



Enders Game – Armada…




Before I begin I would like to Share this conversation I had with M.T..

The first we have ever really had…

Emeka Kolo to Michael Trahe

Tues 4:49 p.m.

…..who is the same age as Donna O’Sullivan whom I met at 18 Mountain view…. DO.S…Operating System.. Which I had to pass through, just as you did but which led to our linking and you enacting a play which it would appear by all the codes of 17 and it linked to bed 4017.. my room mate… 4017.. 57.. E.G.. Enders Game…? Yes- but that is a story.. of What.. An EG.. And Example…

Read the post… and you will realize I came to Rescueyour mind which never required rescuing.. you were undercover representing the line of the E.. Evolved beings who could not land here in their bodies because there was no language vocabulary here to land your Expression Consciousness.. The E Harmony..and this your line represents the Quantum Quintessential Transformation of the Mind Being which then signals the Transfiguration of Body and Being… Before the E line, including myself could land.. Our Consciousness had to be proven into reality in this Existence… And that Is what has been done… You were undercover waiting for this expression one the line of Manifest Truth… M.T… 13 20.. 33… 6…represent.. 3 6 9 12 3…15 18 21 3…1 2 1 2…6… Represent… Sixth Sense.. Transformed into a language which is Fact.. Solid.. And no longer fear based superstitious hockus pocus.. drivel that it has been lumped as in the Expression of this reality…

will Share this last Text to you id you do not mind…

TUE 10:18PM

Michael Trahe


Tue 10:18…( J.R… Balance of Robert.. Radiance…)

FEB 1st… ( F.=6- E=5.. B=2..1st =A)

1-2-1… A.B.A..


Out of all the books published in the world,

what if you had to find the book or story you were in to get out of the Matrix you were in…?

A Play in which you know that nothing is real, but everything is an experience a possibility which you HAVE to explore.

Cassandra- my Case Manager told me that Enders Game was the book she was required to read in the 7th Grade..

We are moving from 7-8… As one to 9..I… Infinity.

Most of you are aware of my calling myself The Creator, The Source, E.T.. based on what the play has reflected back at me, through these equations. Not by my own choice, or choosing.

And most of you are aware of my assuming that mantle, because in MY Story the cap fits…

How each wishes to understand the meaning of that is only relevant to the effect of those words on you.. what it stimulates…

But one thing I have never called myself is God, or a God…

Triashon called me all those names recently, acting so much like this very Delta Operating System D.O.S.. who has used Face Book Friends, Cyber Space as well as Space of this World, and people in my environment also in the Script of the Operating System to confirm…

I of course, have the memory of being The Creator, The Source, E.T…

And perhaps you will each all rise to that memory… or perhaps not..

Then a few days ago Traishon shut down, immediately after the E.P.T..N play…

And he turned into Doubt and Fear.. yet it was pure, it was clean.. it at momentarily stunned me and I reflected in the program Sum of their Betrayal for their Narcissists tendencies…

And he had turned to me, This is probably part of the play.. he said this sadly as he recognized his transformation…

And a part of me wished to implore, No you would not go so far- but my response was to immediately adapt…

And my first impulse was to destroy…

Until I stopped myself… What are you doing..?

He went into Fear..

What he has figured out just by our conversing is so much, how do you handle it..?

You deny you create walls of to discredit it, because it is overwhelming…

But did he discredit it, or did he simply challenge it because it made so much sense that he gave the answers himself..

And suddenly realized what he has been saying…

A Mirror, I was watching a mirror reflecting me, possibilities.. Possibly True…

And now Negation.. Possibility False… but there was no reason for it to be false.. Because it came from his reflection his Soul….

How do we deal with the seemingly impossible given to us…

Me, I went in a Fact Finding mission, which went so far, went to a place of such disbelief, not of being The Creator… But what could be done to The Creator…


I have been reading Enders Game, and as Armada, I am reeling from the exactitude of the the reflection of what I have lived since I was a boy…

These two stories reflect and translate into my experience so clearly that I have trouble absorbing it…

But no difficulty recognizing it.

The Cruelty the Evil and the Acceptance of the fact that they were doing Evil to this Kid, to these Kids.. I recognized, instantly from my own reflection through the years of weaving a picture of the Echo of what my Experience is.

Imagine taking everything you know away from you, even the knowledge of the Evolution Awakening Script which an outside source gave you to read and enact, and remember.. And then take it away, change it..

Many of you heard me announcing over over and over that it is all done…

Only to find myself back here… And you the General Public have no idea what that really felt and feels like…

I recover quickly, but inside there is a shock which goes beyond 100 Nuclear missiles going off.

And that I am going through Evolution… constantly confirmed…

And yet this is the Experience…

Experiencing it lastly in a Mental Health Shelter…?

No one can be this Evil…

It can not exist…

My physical body, the inability to get out of this story, this Script Play…

Solving and solving while right to sleep to rest, to have one persons by your side is taken from you over and over again..

Telling a world, over and over and over again… nothing…

Just going to bed in the worst place ever created to be the venue of such an experience.. An American Shelter…

For the Homeless- the one race of Humanity so despised by society no matter how political correct people try to be, and the system tries to act…

They are despised, from what I have experienced mostly unfairly…

For I have experienced then intimately, they are mostly tired..

Some warrant being despised but not for the same reasons as the public sees them- as a mirror of that which they are most afraid of…

Why the System became so powerful, preying on peoples greatest fear..

Their Self Worth.. Total Destruction of Ego..

No, the ones which make me heave, make me turn my head away is those who have succumbed to that Self Respect of 0..

Those who became beggars…

But truly beggars, not simply begging on the streets.,..

But those who have let go of all Self Respect…

Moe, a 42 year old boyish man who often works at the Food counter, calls out that thing out again and again…

A grown man in his 30’s was begging him for more food… Free Food which they serve enough of..

To Moe tirade, of disgust… Your begging!

The man, strong healthy, robust said, Everyone in a Shelter Begs

Will one of the most intelligent young men here, who being here is still a mystery to me, except that I noticed that he walks very slowly.. tall Elegant Intellectual…I do not beg he stated emphatically…

Nor do I, I responded.


I then came here, and saw Rahul, he had a smile on his face, the same smile I saw a day before…

Rahul had given me the Enders Game to read…

E.G.. 57.. Paul is 57..

He had told me about his fear, this Brilliant Full Bright scholarship 31 year old, had told me and even had fought me with a wall when I had asked him to buy me a coffee, because I wished him to recognize the value of the knowledge.. which he had said should be freely given to him…

*Not at such a price where I had no choice but to pass through his portal in a set play by the 4th Dimension Mental and Spirit world whose fear was the End of the World and this Species…

Who would do anything to… Anything to save it…

Why I never knew… Why but this is what Albert Santana had told me the first few years I had begun to live with him and he had such an access to that realm…

That I must succeed at all costs…

His children are now in his custody. he won the Battle..

Rahul whose Imagination and mind is so incredible that he is able to name anecdotes and books which are exact interfaces with the Actual and Literal experience of a person…

Doing what I have experienced non stop for the last 16 years…

After every Mission or Dimension I was stuck in, sometimes years, Months.. A book would appear… or I would watch a film which even my Hosts would recognize as the experiences we went through…

He is the one who had given me book Enders Game’

and ‘The Wizards First Lesson.. in which the Wizards journal is written by a Wizard called Kolo…

and the offshoots of the Books ‘The Sword of Truth The Seekers…

Literal reflections of the O.INri experience of my Grandfathers world and my Great Grandmother, Grandmother and my Mother…

He had told me about his fear of entering really in the world..

about traveling to other countries and to all these places he was applying for jobs…

How he saw the limitation he had placed on himself from not having a good Interface or Example…. of What Being is…

Something which I was aware of as myself when I was a kid, because I did not trust adults or those around me because I saw more clearly than they did..

And so he had lived in his Mind for most of his life, limiting himself, putting restriction on himself…

He was reading a book called Mind Set by Carol Dweck

( Yes…:) C.D…34… Carol means Praise D..WE..C.K

And had a conversation just after speaking to a company in San Francisco… S.F…With a young gifted girl called Lauren…

He had asked me to guess her name…a Test..

I was not only tired of Test but told him yet again that the code is about reading patterns and that is where the code came from..

And yes I could have probably figured it out…

Lauren Stephan… meaning the same thing…

But I am tired and the best way to read is in Hindsight…

That is what proves the codes.. not showing off..which I used to do by being able to read what would happen, people I would meet..

It served no purpose apart from making people have all these expectations of me instead of them seeking to study how I did it..

I knew that his sense of freedom of being limited by His mind set and then recognizing it, and where they came from was an even greater victory than he saw for himself personally…

Yesterday I had written about Steven and Stephen..

My University Room Mate with Nicky in 1983…

And then how I ended with Stephan in Paris as my Room mate in 1992 Dec when I went to the Light…

I could not help but be excited…

I have a new face book friend Laurelle Rethke…L.R…

And as I listen to him use the code… San Francisco.. S.F..

Stephen Filgueira… Feelings Sensational…

Lauren.. ‘Stephan.. Crowned with Laurels of Victory..

Carol Dweck.. C.D.. 34… i knew that he was mirroring and reflecting the codes I had solved in the 4th Dimensions…Right to Delta Manor Mental Shelter… D.. To myself and Will..W.E… To C.K… all the clothes including the winter jacket I got from Delta Manor…

To my last I.D Tag C.K Which brought me to Delta Manor…

Chukwuemeka Kolo… 311… Which is the number Cassandra had called to access the immigration lawyers.. Address 22 11…

How could I tell him, so I did not..

I just said, Promise me one day in the Future you will remember this moment and tell the world that Emeka said to me, that this is the signal that E consciousness has finally landed in this world…

That the Talking Heads.. have now entered their bodies…

that they had a good reason to be afraid.. to not wish to enter into this world..

These Gifted Children.. there was no interface that they could use to enter this world which was clean.

I had built mine from ground up by taking pieces of people truths expressed but perhaps not embodied…

I read and watched great artists whom I loved and read Autobiographies… and built a program and by the age of 25-26 had completed the story of Psychoanalysis of my Life and all those events which happened to me to be a total clean slate and which eventually enabled me to meet the Light when I was summoned with total recognition.. Ah home.. back to me!’ before I was sent back…

What I wrote on Laurelle Rethke page share, came as usual without premeditation…

It just came out, as all of these posts….

But I recognize as I read in Hindsight…

Enders Game and Armada are the not stories and they are Fiction which aligned to Fact…

This is exactly the reality I have lived, in this world…

Much more sophisticated, more subtle, Elegant and all encompassing of all the knowledge of Humanity as War.. Conflict and just how far they are willing to go…


And that there is no one to Truly know how literally true all this is.. until.. they know… Only the U.S..Universal Simulation and the Unseen know..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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