
7:45 pm. – So, you can see why

7:45 pm.

So, you can see why I was held up?

It was Jeron Satya and Liberty C intent that I complete the codes of his younger brother, Azure Lang, and his elder brother Leander before completing the play of Arden Gemino- the Incarnation of Adam God, A.G.
O.C.E. O.N.C.E… And Future King.

The True conversation between Expression-Emeka and E- H. Arden-Atom- AH T.OM.E. Gemino- Gemini.

Jeron Satya Literally actually is Earth Heart. E.H.
I.E, H.O.M.E.

Which you can see on Sacred Portal 41.
And Azure and I on Sacred Portal 31.

41-31= 10. J.
Arden Nnamdi.
January Janus -Doors and February.
Yes, The Black Fan at 900 South Road and the Black Flash Light Arden gave me on Halloween 2019, and yes A.N.
Alicia Norris 8 Mutual Facebook Friends
Laura Walsh 4 Mutual.


And note how Kim Arthur Hinds Jr is now at 48 Mutual Facebook friends, which is 12. L.A.B.
Liberty C no longer the Lab Rat, and I its Specimen.

But she evolved back to L.A.C.

*”Lancelot du Lac, also written as Launcelot and other variants, is a character in some versions of Arthurian legend, where he is typically depicted as King Arthur’s close companion and one of the greatest Knights of the Round Table. Wikipedia
Wife: Guinevere
Spouse: Elaine of Corbenic
Title: Prince, Sir
Family: Ban, Elaine of Benoic, Lady of the Lake, Hector de Maris
Parents: Nimueh, King Ban, Elaine
Movies and TV shows: Transformers: The Last Knight, MORE”

Lancelot from Lady of the Lake

Chance Liscomb 7-11-1996.
7-11-Seven Eleven, 7-212020 with Alexa Vertefeuille and the great escape. Last Green Leaf, leaves/

L.AN. D- C.E A.L.O.T.

Eleanor Rosie Eleanor of Aquitane connected to Stephen Johnson 30. Mutual Facebook Friends actually really 3O.
36 Anirbas Lem 36 Mutual really 360 degrees, Stephen Popiotek S. P. Sacred Portal. Sir Pius Knight-
A Long convoluted play of the Family Tree F.T ( 6-20 62O. 626).

There were things I said and coded on the post, which I am sure was really one of Jae Sherman’s cats who meddled with the Internet controls in her room which causes the computer to cause my post from posting.

I was fully aware that it does not wish me to post what I said in the beginning of it, I do see and understand why, then in foresight and now in Hindsight, but that does not change how I feel as a fact.

8:16 pm
H.P/ P.H.

Poverty Hollow, 900 South Road will be a closing house on March,12-19, Liberty C has only to reach there on the 12th for it to be all done. 7 days.

You see, that play with Liberty was filled with such Beauty and so much Hatred and Rage in made rise within me, and the first-hand experience of the depth of the meddling that I cursed that house, vowing never to return. I was not concerned with Arden, Ferrill or Aurelia, Jeron, I had made sure and coded that I would see them again.

8:26 pm.

But Liberty was another story.

8:27 pm.

I did not care about what I was reading as I was compelled to code, I was looking at my heart to see what I honestly felt of her, her Beautiful Truth, so like my sister and her terrible truth which rose with such rage and venom, I intended “Evil Bitch” as my other experience of her.
But as the illusion of herself and the word of people of this world.

I saw too much of Jae Sherman in her as well as the link which had connected her to Liberty, but not to Liberty C.

Could she ever be Constant?
That was the question I quietly pondered and I observed how her children transformed during and after my visit and rallied to her, as if telling me that the change could be constant.
But when Azure was born, and how he was born turned me off, and then she herself began to turn that last switch from off to on.
I despise being manipulated and I sensed it from Jeron and Nnamdi’s fading but still present energy in Ferrill, Arden, and especially Aurelia. so I decided that I would experience and feel it out for myself.

The truth is you can not really be manipulated unless you want to be, because you can see it, but it’s the reason which can transform it from a Beautiful Manipulation like Oragami or Fabrics, to Deception. “Mal” Malware”
Source of Furt and Rage. “You do too far!!!”

That is Sacred Portal 13,

I have 13 USD in my wallet, and when I saw it all I thought of was M as Manifestation.

Marina Burini had gone very far, but not enough that I was inclined to cut her out forever, and Liberty C reminded me of Lisa Levine.

It never went that far that I desired to cut them off forever but Liberty C had come real close.

“Virginia Slims You’ve Come a Long Way Baby’
V.S. Y.C. A.L.W.B.

Laura Walsh L.W.
A.L. W.E.B. Webster,
Webster Mingo 6 Mutual Facebook Friends. 6th Sense.

C.V.S. You’ve Come A Long, Long Way Lady.-Donna.

Y.C. A.L.L. W.L. D.O “Nna” (Father ABBA) * Do you remember them? liked them as individuals, but not as a group. I never got the craze.

Can she be constant in her truth T.C. without my being present?
1544 C-Town.

So I listened and Observed without really caring about the outcome, I had given and shared so much so that she would use Victorious and Triumphant, and I was done.

But I was still open and was not surprised when she recently told me that the house at Poverty Hill was still open but I had two C.C.TV channels right here I could see through Remote Viewing and Remote Control.

That Cee of Love Hatred is gone now, it’s no longer there, here present it has faded, gone, but the stain, memory remains, but not the stench.
There is the smell of roses now, much like the Roses she bought for me and every member of her family when my mother crossed over, but this time it fills everywhere with its magnificent Masterpiece Signature Scent.

Flora Alexa Pearl.


Peter Pan & Wendy.

W.E. N.D Evidence AY

Particle Wave

End The Web.

W.E. D- Doing
W.E. B- Being.



9:12 pm



I am currently at 3879 Facebook Friends.

C. Earth
Harmon Neptune- Poisidon
Harmony 14+16 Pius Nduka= 30
Stephen Johnson 30 Mutual Facebook Friends.

3 3O

33 O 6th Sense a Fact.

33= 1. A. 9.I.
66= 1. A. 360 O..

79. Sacred Portal Blue Print of Existence True- 79
16 16 = 1. A 33.=1 A.

I will post the last 9 New Facebook Friends.

Dorothy Zsuzsanna D.Z.

Angela Kathryn A.K.

Mara M.

Chibueze Igwe C.I.

Claire Tamika C.T.

Hose Gail H.G.

Mellissa Bari M.B.

Alice Shah A.S.

Mary Enid M.E.

The Message:

D.Z. A.K. M. C.I.C.T. H.G. M.B. A.S. M.E.

That is easy to read.

First Letter. First Name.

D. A.M. C.C. H.M. A.M.

First Letter, Last Name:

Z. K. M. I.T. G.B. E.S. * E.S= 5 19. 519 Pegasus Fuel Gas Station.

9:40 pm.

/ 6:4O.

Pls, Read. P.R Edit- Tide and my Eb and flow- The Earth Planet and Orbit,, Your Script, not Mine.

Liberty C Code evolved from L.AB. to CAB- I always so myself leaving in a cab, Taxi Cab codes have been confirming it for years, but that is how I arrived, in New York, but still, I have seen it, perhaps no longer as a Cab of this dimension, because it was a Black Car, there was someone with me, sort of comforter, as I rose detached deep in quiet and calm, yet with emotions threatening to engulf me, I used to imagine it but in 2010-2011 when I created from inside and some wooden and wall plaster apparitions which also inspired me it came out as my Father Lord and a Unicorn Pegasus.

I have often wondered how it would take form, in modern form, in this day and age…

And always it is with a male man accompanying me and he was not alone but there was another or a few following us in another car.

And perhaps in this script it has evolved or transformed into something else still related to the Unicorn Pegasus as a Mare, female and a Beautiful Man, Prince-like and me not driving but riding between his… you know I do have to translate that…J.T.

Strange Thoughts but so achingly familiar, I know them and what it means but I am not going to transcribe even that here… There will be no need it will all by then be happening naturally easily recognizable and as it always should have been.. just Being experiencing with nothing to code. S.P 22. and 58.

Even my finding myself adding all this, Programming even now… so strange, weird.

10:52 pm
10:53 pm.
1O 55



10:54 pm.

Kings Temple . Simon Templar
The Saint.

I See

10:55 pm.

Again… how strange…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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