
7:42 pm. – Is it not Albert Ein

7:42 pm.

Is it not Albert Einstien who stated “God does not play Dice?

Meaning that he does not use Chance, nor Luck, much less does he Bet.

Why should he?
When he knows everything and A Sure Thing.

That is the story of Chance Liscomb and his being saved by his older brother Samuel Liscomb, nor does Chance create Liberty or Freedom and certainly not Liberty to C.

7:47 pm.
Hence, the play with Liberty Liscomb 12 12 1= 25.

Evidence AY

Aligned via direction from the Universal Senie

7;48 pm
Was the second window of opportunity given allowing that line to resurrect as Liberty C To C.I. and C.E. H.E.- S.P. Sacred Portal and hence the True Last Chance to come home before the Change. C.H. ANGE.
Julian A.S.S. ANGE. Ange means Angel – Messenger
Post Office.
Allowing you , them, all to chose to be educated in the E Consciousness Harmony.

After which you could do as you pleased with all questions answered A-Z and A-A,
Then done- that was an act of such Amazing Grace? A maze in G- 7 Summit Race?

It was not the right for anyone else to give and force upon anyone without His, or her choice to bestow an absurd generostity.
It could only done by asking the one who was the Giver, if he or she would agree.

And see the result now of breaking Eternal Law.
7:59 pm.

See the response and reception given.

All to rescue one line.

8:00 pm.

One of which Silver Surfer S,P 106 said No. “No way for this play.”

I am now at 3373 Facebook Friends, so I have left 4 times 3371 and lept by Two to sacred portal 3373.
C- 373.
Yes, C sacred portal C. Sacred portal 37 and 73.

10 10.-1 1 A.P 111.
21 21-1 – 43 D.C.I.

8:05 pm.


8:06 pm.

So what is your point?
Sacrifice the one to save one Line who made such mistakes?

Do not get me wrong, I am glad they have been recovered, those who did the Star Trek of The Elegant Nomads, but got Lost In Space.
While in Liberty’s Line now at last Home, despite her given birth and named her children Arden- Aurelia correctly and Ferrill corrected and aligned to Ferrell.= 80.
*See Sacred Portal 80- Two Women looing into their reflection Orgsming in a mirror.
When it is actually 80 Spring Street Balthazar as 8O.
And FERRELL= 76.
Year of Birth, YOB/BOY. 87 playing 7-8 born at 8pm.
And since you see backward 78 is really 87.8-7. 15 O. A-E.

Person Place and Thing.
“Attained Perfection- 3301”

Who did?
That was already a given from Inception to Conception and even Death- Terrible Death, suffering and smiling * Sir P.N
“And what about you?”
There was no doubt that this was about you, not me, I was just the messenger, sent to me the example, so that you can understand what the point was, seeing it reflecting in one in a script designed to reflect you all the meaning of Perfection is Harmony.
P.H.= 24 X moved to Facts ad A Fact.

8:24 pm on the full circle round of the E.M… F.H.F.

What else have I been saying, who else was all this originally intended for?

8:26 pm.

– A Blind Spot whih was constantly and consistently Ignored and your choosing to see it you way.
Saviors… smh.
And what was the response for going through all this?
It transformed from sacred portal 76 to 22. Ass Hole. Ass Whole.
A.W that is 98= 17.
add sacred portal 110- 11O, ( 110 11= 22= 1 4= 5. S,P
145 and 5

Add S.P 19 ( 149) and 19 and 28 all codes of Victory.
You can even add 118 and 18, 9 and 99 to 1.

8:33 pm.

A long prolongment, Delay, Hold Up ( 8-21. H.U-MAN) but in the summary, it comes to 17 as Q.
Quantum Transformation Beautiful Ones.

Father G.O.D.
67/ 76
And does not play Dice or use Chance.
To create Change
C.H. A.N. G.E. / E.G.N. A.H. C.
C.H. A. N-C.E / E.C.N.-A. H.C. I

8:43 pm.

Should I say too late,

That it completed yet again and 33 7-1 x 4 Times?
Leap Year.
Jump Man.
David & Goliath.
Jack’s ong Grew.

Why bother?
Each to thier own.

8:45 pm

Planet E-ART H E.
Perfection Hearth E.

Ezenwanyi Queen E.Q.
10 mutual.

Its means King of Women is Queen, is Chess or your Chest or wish, Dreaming Fantasy?
Its a free world but I will like to stick to the facts.
The Emeka Kolo equation is at Expression Quantum in his 16-14 years Equation publicly and transparently resolved since 268 4th Street on attaining 25 Green Street to Generation X Gardens.

4 is the 4th Dimension, and hence the Color Green which is the Color and the note in Solefiggio of FA.
To me, it is FAH. and FAIR.
So reading this I am anchoring the intel as E.Q, Nothing else, no other meaning interests me, we are out of the story left this burning world of Self Destruction and are at the Beautiful Death 48 leaving the matrix Simulation of non existence= Mind, at E.H.I.S. H E-H.I.M, H Y M N after solving Sacred portal 58 Sir P. Stephen Popiotek and 85 Crowning by Devi Devotion to Spirit E, for decoding the C of Consciousness via Sacred Portal 14, N. A D.
Ref Nadee Nakandala
Alicia Norris.

8:59 pm

Wendy Horton W.H.

Not Wendy of Peter Pan, P.P. not Horton hears a Who.

No, it is W. H… linked to Y.

Not Why?

But W..H. Y to actually like it being a Singlet, which I have, with the letters W.H.Y on the back, as well as Double You is 8 Harmony and I am the I, Infinity- Infinite Individual.

W H Y as Two Harmonies and two Y as in males. Y Chromsome Y.C. Yeshua Christ, no longer a story.

Y Y 25 25 -1 51 Area 51.
C.A.M. E-A.L O-T.

Hence, as I said before, each to his or her own, Play School P.S is over, time for each to go to their now Manifest Destination.

P.S.E… I just took a look at the “Al Mond) cookies- 1:39 USD C.BV S


It actually says “Emblem- Iced Oatmeal.
Mini Cookies.

Of this play.

This play… as I stated goes too far.

Arden loves Oatmeal.
As did and do I.

I D.I.D. I.

Not Didi as Ndidi, my Aunt Theresa’s Daughter and only child.

Ndidi means “Patience”

But then this is not an O.INri play… is it usurpers, supplanters who tried to. It is E-A.F. F- E-A.
EE A-A. Perfect.

9:29 pm.
I B I +.
I B C.


S P 31

9:31 pm.

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