
7:59 pm. – Ah 8 p.m. – This is Sa

7:59 pm.
Ah 8 p.m.

This is Sacred Portal 48.

Aligned to John Mack’s intell.

David Hodges
Beloved Spear.
B S. 2 19 South Whitney.

Yes, he looks Vietnamese.

/E.S. E MAN T Twenty USD JB-E.I.V.

confirmed by the recent proliferation of Vietnamese Facebook Friends.
Yes, Tuan Quan.
But I am undercover as is Nnamdi.

He is actually Japanese.
Which you can see from my page sacred portal 15 & 55 to 57, 75 to mention a few. infact I was off to Japan after what I thought was a brief stay in New York completing the play.
And was somewhat taken aback when my discovered that my younger brother had met A Japanese young woman on the place when they were both moving to Winnipeg Canada, I was a bit surprised and suspicious and when they were married in 2002, and I just managed to attend…

*”(2009) said that the Japanese and Vietnamese people are regarded to be a mix of Northeast Asians and Southeast Asians who are related to today Austronesian …”

Nana my last Lover was from Japan and Austria.

**”France: 486 AD
San Marino: 301 AD
Portugal: 900 Years Old
Greece: 4500 BC
Ethiopia: 5 Million Years
Japan: 15 Million Years Old
China: 2100 BC
Armenia: 6500 BC
Iran: 620 BC
Egypt: 6000 BC
India: 2500 BC
Vietnam: 4000 Years Old
North Korea: 7th Century BC”

You do see?

Japan is 15 million years and thus the oldest.

Then Ethiopia. 5 million.

before that, there was only Africa Pangea as the One Land Mass.

I am a little caught off guard that I am coding this, but at least I can see why, and it’s all Beautiful Truth now.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr just confirmed it after his visit to see Serenity at Bushnell Park.

His intel of Death was also correct in the Arabian Egyptian story as the Mummy- Skeleton code of Arabians having invented the concept of Zero 0 with the Indians Hindu. Hinds-ight.
But we have moved on, from 8:26 pm and right 8:27… nope 8:28 pm.
They did not create non existence did they

15 million is letter O.
It is 555 EEE Nile Virus-sel.

J A.P. A N. Nnamdi 4-5- 69 really 5-4 -69


J- O.
Jay 96= 15.
J A E.

No Jae Sherman here,

J 15 is
Japan A-E,

E- J.
E Jeron

E JAY and Tuan.

Bed 49 in 2015 when I was moved to the Assessment Shelter at Green Point Avenue.

Aurelia Gemino is age code 15.

49 to 94.
9/6 69= 15 1+5= 6 hence 9 is really 6 Sixth Sence I Fact is when 6th sense unseen is completed by its manifestation from Unseen to See as represented here on my page for 9.8 years.

This image and face of death was how Nnamdi and yes, I really looked as witnessed by my sacred portal drawings.

Jay J A.PA. O.. N- E-O.

E Jay: O N E O

E.J.A “O N E”. S F.

E J: O N E S P.

8:42 pm

8:43 pm better, sich of the story of ARDEN -42.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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