
7:50 pm. – The code 50 was on t

7:50 pm.

The code 50 was on the micro-wave as I left for C-Town.

I have already got the 7.
Yje Pme Alpha and only Being actually at 7. G.
so the 50.
Made in 7-50.
G.E.O.G.R.A.P.H. Y. H.Y is when Ferril Gemino was born 8-25-2000.
I was creating The Story Of Colors, at the time, in Istanbul, Turkey.

it represents The World -Planet Earth.
7 Seas and 5 Oceans ( or 4 in 1= 5.)
Oh, on Perfect Symmetry-Harmony.

Yes including Ukraine. Aka
E-U.K. ( Eucharist and Nathaniel- Obioma and Uche)

7:57 pm.

But just as I left, I received a message from Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka 2 mutual Facebook Friends at 6:11 pm, saying “Your Welcome”

6 11 is F.K.
Arden as Fredrick Knox.
And F.A. as Ferrill- Ferrel Arden
62 Facebook.

8:00 pm.

Do you understand?

And since this play transformed into Chess, was really Musical Chairs- M.C.
M.C/ C.M, and based on where you actually are seated at the end of the game, and the last one is the winner of the game.

* And please note, I have been here present through 20.11 teas in the U.S.A sent to all the 64 and add 2 I had already passed through, and met each Key Player including Arden Fred Knox Gemino.
Well you can undertstand what the lie as the past was really after.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
Kim Boriska
Kim Hufham

Kim means Gold.
Aurelia means Golden One.
Represented by Kim Arthur Hinds Jr & Anirbas Lem.

8:06 pm

47+36- 83.
Hartford Connecticut.
Anastasia Hart welcomed me when I first arrived “It’s Snowing outside Emeka at your arrival”

Snow Flake.
S.F.= 25. Y.

And then I note the aggression using sound made by Jae Sherman as I entered and put things away.

8:09 pm

269.49 USD is the last Ever Source Bill, which I left for Kim and Jae to pay for themselves.

8:11 pm.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr is K.H. H.A. Kamora Herrington 22 Mutual Facebook Friends.
22 Alabama State.

Then who is H.K?
I.K. the correct Face?
If not I?
And I am not here present in Harford Connecticut aligned to Harmony Consciousness.
I Created.

Jae Sherman by the way, says she was born in 1975.
It does not work that way- it is Merited. And in this play, Merited and Earned via publicly Transparently Being & Doing.


8:17 pm.

Intelligence= Life.
Infinite Limitless.
E.U.K Raine.
Raine Maximus Rodriguez Santana.

I am currently at 3611 Facebook Friends.
C-F.K. Fort Knox
Chuwkuemeka Fort Knox.
US.And World Treasury.
Alexander Hamilton,
Sacred Portal 97.
Chief D.N Umeano Treasurer of the Umunri Council of Chief-Kings.

My Happiness has arrived?
My Wealth has come?

@Olumide Olasanmi- Hmm I can not seem to Tag him?
How strange.
That is what his name means Afterall,
Where is it?

I walked to the 1544 C-Town Supermarket and spent 59.43 USD.

I instantly knew what it means.
Sacred Portal Elegant Imagery 2 Mutual Facebook Friends
and Sacred Portal ( The Portal- Stephen Johnson – Connect-I cut. Diamond- Die A Mode,- Stephen Popiotek will understand what that means “Robert Clark” Round Circle- Kolo meaning in Slavic, who during World War 2, the Parisiennes called then The Beautiful Ones) The Portal, The Baker Family.

And yes Sacred Portal 59 and 43.

I am fully aware of that plan to keep me here to experience Sacred Portal 59.
I have and still moved through it to Sacred Portal 43 “Door of Life, and E.I.D. C. E.F. Eternal Fact.

Well, here are my new and most recent Facebook Friends.

Diana Jacqueline D.J.

Leanne Sarika L.S.

Odinaninaajani Igboamaka O.I.

Actually, they arrived as O.I. L.S.D.J.

But let me code it as D.J.L.S.O.I.

It’s better.

Dee Jay Le- Soi.

Soi is a french word meaning *[swa ] pronoun. oneself. avoir confiance en soi to be self-confident.

To have Self Confidence, to Be Self Confident.

*”What does soi mean in French? ; self-control, composure, self-control; il va de soi ; it is obvious; sûr de soi adjective; confident, self-confident.”

Self Control, Composure, Self Confident.

Poise, I, Don.E.

*”6 days ago — soi. noun [ pronoun, personal ]. /swa/. ? (individu). représente la personne qui parle. self , one’s own , oneself.”

To represent the person who is speaking. Self. Ones own Self.

S.E.L.F= 42.
Meaning of Existence.

It also means *”
Acronym Definition
SOI Statement of Intent”

Statement Of Intent.

8:48 pm

Which I have made Crystal Clear right in your Dreaming- Nightmare.
8:48 pm.

8:49 pm

and 10 J


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