
7:46 P.M.

7:46 P.M.

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Linked to Dawn Piercy….


and to Emeka Kolo…


D.N.A… Transformation of the Species Dna..

To D.N.E….

And The End… A-Z…

The Person occupying bed 5011…


Zachary… Which means God, The Creators Remembers…

Isaac .. The One Who Laughs…

As well as the One Who Listens… Ishmael…

Father Joy.. and Mother Beautiful Sadness

Zach told me that he had studied to be A Sommelier

But had become a Alcoholic,

And that he was thinking about becoming a Coffee Connoisseur..

Bed 5011.. E..O.K..

Emeka Odiamma…


61…F.A… ?

No that is going backward.. Fa is the 4th… Delta…

More like Six in One… S.O..L…

5O+ 11…

5 11..


5 11 1…


Room 5A…- Z…

See sacred Portal 26 which also reminded me of Dawn Piercy Painting…

7:56 p.m

Dawn Marie Code 56…

51 6 1..

5 6… 11.. 1…


3-7-1… 2017… 37 1… A..

37 1 O…

7:58 P.M.

Ah Cool aligned now with Nenad M. Djurdjevic’s Body…

Mazda… C X F.H…785…

8:00 p.m

7 58/ 7 85…

77- 14 5… 13 13… 26..8

58…. Original and 85 the Reflections of the 58…



So this is the answer to that most ancient question which began this Story and the 4th Dimension…

The Son- Sensations… asking the Father.. Feeling

how did he know who came first…

Whose is the Source.. Really and How Do I know that as a Fact..

I know you do not lie.. father… but you could have mistranslated mis read, been misinformed….

But he did not say this aloud or communicate this to his Father Feelings..

But the Feeling Stayed and so Father Sent him into a Story to experience the Truth for himself…

Where he found himself as the Father of his Father…

His Father became his Son..

And the Father then acted out his own interpretation of being Father Guide…

But it Created 49.. Not DI…Is.. but DI.E..

Existential Death Sacred Portal 49..

And the Father King David’ line thought he had done something terribly wrong and felt ashamed, angry and then ran all the gauntlet of Feelings and Sensations creating Color…

Red Orange Yellow (Gold) Green Blue ..and added Indigo Violet…

R.O.Y (G) G B….5… plus I.V ( 4-6/6-4…9 5…9 22.. Royal Santana born 9-22-2010…)

ROY.. 7 2.. 4th 5th… R.O.G..E. R…

And finally by understanding his Son who really was his Father…

He remembered that If his Father could Play him as the Son..

That meant that he was in the Father.. And that Feelings came before Sensations…

F.S…That had been the Son before…

Because he brought Clarity…

And So the Father who was the Soon.. who now become the Brother

Nnamdi.. and now the Equal ;Lover… E.L..


And Friend….

There action his Father did as Erose as Eternal Youth can not be repeated …

But there was something which had never be done which both could do together each as Equals doing their share…

That was to Created a Body which Evolves to A New State..

Evolution and together get rid of the Waste by creating Existential Death.. D.I.E… Not Death..

Die until that which can not be could no longer exists or ever be born in the New World… which they both created as the sun total of All.. and Everything…

And the One Eternal Realm which his Father Brother Equal Lover can created as Eternal Youth…

His Realm… Which non can enter without his permission for this is the Realm of the Originals Ones…. All Immortal Constant Infinities of E,,,

No Reflections or Copies.. because they are all as E.. 1..

And did not have to experience being Two… 2…

And only the knowledge of that Realm of E’s first Creation and Home can bring Eternity and Immortality to the Realm of the TWO….

It requires the 1.E.

And so Riddle of Double U..

And Double V….


V.U.E… SAW.. E SAW That his Son was a reflection of that which he had passed…

8:24 p.m..

The H.X…

While I am the H.F… That which made Sensation Solid…

Touch Feel Fact…

H.F… 86…

Hindsight For. Sight….

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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