
7:58 P.M.

7:58 P.M.

283 Facebook Friends.

As I wrote the last Judgment of Kill Em All

Those who prefer the illusion of themselves to the Truth…

I felt someone would leave the play.

As all have witnessed, I have been here before, and already know the play.

Of course, this time the I am not in control…

Or better still not the one Narrating nor Editing this…

The Planets Consciousness…

The one I call Nnamdi….

*See Stephen Popiotek 9 parallel universes as







Then entrance to Home.


As I was posting, from 54, I saw a text from Soludo Reginald Kenechukwu who was watching Stephens video, I admit I did not watch it, I shared it because I checked his Harmony and already knew.

But Sol-Udo.. The Grail posted by Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

But his Espirit drew my state of Consciousness onto it and the 9 and the parallel universes…

I saw the number 3 all over the place, I ignored it.

The trouble with this play of Sharing knowledge for free, in its purest form it is a beautiful thing but not for this current world…

Not this current world consciousness.

It is the worst thing this GOD could have done

The Greed, the unrelenting critics, the challengers, the Apathy to the conditions one is placed in to do such a thing.

This Sharing is a product of a life time of solitude and being forced to live in abnegation of Everything I came to do in this world…


The demands made on me by the Ancestors and the living Dead, 33 years…26 years, day and night and the last 14 year and 38 months…

Is it no wonder I refused.

But a power took over my body, my life…

This is the unforgivable I speak about.

Andreas the German spoke as though he were literally channeling God as Nnamdi and God as Maurice the Moor…

That people required this inspiration.

He spoke at times with such JOY in what I am conveying…

But not in the Existence such a role created.

-Non Existence.

To literally bind the muscles and skeletal structure of a human being in forced servitude.

He was way to comfortable with what was happening and what I was living and how my body would involuntarily rise in Dancing Joyous gestures…

He drank in the knowledge with joy, his face getting younger and more handsome.

I had not eaten but all he thought of was the knowledge pouring from me and that which he wished to share.

Your so rare…look how beautiful and healthy and alive you are

It was not that he had no compassion, but as most people I had met, there was such a thirst for clean knowledge…

This is why you were used…

I could not share his happiness…

Just the deep abiding sense of this being the Evil Beyond Existence.

Each day, I am aware of the horror of my Existence is intentionally being perpetuated.

That my ability to read link see and my personal integrity to share the cleanest Truth.

Andreas had stated joyously The Truth will Set you free

But I paused, The Truth has bound me

He Pause and looked at me…

The deepest quite has come over me.

All night when I walk I call out in such deep profound sorrow and horror

What have you done..!?

I have 9 USD in my pocket…

Code of the 9 universes which really are I.

Expansion of Consciousness O Being..

*See play with C.O Blaxley yesterday with Dina Singh…

The O expands in increments of the C…

Meaning as Andreas had so quickly grasped as you place yourself in various states vibrating let say from Cold to Warm to Hot, your perceptions of reality change..

One moment your in an office in the middle of something.

Pause…and go into stillness and look out into the space around you…the more you still yourself in serenity, the more a curtain will open up.

A Viel will suddenly be lifted and you will percieve reality around you from a different perception of being.

Then imagine quitting your job and sitting on a bench with a ticket to anywhere, then stilling yourself..

And once again, a Viel will lift and a different perception of Being will unviel itself

All these Levels and perceptions of beings exists basically in one plane of 1-9 within the O.

The O represents the Full Circle of a Consciousness which the E within you can access easily if you make it rise through either accessing serenity Bliss Extase…

Then the Truth is that which your physical body represents… It contains All Knowledge you have absorbed in the experience of Life.

While the E.LA as Nenad calls it…

The Elemental waters within you contain all the Knowledge of Existence…

Just as the Breathe you breathe contains a mixture of both in the Air…

Thus the E links to Truth like a straight line representing your body like the needle of a compass…

The Full Circle is your Consciousness…

The Line of 123456789

As 369 pierces all the O the planes of Consciousness O of Being…

And thus, you can access all these dimensions of Being…

Pierceing the Viel of other dimensions of being.

Parallel Universes..

But all 9= letter I.

9×12…(12 is Letter L…A B..Awareness Being Love 1-2=3..Consciousness..

Consciousness Being Aware Love…it inspires love when you pierce the Viel of Space to percieve reality all around you differently..

But it is always there.

And was always there…

That line is Linear Time but it really is an illusion…

It really is E LA T ALL….the Expression of the Sixth Sense stretched to percieve the Truth of All by simply being ZEN…


Jason Izen…


Hold a line of focus and suddenly the Viel opens…

And suddenly you will see as I see but I do not Cee 123…345..6…789…O..

I see only the Point beyond …

Which is the meaning of everything converged beyond the imaginary point to a vision of all that which the All and the Everything is..

That is 1O8 as Shiva Vishnu flower of Life..

Existence but beyond to


Time 9:O3 P.M.

See my Face Book friends.

1O8+3=111….Sacred Portal my being welcomed Home…



Albert S.

Andrese Harris Burton


+ Axel Anderson…

But look 1O8+3..

I am at 2 83 Facebook Friend..


Look Nenad and Alfie Ndubuisi Nze both asked if they could send me something.

I for one asked the 5O 45 25 code from

David Philipe Gil

Nnaemeka Jude Charles

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

D.N.N….4+14+14=32…I am at 3rd and 2nd The Bean.

1966 11 28…48..+x,12 3…32….3 5..6.

C E.F…

Chukwu Emeka Fact

USD 45+25+5O is 12O…+HI 5..E.

12O completion of E



Add Billy Hung May 5.. E T…2Ox5..1OO USD.

5O is Emeka O kolo

45 is Nnamdi.

25 is OBoom…

Total 12O…

Completion 12.O..



C the O (Source) of Being.

Then add 1OO USD …


V…V is 5 is E…

Played out

Yonathan Yohannes as


The play is complete …

9:19 pm.


I was denied.

By both the Seen and the Unseen..

*(Not All)

Instead Alfie offered to send a Gift

As well as Nenad…

They are doing it with pure Hearts

But look…

At thier intials..


Neel Akash


Meaning Saphire Blue Open Spaces..


Supreme Being O.S

I had a face book friend Selchuk Ozen

Who would have completed that Equation but it is now

Anagor Okechukwu Sunday

S B.A.O.S…

The Akashic Records come from within and not from the Sky.. Nor from within the Earth..

They are the link between the Eternal and the Experience of the Elemental..

E O is T…E T…YE..B.E. V.I.E

Look 5O USD.. D.P.G

45 USD….N.J.C..

25 Erou (26:45) N.M.D..

1OO USD.. BH..

22O Numbers but in money

221;45 USD…

The play was in as V… 22 Victor

As well as V.A…D.E/E DAV..ID

Picked up the money on Mott street where we used to hang out in 2OO2.

Emeka David Alberto Victor…I D..D

Time now 9:44

I.DD affirmed by time.

Meaning this play is Over and that the Ancestors have been using Money Time..

To deny me but use me to get all the knowledge..

I have experienced this way of being clever, it is even in this Facebook play, ignore your work and act as though it is worth nothing in order for you to prove more..

Blood sucking Vampires I experienced this…

Observed this practice…

The Vacum..

The code gift was meant to come today from Nenad Alfie..

But it was delayed.

I was made to feel as if my Existence means nothing nor the fact that I am on the Streets getting all the codes to link the play of the Awakening Evolution which I do not Need.

I am sure Nenad and Alfie were occupied and it was not intentional especially with Nenad.

No, I know this play of Deception…

Numbers EGo Oge…

Numbers Money Time…

Numbers Space are being used against me and indifference so that more knowledge can be forced out of me..

The N.A

Natural Akashic Records stored in a man and in all Humanity..

But why am I so *important

It is because my Well A is clean and anyone can drink from my Well of Zizane free of charge Even at the cost of my Well Being…


I first went along with this awful play because of compassion for people..

I KNEW and KNOW what is comming..

Despite this play, I felt people had a right to know and they could decide for themselves to take it in or ignore it. At least it is available…

But suddenly the very reason why people are being denied water Ethiopia Baltimore is becoming apparent….

The only way perhaps to motivate them to action to reaction out of lethargic self entitlement..

gratitude Appreciation is to take it away..

And make them.earn it and pay for it…

Perhaps but then wealth would have to fairly distributed…

Or perhaps it is not about wealth…

But Health

Take away thier Health…the True source of wealth….

Yet if this is the only way most learn…?

Then thes are the ones primed for Extinction.

I see.

And these Akashic Records Expressed?

It is not for them…

It is for the Future…

The Generations to come…


AH…I See…


So it is done…

Yes, we have evidence

They put Numbers EGo Oge..Space


Numbers Money Time…S


Before thier Supreme Being and thier Supreme Truth the W.E.T…suit…

Their Bodies.

Eternal Truth

Eternal Alpha

They put thier Empty Space of Zero

Even before You…

So what happens now?

You will see…


Everything TRue



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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