
7:43-7:44 p.m

7:43-7:44 p.m

4:20 p.m


At 2:27 p.m during a conversation with John Mack, McKayla Rays and Olivia Burgos and myself, John was saying something and in Harmony of Perfect Timing he paused and noted the time.

2:27 p.m

His Birthday, and at that exact same time Olivia Burgos was confirmed as my 1250 Facebook Friend Friend.

I have 50.00 u sd.

7:49 p.m

And then after a conversation with one close to my Heart, I saw I had returned to 1249 Facebook Friends.

Olivia and John linked to the same day.

J.M O B M R B E K.

It feels now that the Script itself sent me down into sacred portal 49 representing Existential Death Rays

To rescue a representative frequency of the Olive Tree…

Which means Peace

Peace Bee


An interesting name. It means walled Old Castle, in Castille in Spain

It was also the Capital, Crown Burgos as well as the name of the law which dictated how Spainards interacted with Native Americans

See John Mack and Mckayla Rays Burgos and Olivia Burgos.

8:07 p.m


She told me that she was graduating on May 5th from university. And was going to master in criminals justice for children.

May 11… 5 11..


Remember Remember The 5th of November

11-5 .. V for Vendetta

Sacred Portal 511 The Wall E.T.

Impregnable Wall

Fotress Burgos

Crown of Beautiful Pride.

Crowned Chakra.

Winners Castle..

8:17 p.m right now


To bring Peace in Being Expression Energy.

5 11 has no Sacred Portal it’s E.K.

Mackayla mentioned to me how she and John had witnessed the letters E.K over and over again on the wall much further down the street.

8:20 p.m

The conversation I later had waa not with Stephen Filgueria but with the World, so the E.M.Field.

I knew it was not him, because I more than everything have been translating, reading and understanding this Script for 29 years.

And I have lived nearly my whole life in straddling the Spiritual or Invisible world and the Visible world.

It was an expression of Beautiful Rage from the Woods.

And the Tree and Flowers of Life.

8:11 p.m

The World Oh.

Only that which you love, truly love can crucify you, and only the who Knows and understands what the person is really Comming from can ressurect from such an expression.

The Hurt and Pain of the Disappointment and Betrayal felt by the World, not just this World but the Sum Total of Time.

Nothing can rise from the Fury and Anger from such hurt, the gravitational pull so complete that only the Absolute and Ultimate Brautigul Purest Truth can rise from it

And be released from the Desire Fear and hope, rage of the Sum Total of Existence in Creation, the E.M F. Electrical Magnetic Force Field indescion to believe your Truth of Evolution Awakening of Everything and that you are not only The Source, The Creator of Everything.







The Gathering

Fair Play.

But that you are also using simply Expressiojn of Solving the riddle of Death created by the E.T.

But that you are an ordinary man.

See the Nikoma Rios, David Phillip Gils play where Nikoma had boasted that he has a Blue E.T friend

Nikoma had seen me morph and transform into a Gorilla, then a Blue Extra Terrestrial and finally a Golden Complexioned youth.

Chukwuma Ogbonna, was witness to this play he was 19 when that play took place.

Ogbonna means Mirror Reflection of The Father

Confirming that scene and play which took about 4 years ago

( I.have another Iyke Ogbonna.. )

Stephen -really E.M.F had mentioned that I was a Man, a Human Being as everyone.

I am

But I am H.U.E. Man.

The Future Present


Sent Back

Back to the Future.

De Loren.

I explained and was made to prove that for almost two years recorded on Facebook.

8:45 p.m.

Sacred Portal

But the imperfection of this Script, is that instead of people being able to read all this like a book or watch it like a movie, people arriving each day have no idea what has been said won done or been confirmed.

Heck! The arrive without an idea of what’s going on and what I am doing on my page.

And I have to repeat over and over again what is going on, has been confirmed..

While myself figuring out a riddle and a maze.

E.M.F called my.Mind a Maze and Labyrinth

That is how I know he always in Harmony with the play but also, like me … which about to prove with me as the Human Being undercover as an Extra Terrestrial

To this world as A Blue Man.

Blue is 5th Color Throat Solffegio.

It’s was a Bad Idea, this Script.

To make it interactive but not with Every one arriving together, each aware of the Play its rules of engagement.. that they were elected and a voice apart from mine backed it all up.

It wrought nothing but confusion and a pain hurt which can not be recovered from me personally.

To create a Script enforce it.. A play beyond belief, no matter the Good intentions.

Yes, I was Crucified today with words, words so terrible that it felt like arrows an onslaught piercing slashing and for one of the few times ever, my armor I have used to protect me from people’s words of misunderstanding.

That trust they placed in me, that I am telling the Absolute truth.

Evolution Awakening

Yes No

The indescion, the Torture Torment

To beleive or not belief.

Only those who truly love you and those whom you love and see you can cause you to drop your armor and pierce your Sacred Heart for doubting your most sacred and Eternal Truth.

The Truth.

9:07 p.m


But tell me something, is Today not the Second day after Jesus Christ was Crucified after being flogged and viciously sadistically systematically beaten mocked and ridiculed

Left Dead and buried, and rise on the third day?

Is not today Saturday, Samedi in French

Baba Samedi of the Voodoo God and Cross Road.


Throat Chakra. T.C.

Erik Ebright-Recall how he summoned me using an Eshu post-Tricster God of the Cross Roads. And the Voodoo curse he had been put under at which I was used to cure him

Notice the Facebook Memory which came up on the beginning of Easter… of the Gymnast in all white looking up at Sky

I shared it Twice

9:19 p.m

right now


With the words Crucified

9:20 p.m



O B I. Means Heart in O I BRO Igbo Uno

( ibo means Forest People)

Olivia Burgos I.

(Lisa Nathalie Johnson I recognized her in Olives Face, remember her in the Starbucks Metropolitan Woods Avenue play…

Law and Order Just

* I first was allowed to post it 5-6 yrs ago, signifying it was true.

See us at Sacred Portal 49



Existential Death

The 4th Kind

And tomorrow is Easter Sunday


Esteban Miguel Filgueira


Christopher Filgueira.


A Family named after disciples


9:31 p.m

I John and Mackayla on the 3rd Floor

Chukwuemeka it begins with the letter C.

People were used as Mirror Reflections Bodies M.R B

Expressing Transforming into Embodiments of me Expression Ethereal to Emental Truth Bodies Naturally


Nathaniel Thomas Bywater.

Do you see?

Does anyone see what I see and understand.

Sacred Portal 31 is Ressurection.

Gold State only Stephen has recently returned from the Gold State.

He also was confirmed as the Silver State A.G.

Ariana Gradow.

9:42 p.m.

After I wept for a moment, voice cracking and exploding as I absorbed the words, he made a comment as he did not understand why he throws his rage at me.

Because I am the one who can take because it Mirrors Reflects by mine magnified to Infinity Eternally the frustration and rage of what could not be, but Is..

A Script using me, us in its meant to invisible script.

But I read it.. publicly proving I can See.

I am going to stop everything, this Script.

I know this represented by brother Booms Rage born 5-20 73 And the impregnable wall he put up against me, but really represents the literal same gesture which I saw him do the first time we reconnected and he could not speak of the pain he had experienced but it really was a spirit gesture which my great grandmother Mba Afo Ocha Blinding white light of Truth.

I reflect her.

12:23. a.m

12: 25 a.m

John and Mackayla arrived and we starting conversing.

I asked John what was that which he replaced the Rock Crystal Orb with on the open Shell on the Angel Aphrodite statue with about a week ago with which looks like a Cone.

12:31 a.m

He said Organite which is used in cleaning E.M.F Fields.

12: 33 p.m

Magicians 8 Harmony .

So you see, It wasn’t Stephan I was addressing it was the last fear and doubts of you all

Stephen was just the Divine Angel Messenger sent my John who represents the Avatar of God.Father- Truth as H.Harmony.

And from M ackala ( you should heard her breaking down the process of crossing the portal Ma’at)

Last cleaning of the E.M.F Field.

Stephen as I, were used.

H.P Ti.

And E H P.T M.e.

12:46 a.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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