
7:O1 p.m.

7:O1 p.m.

G:O.A..7-O-1..G Note (G-Ode Aria-D.N.E) Full Circle complete at 1.

7-1..71..8…87..56..11 1.


*La of 6th Sense of 2.H…Two Harmonies T.H.

Thantos (Death Sleep..Peaceful Death..his sisters are the bringers of violent death)

Hypnos (Hypnotized Spell Sleep..Roma Somnus..Sum Nu’s Sum Nous)

Erebose (Land of Darkness Beyond the Rising Sun.. yes, the Beyond as E)

Oneiroi (Dreams…One I Roi…One I King)…


Theoi is the name for the Gods in Greek.

Which aligns with the on going Race to the End of this 45 Month play of First Contact- being a play created where our ability and Awareness of the link, between the Seen and the Unseen…And our ability to read and respond to their prompts…

Proving our right to First Contact…and Evolution by understanding the I.


First Contact with the Examples…

Yourselves existing in a parallel dimension the

Right now we are at 452 Face Book friends…

Which has been a Recorder and Barometer, which I have been using to Navigate this play of Evolution Awakening


Through solving the final equation of Sixth Sense is the Equation Harmony..

For the past 5 months- to the date will be tomorrow..

I have found myself solving the Riddles of Gods…

Daimones (Spirits- Nature) and Theres (Fabulous Creatures)

all based on the Roman Greek Cosmology- tracing them back

through Persia India (Proto Indu European)..P.I.E…

And then back through Hebrew-Egypt Ethiopia Nri linking it full circle to O.I.N.R.I.N.R.I.O.S..8…

A Full Circle of expression from the Mouth


Note of power…

See sacred portal 69…

Full Circle..


Universe Sound…

And then Beyond this River Styx of Lady Nyx


O In R (18=A.H) In the River..

The All encircling River of the Truth of Everything…



Spilt Speed would be Hermes Mercury..

The Messenger…Silver Surfer…

The Messenger, who rides of the Dark, Rich Blue Black W.A.V.E,

Krishna Christo.. Myrrh of the Beloved Voice and Word, anointed with Truth…

T-Rue Love…From Beyond the of God and the Source of that power of Ohm- of Creation…

Beyond the Full Circle of the Cee (See) of the Sum total of the Sources Reflection..

Going down into the Mouth of God beyond the Full Circle of the One God manifested back from the Many Gods and transformed back into one..

Then down the Throat, the Fifth Dimension Entry Point, linking the Sixth Sense to the heart as 6 and 4, the Ceiling to Roof 7 Crown..4-1, 6-7…

Linking the last two lines into one Line, 46..1 O…1=One Full Circle..

And then, in an instant disappears like Water Evaporating in Thin Air

Manifesting in another World, The True World existing here now on Planet Earth. perfectly aligned with their True View of Existence..

Consequently, we have finally opened up a portal – Worm Hole right from beyond which has finally an opening in this very World…

Star Wars..

More Like the Movie called Dune..

Will you find the last chapter of this 5 Months Mountain View Play…

Of transforming with Alchemy (Wit and Magical Thinking, Linking -Weaving)

from Legend, Myth…

Realms of Imagination Fantasy A.N.D-D.N.A.. Memory..

Recall the Existence of our First and one True Family..

Whom Exist Beyond the Realm of the 3rd Eye..

but in the Realm where there were just Two..


The Origins of Everything…

The Source O.F..O.H…

And All Harmonious Expression

Beyond even the Nothingness called

True Nature..

And yes I a addressing even now, the both the Seen and the Unseen..

the E.E…Within and Outside of you, Us All.

Welcome Amy Fachion…

Amy we already know means Beloved Dearly Loved..

And by linking two facebook friends who share the same name, we can read the code..

Amy Mc Tear

Amy Harper Willis

Amy Fachion…

Fach is a German word which means Field, Expertise,

Wikipedia quotes..

The German Fach (pl. Fächer, literally compartment or also subject (of study), here in the sense of (vocal) specialization) (German pronunciation: [‘fax, ‘f?ç?]) system is a method of classifying singers, primarily opera singers, according to the range, weight, and color of their voices. It is used worldwide, but primarily in Europe, especially in German-speaking countries and by repertory opera houses.


The Vocal Range of Sound…

Do Re Mi Fa So La!! Ti D..OE..Ti.D.E…

Code name Donna O’Sullivan…57 58..

55 78..55 87…

Please Observe in my Albums the corresponding Sacred Portals…

Thus, Yuin the Silver boxed Japanese Silver Cube Box containing Head Phones..H.P…(The same computer which I am using called H.P..Sream..Dts Sound Studio..Intel Inside), which Jonn was moved unconsciously, unaware of the perfect timing or even the meaning of each timely gift, was something from Beyond his awareness or perception was moving him to present each gift..in perfect timing of a play.. Recorded and Reported each day on Face Book…

Yuin means Universal Sound.. that was the gift Jonn Blackwell gave to me, and I discovered that Yuin means in Mandarin Cantonese is Universal Sound

Ear-Phones..E.P..for Private Hearing..

My Case..

Voice B.OX..Is a Posting Office and a Sorting House aligned with the Stomach…

And through the Christ Krishna Sananda Voice… it enables the True to See the Arrival of the Silver Surfer in his realm finally manifested from the Unseen to the Seen as solid fact that Hermes is Truth…Hypnos Thantos.. The Twin

Tom David Alexander Yoseph…


Thantos Hynpos are both E, Erebos Eros -EE=E..Beyond E.B…

Which as in all cases reported on Face Book, on my Sacred Page for the last 45 months and since 2OO1, to 2O15, that there is a Wave moving from Beyond your Awareness coming from a Point from Beyond..

called the literal Eternal Real Erebos Eros, where the Silver Surfer set foot from land, and down in through a portal of the Source of the Christ Krisna..Lady Echo Diana Luminous Moon…

And Enter this real of D.H.E.U…Thantos Hypnos Erebos Oneiroi As Erose Hermes E.H..(E), riding the First Wave, moving through the Expression of the Line and the O Circle linked to one line and meaning..

He moved through the foundation of the sea bursting forth from the Spring in the Rock (Pegasus!) out like Eternal Heroes of legend of Old, out of the Mouth, of the Sea and riding the Waves of each Full Circle, riding the Wave the Cee, the Tunnels… The Waves are also fold and create Tunnels..

A messenger through all the Arteries…

A Messenger of Light to Remember you can not forget, that this is the Truth


And so the Equation of Daimones Theres Dios, Supremes D.T.S (Studio Sound)..

Affirms through Amy Fach ion…A.F/F.A..

that 1-7 Chakras of All this Existence was and is created from One Harmonious Sound..O.H.S..Oh’s..Ahhh’s…

Sex equates to Six Senses..

One and Same…linked as 8…

-Has thus aligned all these fabulous Legend Myths and Fables back to to thier truth

Make It Real…

And that is what I am aware, I have done while astride in the Realm of Beyond Good and Beyond Evil…

Still the Beautiful Truth will prevail over the Ugliest Truth and point of view if those who put themselves, and their point of view first..

Even though nothing they say is of Truth…

But instead they are being moved by the truth which conquers all Lies, because if you have a body then you are always moved by the Truth… To reveal the Beautiful Truth as well as the Truth you have chosen to incarnate..

Thus aligning the three Amys… lets us observe the equation..




MT..is Mountain…

H.W…is H.O.W…Question Mark…

Code name Marcos Quintero Quint-Eros (Quint means the number 5 in Spanish) MQ..Add D..David Amy Both meaning Beloved Dearly Loved…D.A..Defense Attorney.. D.+ A= E…

So the missing equation Q.M was a question from Mar, Mars, (Mars Bars) of the 5th dimension How..

And the response was it the Equation was missing the D=4..


Missing the Que-E.N.S.A.O…

8 23…There is no Double W in the French Alphabet while in English it is pronounced Double U…Letter U=21..B.A. (Egyptian BA)


F…= 6th Sense.. Vision of the Silver Surfer Messenger is


Alexander Myrrh Yoseph…

Alexander Mary Yoseph

Alexander Mohamed Yueshua..

A.M.Y…M.T. D.F…Mount D.F..46..Sacred Portal 46..

First Drop….

Beloved, Dearly Loved David Francis…

1O..A O..Alpha Omega…



8:58 p.m.

Completion of the Equation play of the Fifth Dimension in One..

18 Mountain View..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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