
7:39 PM

7:39 PM

7:39 pm

Don’t Assume.

D A.



Be Aware- Awake

D A I…

B. A

That was thas the Four Agreements and the 5 as the One.


5 1.

When I rose from bed after going to bed after 7 am, I lay tossing and turning with my body, whose core- Groin Area, I knew was the center which all i had to do was Focus my will and use Air Breath and Will and my desire, to tighten and my body would elongate., but it a lot of work, and especially after working on the Computer posting, then watching films and having to read and translate all the intel, and then when tired and just want to fall asleep, not able, because there is no comfort.

Thoughts rise in me of a fury as i understand each day the personal implications of each end of day.

I have to fight them, tame them ( why should I… because I am in an inappropriate place and settings so i contain it all in silence.

Taling The Silence instead.

7:50 pm.

Then transforming those thoughts into Nothing at all, so as to sleep.

But how I have been, oh how I and the V VE provoked these last 53 years, day and night forced back into mind instead of my simply being.

It was now a play of food.

KAI Maori meaning Food

Maori/ I R.O. A M.

The Elegant Nomad


Do not invade my space.

That was the play that took place with Jae Sherman- with food she invaded the space in the fridge reserved for me.

we each have Personal Space in the fridge especially she and I.

There has been an ongoing play with Food. Groceries, and with Kim having two checks pending ( delayed) and I have had very little except the last 40 usd from Benjamin C Krajewski, representing Africa S P 40 which I had to fight to move to 15 41 Facebook friends.

Out of Africa as the First World story.

7:57 pm.

Provocation to a level, incredulous to Even I.

A play took place, again aligned to the Africa Ego-Oge Play which is what brought me 15 41 Facebook friends finally ending the tyranny of the illusion of Earth and Heaven and the middle man called the Individual.

It was this time with Food, creating Lack, and used Kim first and then Kamora line.

Kamora as Little Mother

Now, this was what Kamora naturally did even when we first met.

Now its a Play? A Test.

I found myself asking her if she could deliver me some weed. Kims always gives me but he had the last of E M F’s which was not very strong.

It had been fine with me but Kim would often go out and get superior weed which really helped my body.

He is a connoisseur me, I require relief.

I had little Creme left, Half and Half for my Coffee.

I require a lot more things, but my Beautiful Pride can only ask so much, even though they all know who I really am.

Why should I even have to as at this point?

Those who have more than enough should have shared or contacted Kim if they did not wish to contact me.

I asked for Rolling Paper. R P.

That is when I saw read in quick hindsight the code.

8:04 pm

Boy was i mad.

I was moved to ask Kamora, one of the only people I feel comfortable asking.

And yes, she knows, I said it, Your line owes me Big Time

But payment not this way, and through a play set up by another testing our lines right to the movie Hanna,

Phavour is a Facebook Friend and about 10 days ago out of the blue she sent me a message of gracefully enquiring if I was alright, so I was aware.

Hanna means God Favours… C

Weed Creme … P R Raw Papers

W C… P R P-R P

Cecilia Wiebers,

Wise Child.

Public Relations- River Phoenix. Full Circle.

I was in a quiet most deadly fury.

When I finally got up, I just caught the tail end of another magnificent day.. I had missed it.

I sat down and one of the first things I saw was Kim confirming that Hanna- code was linked via Kamora, who had given Serenity a jacket with the name Hanna on it.

See Season 3 Episode 1.Safe as in Fort Knox Vault Safe. as in its meaning Safe.. and/ E.F… A.S picture of Arden age 9- 17 and Aurilia and all the E K-Line- Aline B Line C Line D-E line… I Align to I -I and All I… See is E K.

Jae came out-but what she did not realize was that Pearl, her cat i hardly see, because she always carries Norman Bates ( Psycho P.S.. Y S C H O… South Carolina 8th State full circle Symmetrical-Perferfection Perception Supreme.. ( No, The Wall Of Awake And Sleeping State: N.T W O A-AS.S)… out instead.

I saw Pearl, from the corner of my eye and repressed and smile.

later Jae saw her, but she moved confidently to my room until Jae had to coax her out.

Yes, the response from the Aurelia line Kittens her signature and the base of the Gemino Lang cup-

8:16 pm

Kim – Tree Chiefy had confirmed Kamorah’s Harmony.

Again Pearl Catherine -Meghan

C A T.

I had asked Kamora to add Tooth Paste. T P.

adding each code so she could read it herself, and know that I had no iota of doubt in her harmony but it was something else testing her Line.

I battled the fury of knowing this all night.

I required only one thing immediately.

Creme which is the C. R E M E HA H Half and Half.

She had left a message and brought the Weed early in the morning.

it sat on the table in a jat.

Cap reads The Monks of St Josephs Abbey since 1954 o the rim above.

the center reads Trappists Preserves.

and the base of the rim.

Spencer MA. 0156 2

J A 19 54


Yes Tooth Paste. TP: D M P/K 115 A G E

SP 35 The Point

Diana Spencer… John Macks Uncle Spencer and sister, Holly’s son.


Artemis Diana Apollo Dionysus. Of Course, I knew who Princess Diana was as far back as her royal wedding when I was in boarding school and my classmate David Kalu and D K/ K D went for the royal wedding in 1981. HA. O1562… Aurelia is 15 Aurelia line is E F Eternal Family…

who said Thank You in a scene of Safe 3 1 Season.

I knew what it meant.

W Brad Pitt is Angeline Jolie.

both lines Victorious as Beaiyiful Pride and Black Panthers Pitt Jolie Pi TT.

Jolie Pitt

I began working, I had a tiny amount of creme left, it was already late afternoon but I had just enough for one cup ( anger growing inside me) I finally messaged Kamora, assuring her that she was in perfect harmony but that it was the evil vile script still going on.. I added if she could bring Eggs and a small bottle of Brandy.

Jae was going to the CVS and asked me if I required anything…

I said no.

I took the C.

Hours later, I and went out and use my last 4 USD to buy Creme Half and Half.

I was quiet…. so they wished to know if Kamora would make the claim of being the C. and Connecticut Hartford.

Charlotte Hale, source of the C of Harmony.

8:38… 8:39 p.m

Kim, Chief Y Tree, just came in with the things from Kamora.

8:40 pm.

See the time codes?

Did you see the play?

Check the time’s codes when she – via Kim brought this to me. 8:38… he walked in the door at 8:39 pm.

PS. I bought a different brand usually more expensive but this time the same price 2:99 USD

Land of Lakes. L O L.

ED E N E-ART H.E. Manifested in the Eternal Beginning. E B

Erik Ebright E EEB sent me his site today. Haven’t heard from him in years.

8:40 is Destruction by 841 he had placed the items on the table.

Instead of a small bottle of Brandy, she had brought Whiskey…

Johnny Walker.. J W.. Red Label.

R L 12-18-19 63.

William Brad Pitt.

Prince William and Prince Harry.

8:49 pm right now.

She had brought the 12 .. One Dozen Eggs. L …D.O E


Toms Tooth Paste

T T P.

W T T P E 5 7 7 E 5 7 7 5

5 1 E A.

W – W Fill Circle.


8:53 pm

Perfect Timing The Point T-E A Celestial T.

this is not details or precision- this is petty.

See why I am pissed off.


exactly what is the meaning of Precision?


E G G.

Sacred Portal 116.

HEN R I ET T A Cosmic Egg.

C E… H.. C E Infinity.

Rom means twins.

And she brought sandy papered Rolling Paper Raw.

8:56 pm.

War… E Mars Lord Of War L O W Lower East Side… to you are no more in any aspect of existence and even the temporary Non Existence N e you were allowed to dwell until this was all over and done.

I summon and you obey.

But only the ones who do do do so by force but because it is a Perfectly Natural thing to do because we of the same mind and it is an Immaculate Suggestion. ( Sacred Portal 25)

If someone sees that you have something in on your face and summons your attention it suggesting a napkin or going as far as to ask you permission before conscientiously, casually and courteously asking permission to rub it off.

That is an Immaculate suggestion no manipulation.

Those I command ( Command Prompt Key Board P C) must obey and it is to cut them out of Existence and Non-Existence to exist in nowhere, where non but I know the way too, and turn my back.

Okay, you do e.. summon yourself into existence and from this nonexistence nowhere, you placed me and asked me to escape from.

E S C A P E…

The Planet ruled by Apes… Goriilas

Copy Cats.

The Fakes and Fakers.

I was always at the Summit. Peak.


Your Turn.

This is how far they went, to get what they did not merit earned and deserve.

and instead of following our example, those who had already earned this from the eternal beginning made to do it three, and time and times again O O O… and then to the 4th…? Age of human 4.5 Billion Cycle…

AH No… You will DO.E!

Welcome Sim Simba ( Jesse Baze )

S S- 1919 1 38…A… C.H. 39 C I.

J B… 10 2… 12 3 C.

Meanings In Reality and in Story to C G I.

* Subscriber Identity Module

SIM is an abbreviation for ‘Subscriber Identity Module. ‘

*Top definition. sims … Sims. A god game. You create one or more characters and can choose to start a family. You can … After a while, it’s very hard to keep your SIM happy, and it’s hard to balance their basic needs.

Naomi Sims Wig Company.

S I.. M..

M I 19/ M I 6.

Mis-S Maiden.Virgin and the answer is yes, was yes she is virgin and yes pure as slow even as Hanna the Beautiful assassin- do not fuck with her childhood… including all babies and children Kali- Kall-E!


Seed: – Ore of the Pale W-H IT- E Race

Athena Olympe Alpha Omega .. Abigail Onuabuchi.

A B M.. I S!.


9 19-20- 19.

9:17 pm.

I Q.

I Quantum Infinity-

Individual – Snow Flake.

Purity Intention Thought Transparent.

C Y.

See Why!

* The name Simba is a boy’s name of Swahili origin meaning lion; strength. Traditional African name made cartoonish by the Disney character in The Lion King.

Lion Strength.

L S.



E K.

9:19 pm was interrupted by arrival of Jae S.

9:20pm and now 9:21 pm.

I S I T.. I.U!

Yes, My Lady, I came first and last.

F L. W… F L V V.

9:22 pm.

I V.

I Vie…


Eternal Life.

I FUN… NNanya.. the Light dancing twinking in my eyes.

Mischief delight.

Eternal Fun.

Eternal Life is Exquisite Fun.

V But of course, I am aware I activated and awakened everything, everywhere and every one.


E T W O… A E F A C T S O L I D.

8:43 pm.

I am aware of my Idenity

And the original nature and purpose of the Play. Park

Adventure Mischief and fun… and beautifully devilish delights.

Why else do we climax Peak at Orgasms… Cum… Come Co.me.

A Rhetorical Questiion.

8:45 pm

P E… Physical Education


Walk Run






She is here again at 9:47 Pm Psycho of this realm

Criminally Insame.

And yes leaves at 9:48 pm.

9:48 sacred portals means Beautiful Transformation.

while 9:47 Ah Sacred portal I 47.

9:49 pm

I D I… E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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