
7:45 p.m

7:45 p.m

Sacred Portal


H A.

3 boys and the 4th.

Transforms into

Female Form.

Swan Lake

Black Swan

Who goes down into Death

And rises through a Spectrum

Rainbow, Sea River Steam of Consciousness Brooke, Dawn ( David Dawn) Awakening.

Alexa Vertefeuille was born

3 31..

C Earth



She of Chiefy Tree Sage.Chiefy C.. Kim..

He is playing 3 in 1..

John 4 in 1

ME 5 in 1

Link Christopher Filgueira


Also 31..

See sacred Portal 31..

C A.

Link Cyberlord Anyiam C A

1301 Facebook Friend.

3 1

Cyber Lord. Anyiam..

Anyiam means My See ..my eyes Look and See..

Who is the true Cyber Lord.

1/3. 3/1


John Mack

8 Emeka as Johnny Depth played by J.M and T S..

With my Lady E Theresa of Avila,


Cecilia patron saint of Music

Aphrodite Venus..

Now linked to Alexa Vertefeuille.

7:56 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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