
7:55 p.m.

7:55 p.m.


Emeka K (K=11..twins 2-1..B.A) links

Yonathan Yohannes…



+x..16-7..G Grace..G-Ode…

(Graceful Ode to Existence Creation Harmony)


*Pls note the time of post 7:55pm.

Sacred Portal 55 is Arrival from the Back of Sensie Self Mastery.

YY is 25th letter in the Alphabet… 5O.

(O is the 15th letter in the Alphabet)



This Aligns with Facebook Friend Lord YE…(Meaning Light)

Whose 5Oth birthday is today.

Along with Adriano Bencini A.B.

Adriano means Water

Bencini comes from Benivenici..

Meaning Well Being Come to us.

If we add the equation of Meanings of

Today’s date


(11+x…2 I




Top to bottom 213-2-8…B.A.C…B.H

Bottom to top: 312…C.A.B…B.H…

Across BB V H



Then add Emeka Kolo Yonathan Yohannes

-YE Adriano Bencini …


And in literal meaning Well Done Perfect Sphere (Circle Filled) with the Grace of the Creator Creation front to back Circle Filled with Light and Water of Well Being come to.us…

E.O…(5O) +5O…YY 25+25=5O. YE is 5O.

5O/5O is 1…+ 1OO…Pan Pam..

Code name Sacred portal 1OO

Code (G.C.E..ODE)

Code represented in Being Facebook Friend (FF 66..123)

Infinity Omen-A-la Ora-Nike.


I= 9..

Nuno Ordens Miguel…Emmanuel




Yonathan as all witnessed on Facebook play who I located through a marked in code 5 Dollar Bill while at 😯 Balthazar where I went to the 666 Equation as Add (Joseph means Add) 6+6+6= 18…A.H…at B East…to the Beast.

Where I rushed to 2nd and 3rd The Bean Csfe

* Note Beaeous BE.AM designed to me by Lord Orien Laplante…

And B.E.A.N…M.N-N.M…add perfect Sphere O.

N.O.M….Nuno Ordens Miguel…

Pan Pam…PAPA..N.M…NOM…

Meaning Name…

E Freedom.Song..

E Feelings Sensational.



I sat down and within five to ten minutes a tall beautiful young man who was an exact cross between myself when not tired by this 22 yrs play and my younger brother Nnamdi.

He asked for a ciggarete…

And we sat down…and the rest is a Hi Story …

He was born June 22..1992.

The Very day recorded in my Journals Talking to the Silence atl 25 years of age, I write A Pause to Reflect

A.P.T..R – A Point R as in R.. Richard Schooping…

And 1-8..A-H!

Authoring Harmony

Quote by Lady Siththy Ameena in early 2O13..


Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna…

6 F.. Fritz Venneiq…

9= I.

Of all that I had understood on my journey undercover from 89-92…

In the Middle of the year at the end of the 6th month..only for exactly to.the day go down into Death Coma to witness a Light whose experience, message Beauty Feeling Sensational sense of Freedom and Memory it gave me..

Of who I am…that I never wished to come

But I did..

For a Mission…

9:OOpm right now.

22 yrs later here I am.

Yonathan means The Gift of the Creator front and back is E.K-EE…YE Light which reflects on.the Water of well being within all which contains Clark Narayana…

That E.Truth.

Which links the E line in you.

Which I have demonstrated to.the point…

Of irritation exhaustion in a vacum of being which tries to suck out all the JOY of being in Existence..

The Miserly, the Competitive the Jealous the Envious… The never satisfied…


Is demanding what you have not truly Merited and earned and being jealous covetous envious of one who has… And punishing them by stripling away thier beautiful Existence layer after layer with mean and ungrateful expression until you believe there is nothing left.

But there is…

Response called Quiet Universal Expression

Then Bang….

E= Creator Creation light Beau Beautiful Expression of Come well done the Alpha Being Harmonious come to us…

I respond…

Is come to me..

B.A…Not A B is the code.

Being Aware

Of 2:1..3. .



All in 1.

O.F ..E Y..E…

9:12 pm.

I A B.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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