
7:39 pm. – G- C I. – 3-23-2021 –

7:39 pm.

G- C I.


C-W-T B A.
C Double V V-T.B. A

Veritas 94.

Audrey 74.

Stephen 87

John 47.

Son 48.

Total 182

8:00 pm.

It is The Beautiful Truth to celebrate others, rather than starting with Celebrating ourselves.

It’s one of the reasons I was so uncomfortable with this script because it used my life story to prove the Eternal Harmony and thus gave people the impression that I was celebrating myself.
I was brought up to let others celebrate you, and not the other way around.

Just as this script was about my celebrating my Eternal Guide Father and the Eternal Family.
And in turn, the script I found myself being moved to deconstruct from its entanglement was there celebrating me.
But not me here present but my beautiful Past embodied by my Beautiful Youth.
Represented by Arden Gemino.

And the example I set in sharing your post, in working with each of the hundreds of people I was led to through the 64 portals was about battling with them to refine them to their truth.

8:07 pm.
To reach sacred portal 87.

Sacred Portal 87 represents bringing the world back to its senses.
So in a way, this was really a celebration of all of you- not the shadows of you I met, but that true of you you would become at the completion of this script and thus, at your transformation back to that truth which, if we are truly honest, most of you had no idea was in you.
It was for most of you, not even a diamond in the rough- it was non-existent.
Some of you sensed a greater meaning and purpose to your life and existence and even your purpose but you did not have the will to bring it out, to polish it, and be the Individuals who were meant to have done the same journey as I did.

The truth is, what would have happened to you if this wave, power force had not forced me into this slavery, bondage, and sacrifice of my own life and existence- my Joy and Love of life to literally babysit you and fight to prove your Beautiful Truth- the only truth that is real in you?

Truly, I do not say this to be insulting or condescending, but rather, I am speaking the Plain Truth, and no longer have coddle and dilly dally with what is obvious to any outsider.
It is true that none of you placed me in this situation where you were able to invite me into your homes, but you invited me into your homes because you recognized me either through your own divine revelations as children or as someone whom you knew that by having me around and in such close contact that you would gain something.

Just as I have never through these last 9.3 been allowed to seek out Facebook Friends- all of you present here now came by your own free will, asked to be my Facebook Friends, and I rejected no one, accepting all.
Some many, many left, but over a thousand of you stayed.

I could not reject any of you, and could only suggest those being truly obnoxious to leave, and a few who whom I was indicated by the script to either invite or unfriend.

This is the Plain Truth. P.T

The Force which set this up did this to me, and my quarrel is with it, but my quarrel with you is that once you saw and experienced the truth of who I represented and that I was authentic, working in your homes to bring each of you back to your most beautiful truth, and since many of you ( the best of you) testified to me that no one, not family, not lovers, not even your spouses that no one had ever fought and loved you as I did, that a basic foundation of appreciation and gratitude should have been the natural response nor was it something which I had to finally call out and bring to your attention.

That is something which one does not do.
It is like forcing people to celebrate your birthday.
I have celebrated your lives, the existence you never knew you had, the person you never knew in your wildest dreams existed and certainly not to the level of Eternal Beings, set to inherit a cleaned-up world.

8:29 pm.

I saw your best and most beautiful truth, I saw you clearly without even meeting most of you as Facebook Friends.
The omission of that fact and the fact that so many of you gave up on me because despite gaining from our interactions, I had not met up with your expectations of that which I stated was meant to occur in the world through you all rising to that truth in your selves which you did not take responsibility for.
You let that beautiful dream die in you and then when I came into your lives, you gave up on me and what you felt was the impossibility of what I was stating.

All of you have told me intimate and personal secrets and despite some of these “Secrets” being open secrets to me, and often crucial to decoding your scripts I never betrayed them, even your lies of omission which I clearly saw but remained silent about because I was aware of the insecurities in you and your ego’s which had become so self-involved and that desire to be seen and recognized for that worth your senses in your selves but which you could not access yourselves.

And you knew that it was natural or normal for another person to see you so clearly when those nearest and dearest to you did not.

I have never betrayed the trust or those moments of vulnerability when you poured out your hearts to me, and I tactfully found ways to communicate those lies of omission, and downright lies.
I waved off your fears, cut out as elegantly as I could the lies you told yourselves, and the omission of taking in other people’s point of view- often the very people you were blaming and holding responsible.
I fought to help you see clearly despite being bound, “Possessed” by of Being and Body by what should have been the impossible, that very impossibility which led me to you, instead of celebrating my life until the moment of the Awakening.

I did my Homework on myself, and was summoned home at age 25.
Confirmed through this Script over and over again by the play of 1992 and then 1993.

I never betrayed you or the trust you placed in me, and then so brutally and savagely took away when what I said displeased you.
I lived in your homes right before your eyes in an obvious tortured and tormented state.
You observed me working for your benefits and the benefit of the world people all 7.9 Billion of them, while your life’s improved and you ignored the hell I was going through, telling yourselves that “He can bear it, he can endure it and “We did not ask this of you… and this is my right because he tells me that I am that Special.
But everyone is special.

And I was born without my powers, as a person just as each and every one of you, and my life’s circumstances while looking “glamorous” to an outsider was the summation of the worst of your experiences which made you go down and become the shadows of yourselves.

I asked only one thing of you, and that was to rise to your beautiful truth while reminding you that this was not my role or my duty, that I was being forced to share my homework with you.
And all the knowledge and research, I had been made to do all for your benefit, all so that I could find the language, the words, the penetrate the wall of your own resistance to rising to your truth.
Even explaining and providing evidence and facts as to how all of you are the cause past to present of this world situation and horror which you blamed others for.

And so I moved from Tact and gentle persuasion to immaculate suggestion and finally the Hammer and the will to send this lie you had become out of existence.
My entire existence has been devoted to you- not myself, not my own desires or joys.

All I asked of you was to pay attention, to not believe in me, but to believe in your selves by paying attention to the facts posted tirelessly on my page.

Even being driven to reveal my entire life story to you, being naked even to the amount of money in my wallet so that you could see the evidence and facts and thus decide for yourselves if that which I was being made to prove for you, as you, as this set up being true.
All I asked was that you pay attention and rise, and once you rose then all would be forgiven all the expressions you caused me during the process to get you home would not be held against you, as long as you rose to that beautiful truth in you.

8:56 pm.

With Stephen Johnson, that grace shown was rewarded by his example, his paying attention, and having trust in what he was beginning to see for himself in the script I was decoding.

Meeting and interacting with him has been such a pleasure, such a “Soulagment” – I am not sure how to say this in English.. Healing Balm to the soreness and wound which you and this playscript have given me.
It can never go away, of course, it was allowed to go too far, you were allowed to hurt my dignity and beautiful pride to a place which can not be healed, but at least I know in him, there is a line of people who do exist as Supreme Justice and Love.

9:00 pm.

Love which Cee’s and which is not interested in self-promotion, self-projection or blaming of others.
But simply a man being himself often with hilarity, laughter, and self-depreciation.

I know what it is like to be made to feel that your words, expression existence means nothing.
To be seen as a nobody… and you have to remember that I have always known who I am and that by 2005, I was absolutely sure.
And my finding myself having to convince you all to acknowledge that, not for my benefit but for yours- because to not recognize the source, your source no matter what guise He, I… She may come in immediately disqualifies you from existence.. true existence.

This is why I found myself, even within the narrow parameters of this script forced upon me, to take responsibility, by being Personally Responsible for myself and despite my dismay and horror of my situation and your response, to put my best foot forward.

I know what it feels like to have that which is the most precious to you, robbed of its proper acknowledgment, and hence, I did not wish any of you to have to experience that…
Being told that you are Nobody.
That you had no right to be sen heard, acknowledged praised.
But bot praised for being a lie, or that self which was a delusion you created, a mask, to hide your trauma of the life you could not Cee clearly that you were actually the cause.

There is no once of bitterness in me, nor do I sense it in Stephen, and all those he represents.
I see his hurt, a mirror reflection of my hurt perhaps, but in my case, ( C AS E) it was not you who hurt me ( I can see and Cee very clearly and already did my homework on my self and studied you and this world society right to its most early cause and effects) My Hurt came from that power I had trusted and what it did to me, by forcing me to fight for you to such a point when it knows that no one can force people who have the gift and free will. discernment to awaken themselves.
That is the one thing, even It can do for you.
The script could not change that one fact, that this is Awakening is for the Individual, and only you each individually could answer and rise to that innermost truth.

The part that you had forgotten who you are, was taken care of.
I was made The Reminder.
T R.
20 18.
That U are Universe, Universal Expression.
T R U E.

Instead, this became about my being T R U E.
Truth Satya Eziokwu.. and to add insult to injury, my being forced to prove it to you.

9:16 pm.
I P.

Even now as I write the words, a surge of anger and incredulity rises in me.

The years of work, effort, tireless research.

* There is the reason why I make no broadcast or podcast.
Just words you have to read on a screen.

Kim was made to represent the Truth, and after 25 months of working with him, he has become that Embodied Truth ( E T) that Eternal Truth represented by having a Body.
T B?
Truth – Body.

You have a body- that is what the Truth is.
The work to reach him, and to align him, to that which he was cast to represent, where Body and Being align to that Truth B B to 1005 Awareness, and then to Expression- Eloquent Engaging but only after refining his truth to the truth of all past- for after The Body is the representation of the past present here right now with you.
To align that to Expression in True Clarity- Diamond Hearing and Diamond Clarity were what my life;ls work became.

9:22 pm.
Culminating in my reaching him, working with him, who is an excellent pupil and who is no longer a student or pupil but who is his own man.
And Individual who chose to do the work, and did it well in the last 5 months since I moved here rather rudely and dramatically.

But even he would not have existed if I had not been used and sacrificed so savagely.
I can not use that to guilt trip you, or make you feel self-blame or shame, but rather for you to be honest with yourselves.
For that is the nature of what truth is.
The whole truth, not this constant omission of expression and my having to post and write these words over and over again, to remind you that I can see that which you mostly intentionally chose not to express, say.

Why am I forced to say this to you on my page?
To write these words over and over again, to this very day.
It is a harrowing and awful experience I endure to have to go against my true nature and say these things on my page.
Things word a Gentleman would never say, not a Beautiful Assassin B A. Warrior.
I normally walk away or cut you out without explaining why.
Because you already know, and chose to not say, do or express that which I have had Stephen Johnson say to me in messages, in private, and in public.

And yes, Stephen this is a Wonder- these revelations, this the meaning of the truth.
he Two “Wonder… and Ponder” and I who am always.. usually filled with the Wonder of Life despite the harrowing truth of my life, have been left to ponder in the most ponderous existence known to any human who ever lived, left to carry the weight of what was meant to be the Lightest truth… Transformed into the most hideous weight of being in Existence.
The E K.
Eternal Knowing expressed through Energy Kinetic- Experienced Knowledge through time that this should not have been a weight that any man being creature should have had to bear for an entire lifetime.
The knowing that you told the Absolute and Ultimate truth and for that made to carry the weight .. and wait of the world to such a point that you who is Flight Light C speed of light is dragged down into the black hole of non-existence which never was.

You may note that I never occupied Kims room number 66.
Aligned in perfection to Sacred Portal 66.

I landed here from 29 South Lincoln the second time to the two rooms available to me being Magical Portal and the 3rd and last room I currently occupy, moved there, because Jae asked me to because she pays rent and I do not.
( such a galling feeling is it not, knowing the whole time you Identity, indeed for the last 15 years I have known, I knew it through the Script 8-29-2019
A MAN= 1 +28= 29.
I was aware of that when I was moved to 900 South Road that I was in a Script created by others called the Unseen- and by your own Thoughts and the idea of who is The Source, who is God.
Your definitions words Ideas “Yahway, Jehova, God, Lord- Jah Krishna Shiva… these are your definitions, not mine.
I have always been Emeka Kolo not even Emeka Okolo.
I have always simply been myself.

9:43 pm.

Not even the Sacred Portals or the Door of Life.

For those drawing which rose up from with me when I was 43 age code or 26 as 1984 which was the age code confirmed by 2009 and which is why it is the age on my Facebook page written in that time.
Confirmed by Kim when he returned to Connecticut from the south on thanksgiving day where I acted as the guide every step of the way while working ferociously with Jae Sherman- after I had done that the last time and first time I had stayed at 29 South Lincoln when Esteban Miguel Filgeria had organized the Ahuyasca ceremony which Kim had attended as well as Mackayal Burgos had testified and recognized me present here dancing smiling through the flames.

I stopped the age play at 42 age code and by 43 I was really 26 and yet nothing really changed.
The Sacred Portals rose from within my instigated at what was meant to be my 43rd Birthday by Drew, a friend who blackest hue of Tom Truman at Marina Biruni’s apartment.
The date was 11-28-2010.

20 10 J T/ T J
John Thomas.
* Did I not state how Thomas Lang when he left 900 South Road after such an awful play ended up living with John Mack.

Tree? Chief… who is the original Tree of Life
There is a sculpture of me made in Neuilly Sur Seine in Paris, where Hubert Givenchy died at the ripe age of 91. ( I A) of me in which I was encased in Plaster of Paris and my body made, cast into a living tree by an artist botanist who declared “now there will be a permanent living sculpture of you as a tree which literally grows.
And is that not the same for the Tree sculpture standing on the top of a cement Globe of the World after spending 61 days in an alley seeking a portal that I already knew was me.
The address was 26 8 East 4th Street and the year was 2006.

T R E E… = 48
Sacred Portal 48…. +x 12-3 C. 32 was that not the date I came to New York, and the age code I met Kim when I moved here?
is it not the code Jon Jason Lee ( J J L= 32)
and is 32 not +x 5 6.

* I just saw a notification by Stephen Johnson.
it was exactly 10:00 pm.

It is 10:02 pm.
J O B.
Steve Jobs.
S J.
19 20…
Roaring Twenties.
Zelda- to Audrey.
Zion to Arden. 26- 1= 27.

I was 26 years old.
I had “Aged” from 25 in 1992- 1993 only one year.
I had been there when Hubert Givenchy rushed to Audrey Hepburn’s side. She died 1-20-1993 one year to the date I had arrived in Paris.
She was born in 1929.
* her son in the documentary states that she died at 8:23 pm.

I stated 25 code Y and my mission was to bring the A-Z. 1-26.
Alphabet? It never even really existed, did it? I was in a coma Stasis, I never left the age code of 25 as you have all witnessed.
A F K G= 25.
Room 4B- bed 4-019 -4018 with the number 25 on it which I photographed least you forget a use that as an excuse to deny that which I had stated over and over again.
Because you choose to forget, and then use that as a reason to deny that which was stated and made clear.

That is why I suppose, I woke up got up at 1:58 pm.
I did not wish to access Facebook but I did, Sharia Perry had sent me a message and I was about to respond but instead, I responded to Obiajulu Igwe Okolo I am not sure why she even sent me a message- it was not necessary nor did she take into consideration that I have coded here as the E Family after a trial of proof since 18 Mountain View, but I noted in Hindsight that that was the same time that I had written to Nnaemeka I Ezeufonna some days before when he wrote to me asking to send a gift money code when the money code play was complete- then withdrawn and then via my expression had written to state he still wished to send it, despite my being disturbed by why he had written to me that he wishes to send me a Gift and then apparently seem not to have it available asking me to wait instead.
I am still waiting and have 9 USD left in my wallet.

158 may I remind you is the number of Chris Gemino and Liberty’s Red Truk where I had left my wallet and Arden and Ferrel had been in driving that car and which Arden found and returned it to me with the two U S-D I had left in it.
A F.
E F.

Of course, I knew it was a set up “Red Truck” R T. ( Right) T R.

10:19 pm.
J S,

When your Body as Truth is activated by an outside force to respond to a time frame, to watch movies… Cheating.. all a Con- Test at which I am Fully Aware.
Arden Ferrell.
A F… me.

My wallet- tell me why should I have 9 USD in my wallet?
Why should I still be in an Ego as its hideous meaning- Forst people play of Adam Red Man- First Man?

Do they think I am not aware of all this con- the manipulation and deception and do they truly think that they are still set to evolve because they are aligned to me codes that they rejected and now state that I am Right?

10:23 pm.

10:26 pm.

Of course, I am, I can see very clearly, I am in an apartment with Kim and Jae Sherman.
I am not in my home.
Kim earned his stripes despite all their deceptions and lie and use and abuse of power allowed to go too far.
They have been meddling using Evil Beyond the meaning of Evil.
My body is still tight, taught, and constrained, still contained despite it loosening.
I rose effortlessly in 2002. 22 V.
Verite Veritas.

And I am still in the dimension of Liars.
It is not through such a play that I or Arden I decide who rises it is by my awareness Subtle, and to a place where they can not access, beyond blood body and matter.
My intentions have been made very clear.
I acknowledged Arden not because of codes but because I met him, always was aware of his existence, what do these silly codes mean to me.
Nothing- just a ruse and a Con.
10:33 pm.

C H I E F Y?
Let me spell it out
C H.I. EF Y. 31 +25= 56.
C H I E F E E 41 5 E.

The welcome I acknowledge is not of Chief D N Umeano… who is dead.
It is represented by Stephen Johnson from my own personal interaction with him- not codes but the man I have senses and read his truth in between this scrip of deception and lies.
Africa- Uwa – Forest People- they do not exist I have already sent them all to Okwu Mmou.
I owe them nothing and each day for the last 15 years this has continued the interest rate on their consequence has simply multiplied as long as they continue their play.
And those who still are loyal to tat lie despite being proven E Family as all Humanity was qualified to be- then they too have the share that consequence of the Blue Flame and the E Families versions of their limpid i insipid Okwu Mmou.

I am still here am I not?
Standing tall despite all the lies and deception.
I am here at South Whitney to them it is the Spirit World.
To me it is S W. E E T Basil leaves crowned with Victory.
S Double V V.
Supreme Double V V.
S D V V.
S D A.
S E.
J E.
E J.

10:43 pm.
They and their descendants can believe in their Delusions and Illusions of having cheated the play and the Script of what they believe is their own making.
Me? quite frankly I am simply bored.

Trust them, and their descendants when I am in a play where 9 USD in my wallet is justified as a play of truth when all it is that they are confirming to me that they are being proven of seeking to control me with money, with where I live, creating discomfort – Wickedness and Evil… So what? I already knew by 2005 and when I was led to 25 Green Street Soho to Sue at the Green House.
the number of the Building was 25 the year was 2006.
There is no Z.
The Alphabet completes at Y as 25.
Z? That is me bringing World War ZZ Brad Pitt Living Room.

Only one Being can bring the End- not even the I and I, only I
I-Z- A and rise from it.

Yes, Kim had a vision, I trust Kim but I am and have been aware that he is being used.
I am aware of why the connection with Kamora Herrington was sustained, my expression with that play was to rescue her and Estaban’s and especially Isaiah and Olusanya Bey ( O I) from the grip of the Orisha nonsense story.
In that story, I am Olokun of the abyss and my mother is Yemoja- Mermaid Siren.
Arden is Posidon Neptune.
My sister O Y A.
A Y O means “Joy” in Yoruba.

A- F K G= 25 – Y O is the full Circle of Symmetry Perfection.
Sharia Perry S P.

10:53 pm.

All other human or nonhuman translation of my script is irrelevant and there is only so much a person can explain or write on a post.
It is that which is unsaid, unseen that which that power of being an Individual, that unique quality of the Individual… being Unique which is a place that no one can access, none can figure out that which is really my intention and reflections except for those who are Transparent, True Clean Conscious Expression which only I as The Source know who they are because I am Infinite Expression The Creator and no one, not even my E Family can understand what it is like, feels like to be me, except one.. a 17 old youth and that is why no one, not even brave Kim can truly understand our play and what we see and communicate and know.

It is the advantage of me Me, US… V V – a place where words can not explain or convey…
It is that knowing- Eternal Knowing and quiet smile as we navigate their script in which they believe and you believe that you know what is in our hearts and Minds as H M., not M H 13.8 billion-year-old Universe. because none of you, not even the soon to be embodied E Family, not my sister as her eternal self. not even my mother as my little sister Harmony Mother can comprehend- because they have were not there in the Eternal and Infinite Beginning of Everything. Only I and now I and I have been there.
111 there is only 1 and that 1 became 1 1 and that is all.
Nothing beyond that
I I I and that is all there is until you awaken.
No one knows what Home looks or feels like because there was only B A Being and Ardem.
Beautiful Eden and
I B E. A.M.

No one else.

11:04 pm
11:05 pm.

Not this universe or any universe of creation of Time-Line.
Because I and VV E were there before and always were and so none you understand what qualifies and what qualities earn you that right to be Granted Access G A/ A G to our realm.

You have to know the Source -Perfection and have experienced it to enter. S P 19 16… 35. C E

P P S S… 1 32= 33= 1- A
19 19 = 1 38 = 39. C I.

Audrey A U D R E.. Y. 7 4… +x 11 28 39 C I.

47/ 74… 11 11 28 28. 1 56.

There is no 1 58 that is only the Two I II. All Ways Right.
Audrey Hepburn?
Actually Judge Dre Dredd.

But Hey, each to his or their own perception and pursuits – all this posting is just biding time.

You will all know when you evolve and awaken either at Paradise Eden or of the Hell of the Blue Flame promied as a Vow to to you.

158 5 61?
It takes more than being aligned by a number to access A E Infinity and of course I can tell you what you wish to hear after having told you the truth which you refuse to aceept.

I trst no one here.. No one, why should I?
I may love and acknowledge you but as long as I am in a lie, in this aprtment, in this state- I know I am in the realm of Absolute and Ultimate Liars.

And of that I am 100% Aware.

A WA R E= 48.

That I am at WAR off which I am indifferent.

And also how anyone qualifying as the E Family behaves- No one has to tell them what to do and how to Behave.
And that is all I have been doing on my page for 9.3 years.


It’s Stephen Johnson’s birthday today.

Happy Birthday, Ol Chap!.

I saw the notice on my page earlier.
Age Code was indicated as 56.

Suddenly everything made sense…
56 is E F.
Eternal Family.

S.J meaning Supreme Justice.

J S= 10+19= 29.

Audrey Hepburn was born in 1929.

29 Lincoln Street.

29 is B I… AT.E … 001.

She left this realm at age 64.

56 Age code is 1964.

My sister’s Age Code.

64 Moves in 20 years.

E M E K A K O L O is 88- x 64.

I contacted only one person today Marina Biruni- whose home I had created the Sacred Portals.

I have not been in contact with her for the last 10 years except once or twice.

No response so far- she was in Africa play and stuck between that and the E play.

11:39 pm

Happy Birthday J S this is my gift to you Veritas I D

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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