
7:47 pm – 7:48 pm right now. – S

7:47 pm

7:48 pm right now.

So that does it for intel and Evidence AY Proof Facts of Jae Sherman duplicity of being in league with the 3 this whole time,
And yes I was aware, but I seemed to have to provide evidence, to eye witness proof to Fact till today the Burden of Proof.

7:51 pm.

I am now at 4019 Facebook Friends.
Donna O Sullivan.
Delta Operating Systen.

Dharma O Full Circle Santana.
Eternal Truth Satya- Veritas, Ezi Okwu as the Path which becomes your Truth, or proves you lied and leads you to Existential Death. E.D as in 5 4
as in 6.54 USD, I just spent, added with 1544 C.Town
15 O.
96= 54.

And 48.38 USD. S.P 48 and Connecticut Harford.

And 49.03 USD.

John Mack and Kim Arthur Hinds Jrare once again aligned as both having 49 Mutual Facebook friends we me


49 +49- 1 98.

7:58 pm


Yes, recall that sacred portal 104 Terrible Death Declares war is also 4.00, which made me balk that I would made to reach 4,000 Facebook Friends in this 2 Dimension BIB-L.E Book Code Manuscript- and here we are.

It is unforgivable this script, and so I will leave it at that.

Two teams were allowed to battle, One and Two in being and 1 and 3, upstairs, downstairs, and right here present across from the C-Z Guest Room.

Pathological Liars with Murderous Intent, Serial Killers, versus E.K. Emeka Kolo
and Emeka John. Emeka Kim.

Vickie Lucia V.L.

Faisal Aj F.A.

Shené Stoltz. S.S.

Akaraka Destiny A.D

Arlene Krystal A.K.

Tolulope Joel T.J.

Ronna Winnie R.W.

Loreta Angelina L.A.

Gaynell Victoria G.V.

The Message:

V.L.F.A.S.S. A.D. A.K.J.T. R.W. L.A.G.V.

V- L.F. A.S.S A.D. A.K. T.J. R. W.L.A! A.G. V- Victorious.

First Letter:

V.F. S.A. A.T. R.L.G.

First Letter, Last Name.

L.A. S.D.K. W.A.V. – E. K.

8:35 pm


I.C.E. K.

There is only One Truth and one Way Home, All versions and branches lead to the One Way, The One Truth.

Everything else not on this River Stream- does not Exist.

8:37 pm

Harmony Sacred Portal 8 and Sacred Portal 37.

10. Virginia 10th State.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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