
8/1/2015 11:48 – Facebook Post

8/1/2015 11:48 – Facebook Post

11:O2 A.M.





I have a New Facebook Friend.

Hello and Welcome Valerie Freeman…to what can be described as the last scene of a play of what can be called First Contact and “Enterprise” Evolution Awakening…
F.C ..E A.E.

As you might percieve by my rather bold assertion that I am not seeking to convince anyone about what I am experiencing, witnessing and doing…
Why bother?
The world is so full of Charlatans, people making so many claims that it is simply a waste of time to even bother seeking to convince anyone of what I am experiencing.

And when you have the Truth, on your side, it makes it even more insulting to have to fight for the Truth to be recognized.
The Truth simply IS.
It Responds echos reverberates and manifests for all to see and experience, whether they are ready or not, believe it or not.
The Truth is not dependent on the beliefs of humanity but rather simply IS

It is this advantage which I have relied on for the last 14 yrs in New York where I was “summoned” from Istanbul to New York to Land the Energetic Star Ship Enterprise E.A..5-1
(E Rose Well, 19..51…19=S, E.A…Sea…C…
Aphrodite Afro dit E)…
Phoenix Arizona
Poughkeepsie Albany…
Praise Appreciation
Gratitude Expressed
Filled the Void with.
-The Truth.

And Truth is Solid Fact.
It can be touched and experienced by other than the Being pointing out that Truth.

Which is now being experienced by Lord Jonn Blackwell and Lady Donna O’Sullivan..
The Witnesses chosen by the E line to witness this Truth

Why them?

Because of the choices that thier ancestors made of yes no yes no…
Because of the choices they made in thier individual life’s.
Because of the work they did to keep themselves clean and open minded and human…
Because the E.T was kept alive in them by thier Paying Attention…P.A.

Public Announcement…

The Mouth Piece….

It’s is the Doors of perception..A.Huxley.
A H…

What I am talking about is why they have been chosen to be the represent the mouth pieces to witness this event first hand…
Which of course, creates a ripple effect simultaneously of all humanity which they represent vibrating on the 5:28 Frequency.

Valerie Freeman…
Valerie means “Brave Valiant Srong”… Free Man.

The Brave Strong Valiant Freeman.
11:43 am

22 6…
To V.F
I came into the home of Lord and Lady 18 through a Portal 6 which Jonn led me to.
6 is the meaning of the name Ceclia, my mother’s name…It also means blind but in this last scenario, it proves that the meaning behind of my mother’s Name aligned to her Being and the line she represents is they C Harmony I.E.

11:47….11 11…11.28…11 39….K.C.I.
11+39= 5O.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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