, had left me with a shift in his own Awareness, that the B Quantum Particle Wave is actually Music…

But what I did not tell you was that the day before in the Delta Manor Shelter where the transformer with the Code B.Q.W.P.
which you recall I resolved into the language of Silence as B’Eau-Ti ( Being) Quantum Wave Particle..
That there had been two men whom I interacted separated by an interval of 2 weeks.
Both “appeared” very mentally stable, and created fear and discomfort in others.
The First I identified by his garment, ( Wine Red T shirt he always wore.. it was at the same time that Brenda gave me the Two Drum Sticks in the Wine Red Box with F.M on it and the Sword motif it formed. F.M Note that)- a young good looking man who one could easily see as a ancient African Warrior…
He “Seemed” volatile, speaking loudly to himself, but I could see he that he was seeking to resolve some things deep within.
Others avoided him- but as this place is, some took for granted that he was retarded which brought forth a rage in him…
A Rage of Honor, and how to address a man, and he came down stairs to the Terrace, expressing that rage and he was roaring ( beautifully) and about to go upstairs to enact on the person of Violence.. supreme by the way he described to the Air what he was going to do to the person.

No one spoke up, but I felt compelled to.. giving him reason, that he had good reason to be vexed, that I and quite a few others had felt the same way. He said that a lesson must be taught, because they never learn in any other way.
He was roaring, majestically.
And I agreed with him but used reason, chose your battles, weigh the options.. and was now the moment.

He listened.

And would greet me each time he saw me in the hall, giving me respect and grace. He I noticed was working for Delta Manor as well a seeming to be a client.
He told me he was in Room 5.

Then he disappeared for a week or so, but when he returned, recently he was the same, but there was, is a quiet in him.

But I began to notice him, always around Star Bucks- the MACY’s Section.
Everyone in the Shelter seems to know that I work here on my computer.
I saw him yesterday even.

There was another man who arrived, much older, very thin, who also seemed to others dangerous in the way he talked aloud and wildly to himself. He too though older, looked like an Ancient African Warrior… And Mystic.
He began to sit where I normally sit outside.
Some of the people were curious as to how I would respond.
I felt disturbed that he was placed in this place, but I was not disturbed by him.
But my E-Spirit or the “E.T Consciousness in me, or is it the Ancient Spirit in me.. not sure any more, or if there is even a difference recognized him.
And kept on moving me, to acknowledge him and to move me to quietly call out that which I already knew was disturbing him.

Then later that night, about three days ago, I encountered him,
( Ah the Woman called Caroline, just came in, the one who my E-Spirit recognized as Yvonne, Caroline my mothers sister said to be possessed, which I witnessed from 1977 to my departure in 1988.. Yvonne Caroline…Alejandro/Alexis Me..Y.C.A.M…Add “Crowned”
* She just got up and left when I wrote “Crowned”
It forms M.A.C.Y.’S… Where Brenda, and I and then Larry each experienced the Horn and the A.M in Three-Four Languages of Expression)

Well, I encountered him, he was alone, down stairs as he usually is, people steered clear of him and I had noted how he does not backdown from confrontation.
He lay on the bench outside in the place I normally sit, and I suddenly began to sing…
To sing… I sang over his ranting, and raving, I sang.. I have never sang there, but I sang, Change is gonna come some day, and then Maya Angelou’s ‘Still I Rise”
and he became quiet,and then he began to hum, swinging his legs…
I sang not really to him, I was just singing, in a way for both of us..
And he understood that…
That I understood and what he felt, I felt too…
And I just walked by him, in my world but aware of him, sitting by him, and then we looked at each other twice as I sang..
He nodded and then smiled swinging his legs in tune..
I finally sang summer time, – not so well because he began to mumble and speak to himself.. Eyes closed but he smiled.
And I smiled a bit sheepishly, and then I finished, looked at him and he gave me a nod of appreciation and acknowledgment and I went to bed.

He has been quiet ever since.

Blessed Quiet

B.Q…M.W.. Music is the Wave.. Particle is the Person.

B.Q.W.M…P….Of G.Ode… Praise of G.O.D.

Brenda gave went out of her way to find me a packet of American Spirits… A.S…At the place I buy them, she did not wish to ask me where I bought them. She found then on Metropolitan Avenue in a place called Night and Day…Day and Night.. D.& N…
That is sacred portal 36.. It is my Grandfathers Initials who my Grandmother Lucy nick named “Bald Headed Eagle..”
He called her the “Parrot”.. my grandmother could talk!
But very well.. Super Intelligent…
Yesterday I noticed that Quintin my only neighbor was wearing the number 36.
He is Bed 4-006.. 46.. Linked to Lisa Natalie Johnson and I found that he as Nicholas had begun snoring very loudly, keeping the entire room up.
Yesterday, I gave him one of Lisa Natalie Johnson’s oils called Breath.
He did not snore all last night.

But Nicholas did…
Which prompted something to happen this morning.
I go to bed late, because of my condition I stay up late first reading the New York Times to complete the last of my home work and to see the next days assignment as well as the proof of the manifestation of the things I had solved the previous day appearing there in code.
Yesterday it was the Brexit Cloud Tunnel which is the code of Keith Grant channeling my Fathers Elder Brother, the line of my First Father- My Grandfather is the 2nd.. TWO Men..
T.M.. Michaël Trahé line..
Obums-Nnamdi Emmanuel is the Two of them in One
O.N.E… Then C.E.O…Me as my past…
O.N. E.C.E..O…And finally E.K… Me in the present..
6 8…Letters…and V.I…Victor I…As I.V…

My phone is 1 917 569 64 55.

At 5:58 the lights were put on suddenly, by bed 5-013..
No one was really asleep because Nicholas of bed 4-008 had kept nearly every one awake all night because of his snores so loud and so unusual.
Quintin’s had been also making unusual also..A High mewling sound to Nicholas “Mooing” Sound…
I recognized the sounds but dear lord, I was so tired on the Spirit Play using human avatars in a World, a Western World which only acknowledges these truths in movies and imagination.. despite it being the basis of their Western Civilization… Camelot was created from first “Magic and then Reason”.. M.R.. Ancient Sumer, Mesopotamia, Persia, Greece Rome… Do you see the code… A.S.M..P..G.R…Golden Ratio…
Franks Gaul..

*”The Franks (Latin: Franci or gens Francorum) were a collection of Germanic peoples that originated in the lands between the Lower and Middle Rhine in the 3rd century AD and eventually formed a large empire dominating much of western and central Europe during the Middle Ages. The Frankish Empire ultimately led to the birth of modern France and Germany and thus the Franks are seen as the forebears of the French and German peoples (in addition to Austrians, the Dutch, Luxembourgers and some other European nations).[1][2]

During ancient times some Franks raided Roman territory, while other Frankish tribes joined the Roman troops of Gaul”

The mythology of the Franks was probably a form of Germanic polytheism. It was highly ritualistic. Many daily activities centred around the multiple deities, chiefest of which may have been the Quinotaur, a water-god from whom the Merovingians were reputed to have derived their ancestry.[39] Most of their gods were linked with local cult centres and their sacred character and power were associated with specific regions, outside of which they were neither worshipped nor feared. Most of the gods were “worldly”, possessing form and having connections with specific objects, in contrast to the God of Christianity.[40]

Frankish paganism has been observed in the burial site of Childeric I, where the king’s body was found covered in a cloth decorated with numerous bees. There is a likely connection with the bees to the traditional Frankish weapon, the angon (meaning “sting”), from its distinctive spearhead. It is possible that the fleur-de-lis is derived from the angon.”

Peace Bee…
Sting… Lord of the Rings…

the name of the Franks has been linked with the word frank in English.[7] It has been suggested that the meaning of “free” was adopted because, after the conquest of Gaul, only Franks were free of taxation.[8] It is traditionally assumed that Frank comes from the Germanic word for “javelin” (such as in Old English franca or Old Norse frakka).[9] There is also another theory that suggests that Frank comes from the Latin word francisca meaning “throwing axe”.[citation needed] Words in other Germanic languages meaning “fierce”, “bold” or “insolent”

Legend states that they came from Troy.. and Macedonia.
( Confirmed by my own experience, empirical meeting of peoples surfing the Wave as the Silver Surfer” and my Equations E.T.C… Priam and Alexander, Helen of Troy..)

the name of the Franks has been linked with the word frank in English.[7] It has been suggested that the meaning of “free” was adopted because, after the conquest of Gaul, only Franks were free of taxation.[8] It is traditionally assumed that Frank comes from the Germanic word for “javelin” (such as in Old English franca or Old Norse frakka).[9] There is also another theory that suggests that Frank comes from the Latin word francisca meaning “throwing axe”.[citation needed] Words in other Germanic languages meaning “fierce”, “bold” or “insolent”

Merovingian Empire ( 481- 751)
Carolingian Empire ( 751-843)

Yes, you can see the codes and what I am showing…
Germanic Franks.. G.F.. 7 6…
R.S…( I.E)
M.C.. ( E.I)

When the person put the light on and I checked the time 5:58 am.
Sacred Portal 5.. and 58… Evolution Complete, and my going home “Spirited Away’ the correct way…
55 “The Long Prolonged Wait and Weight is Over Land and Cee.. Le Cue.. Welcome John and Thomas to my World.. Emme.. ( John Thomas Grace of the Twins.. Penis and Balls…)
and sacred Portal 8.. “Love Links Desire.. Nwammu.. The Child, The Regal Renaissance Restoration”

55 Is the Spine.. 8 is Down stairs at Delta Manor from Dawn Piercy… Only 5 and 58 Have not manifested because I am still completing my back, past .. and my Spine is still bent not aligned to 31 vertebra linked to my Head…
Universal Body..
I knew that it was a play.. “Lights On!’
But I could no longer trust it, despite the appearance of Nadia “Hope” “Blessed Quiet..”
I was enraged last night when I saw that the 10 usd Brenda had gifted me along with American Spirits.. ( A.S.. A.S.S.A.. Mpete!.. A.M.. Of a Beauty beyond description)

M.F. 43 61 34 81 B… on it was the number 280…
See that 81 is Todays Date… B.. Brenda.. B…
M.F.B…13.. 6 2../ 26 31…
B.18 43 16 34 F.M.

And yes, I am a grown man, who almost wept today with the sheer fatigue and frustration of this equation, and plays continued power to prolong….

But I can give 48 hours…

7:14 P.M.

Because of the Evidence of Facts aligning.

Bed 4-013 who, put the Lights on at 5:58 am..
I knew was the play.. But Lord, I am exhausted.
It was about getting up early, but it also demanded my response, because it was done as a direct challenge, and I recognized that I was being asked to respond based on my post of not keeping quiet. I resented having to once more play my part in such a crude setting.
But finally I roused myself to respond, which took me away once more from my desire for Blessed Quiet.
And of course, it led to his challenging me to a fight, or more threats. A Conquering of his fear and the play of the post of people desiring to see you fall.. but not really.

I was not even angry, not in the slightest as I played my part.
And called most of the men MICE…M.I.C.E for again letting me express the collective Indignation of the lack of courtesy.
And I listened to Jose in bed 4-005, secret his glee.
“People Respect me here, I do not allow such expressions”
I wanted to roll my eyes at such infantile plays with grown men.
I recognized this as the same play in room 5A being repeated but this time it was cleaner.

I went down stairs to see Rosario of room 5A, who has been treating with respect and Jose Anthony Roque.
I told Dee, the young woman serving the food whose daughter turned 8 on July 28th, that I might be leaving in 48 hours.
“Don’t leave me”.. I smiled, “If I leave in the next 48 hours, it means a beautiful thing for you, I promise, I told her” She smiled.
I had to tell her to make it real.

Rosario Mario of bed 5-008 informed Dee, infront of me that he was leaving tomorrow, that he had found an apartment.
Paul Franklin is also leaving, he too had found been given an apartment but was not leaving until a few more days.
I knew I am meant to leave before Paul because of the old play with the Doctor with the Justice.. M’aat Emblem and the appointment which Paul was meant to have but was switched for me to take it because he had not been present.

Rosario had some coffee and Jose, forgetting himself ( but obviously in Harmony) told Rosario to give it to me, since I was mixing the Coffee grinds in the coffee maker.
He left them on the counter and I took them without thinking, realizing in Hindsight the code.
J.A.R..R.M…E.K… 5 17.. 5-8…4-4…. It was the completion of the code of Delta Manor…
Bed 4-013 ..Whose portal I had to pass through of who gets the credit for putting on the Light.. Not electric but Natural Light- which is what I had told him when I put the Light off.
Use Natural Light…
4-013..Is D.M… Darren Morneau was the last like I saw on my page. And had texted me that he too had been through Hell..
( Ah but not and nowhere near as mine… that was the challenge I had left unanswered which then played out in this Space. Would you dare to compare, or is it simply your expression of going through a Hell of your own. Which I could understand because that room for all of us is an experience of Hell and the guy in bed 4-013 had finally had enough but took it out on me.
I have no desire to be the Head, or spokes person in a Shelter or even for the World.
I just wish to go home to Blessed Quiet.

And that was made real, and true by my meeting Lisa Natalie Johnson here, and spending the last 3-4 hours conversing with her, and bringng her up to par with the codes and the play, as if I was.. ( I was) handing over the World, I had cleaned up ( yes you will get the evidence) to her.
But not before, discovering that the Document I had written about how the Awakening Manifest which I had written caled the Covering Letter, in which I will post some of its pages in a moment… I discovered it in my locker because of Rahul..
I thought that it was The Elegant Nomad. But Rahul told me that he had a the copy of it and returned it to me which caused me to wonder what was in my Locker… It was the Covering Letter.. C.L.. A Sacred document which I had written in Albert Santans home in May 2010… 5-10…
And not in Marina Burini’s home.. where I had edited it to become 54 pages.
This one was 37 pages!
2017.. 37…And it was the Document which I gave Lisa to read, but kept with me, and handed her three other documents…
The Eulopgy to my Grandmother Mama Dawn.. M.D.. Healer.
The Freedom Song… F.S.. Feeling Sensational
And The Festival of Paylasmak.. Sharing which was the Boogie of the The Awakening of the Planet I had designed in 1999 for Bodrum Turkey.. B.T.. Beautiful Truth.

This is the gift to the World I leave behind, which I will not be part of for I become Beautiful Sadness.. I know this now.
And my sister Line Beautiful Joy… Joy to the World, sacred portal 1A.
There can be no great Joy for me after this play, but that does not mean that I deny it for the World.
Let them have Freedom- Feelings Sensational, Let them have Dawn.. 517..E.Q.. 58..Eternal Harmony..4-4…4-16…Dawn Piercy.. I will not bergudge the World and People that because of my experience…
and let them have 4-013… 4-13..D.M..Divine Manifestation..
Transformation Divine of Body from Death to Taste True Life.. T.L.. B.C..E… The Beautiful Truth of the Beautiful Pasts Perfection..
Rep Brenda Booth, Peter her husband and Kemail her son, who are now at Atlantic City..
B.P.K… Beautiful Pride Kolo.. K.. 11 10.. 10 11..
To See Gala XY 10 11.. I.C…C.I..

7:56 p.m.

I am tired, tired of fighting and being angry shocked.
I will never forgive, but that is personal and does not mean I become Selfish and begrudge the Original Gift and Intention of E..
Just let me be and have blessed Quiet and Peace…

Oh yes, and I saw Lilian 74, who surprised me by giving me 15 usd..
And she bought me coffee.. And Rosevelt who is a 69 or 71 year old was there, he wanted to buy me some cake.
I politely declined. “Seeing you has made my day, made me so happy” 8:00 p.m.. He surprised me by saying..

Ms Lilian told me how she wished someone would do the same for her Daughter and Grandchildren when she was gone.
I got the hint.. It was for this her Espirit had given me 15 usd. Just as Brenda’s Espirit ( not her.. she did it out of Love) gave me the marked Ten Usd bill, to pay for my time.. extra time.. 48 hours… I was too tired to be angry..
Last night I had been furious.. today all I feel is Shame for the Forces behind this.. Shame sadness…
I asked their names.. Alexis.. Quincy and Cameron.. It is Cameron’s birthday tomorrow.. Q is 11 and C is 9..
11 9… K.I… /.. No longer 911..
119 is my Alien Father Sacred Portal 149…
And So it is done….

E is A.. Alexis is the Cousin of DEE in the Shelter…
I told Cheryl the nurse who was less enthusiastic..
Cassandra my Case Manager was out on the field..
“Just in case I decided to end the play by taking the Shelters Aid and saying Fuck the Eternal Harmony Equation..

A..E.Q..C An Energy Quantum Consciousness / Creation.

A E.Q..C… E.Q. E.H..DEE… Inside (Delta) Outside ( M.W.. Milky Way…Star Bucks..)

And then I saw a message from Will Woods at 1:33 p.m.
He sent me my Face Book Video…”Video Emeka Kolo”
V.E.K… Victor Emeka Kolo.. S.P 86.
To my astonishment it has 471,878 views…

Do the Math.. 47 18..78… 4 71 878… It links to both Ms Lilian 74 Lisa Natalie Johnson 1-1-71…And to Larry and Larry from the shelter who came here yesterday, to my quiet surprise and stood in front of Larry… And Finally Larry Sax.. 19 47.. Aligned to my Mother Onuabuchi Cecilia…

LL..LL.. 48…L.L…60.. Add Lucy my grandmother linked to Lisa Natalie Johnson Brenda… 72..+ 3… 75…

8:20 p.m.
280 on the Ten Dollar Bill from Ms Brenda..

Brenda..Meaning “Both Sword and Torch..”
Peter the Rock…
Kamail.. “Perfection”

Sword of Excalibur … Author of the Round Table..
Torch in the Rock Solid Truth -Perfection Exist even the deepest Darkest Pit of Non Exists… I exist and thus Non Existence does not Exist…

8:24 p.m..

And so Lisa Natalie Johnson showed me images of herself, photos of her morphing into so many Women..
My Name is Woman Said She…
But what struck me was when she stood up to show me how her body is also as mine, twisted, I saw the Super Model Dilone! The One I used as the Art Science in my Locker recall..
She is the one in Sacred Portal 83/ 38..
The Crossing Guard leaving the Play and Script on his Ladies Lines Beautiful Behind.. ” B B.. B B…

8:28 p.m.

There.. perfect symmetry full circle…

8:29 p.m…

1:29 Lisa Natalie Johnson to 6-29 Brenda

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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