
7:38 p.m.

7:38 p.m.



Code: Oh, Individuality is the principal of Lucifer, (Bringer of the Light of the Morning Star, Mba Afor Ocha!) is Love in perfect Symmetry of perfection of purpose…


I am back at 455 Face Book friends, having now been dancing between 455 and 456 face book friends.

Yes, I am in a riddle, a riddle which I have sought to impress upon those who have been reading this posts, comes from a place beyond.

It did it first through me, rising and taking over my Existence, until I could no longer refute its Truth was a Fact which even I could literally recall…

And now it is rising through each of you through out this long face book play spanning 45 months and the 9.4 years and 3 days since I entered the Last and most intense part of the play….

Rising through each of you, through your posts, moving us faster and faster to the point…

The point I had reached in 2OO4.

I did not create this play, nor is this force concerned with my opinion, all it is concerned with is the Beautiful Truth…

A truth which I have made a stance, at a cost.. since I first arrived in New York with Jon Jason Lee, who was my oldest and friend who I met in Peppermint Park…London 199O…when he was 19 and was 23-24…5 years separated us and linked us..

Leading me to Jonn Blackwell, but with two N’s..originally Haun, in 2O15..

25 years later..

And to Donna O’Sullivan after 26 years of meeting girls, whose names began with mainly C.. L.M…for the first time meeting a lady of the D line. and evolution of C to D…and M.D…

Which then links to E…A.E/E.A…

Code 1 55 1…

And so we are back to EE, Sacred portal 55, The Back, and the 33 Vertebra, and the Solving of the Luciferian Knot…

Which prevents the evolution of the body, or the Wings opening up to the symbolic meaning of Freedom…


25 years since Jon-Jonn…J.O.N..1O O 14…24..6=F.

..J.O.NN..1O.O.28…1O…1O O.1O…1OO1O, 1O, O1O…1OO1 Nights..

1O1O…Balance…1O-1O=1…1O+1O=21…Letter U…B.A..2+1=3..C

DE-C.K…Window 3, Chocolate….

6 to 3…F.C…



8:05 p.m.

I am utterly exhausted with this riddle, which is a never ending circle and cycle of my life since I was 8-9 years old when I wrote that story 4O years ago…

4O is D.O..Do-Nna…8×5=4O…See the prompt of the Time…8:5O..

See sacred Portal 85…

Crowning of the True C of Consciousness

See Kim Marcussen share Seal of Existence and the H crowned atop the Circle…

85 is H.E..the original letter E…


For 5 months, much much longer than I or H or D anticipated my staying..

But they have been Gracious and I have had a heck of a time suppressing my outrage, indignation, and the deceptive message I read publicly when I was in the Shelter, of the promise to rest.

And was given all the tools to rest by Jonn and Donna but not by this Force of Truth Will Oh…

Most of my older friends will recall the play of my arrival here and Chris Forrester who was the became my Face Book friend as I headed up to this address July 19th, to find myself sleeping under a ceiling with the letter and number R-19 Owen Cornings..O.C..

Owens come from the latin Eugenuis (E.U-Genius), meaning Well Born

or the Welsh Oen meaning Lamb of Christ (The Word Wave Anointed)

the name Corning said to possibly derived from the German word Kornig, a nick name for some one Robust and Solid..R.S..

And also possibly derived from the name Cornelius- meaning Horn…

Recall the Horned Blade Jonn showed me from Theirs, with an umbrella and a man logo, and inside a Bee Marked brown case…?

1 of four Pen knifes he showed me…

O.C O 3…Full Circle of the C in perfect symmetry, Well Born- (Latin) Lamb (Welsh) O=A Alberto- Noble Bright Intelligent US.A (America)…Latin American Welsh..


Robust and Solid, Horn…

See Joe Fisher Conch Horn Photo he shared.

See A.Santana sculpture of a Man standing on the planet blowing a Counch Horn

See the Horn of Africa…

Joshua and the Horn…

One might suggest that the Horn is alluding to a signal…

:Out of Africa- the literally being free of the African Story and the Origin story of Physical Expression D.N.A Programming which the All the peoples in the World can trace their origins, to the Star Seed line beyond called the E line.

To D.N.E…


Africa was is the Web of the World.

And without solving the Roots creation story of Africa, East and West Africa, there is no way Humanity could evolve…

Which is why my portal home is 55-56…1O-11…25-3O..55…

See Galaxy I.C. 10 11…X…

transformed into Ga-La-XY Z Alpha C.I. X 1O 11..

And why 455 Face Book Friends is in perfect Harmony..

1O11=1..1=A…As well as 21…U-universe. B.A

A.U..S (19) E.T… IS IS ..D.I D.I..DID I?……

but then 21=3..





Code Vicki Cashmore…V.C

D David Donna DD-Haun…Jonn…




Vie Curriculum Vitae DHEU…Dheu is the original P.I.E name for Death and the process of Dying…

The Victorious Consciousness of Dying and Death..

Which has been my Life story..

Transformed in Vie Consciousness Divine Harmony Expressed Universal

L Love Complete.

8:48 p.m….

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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