
7:37 p.m.

7:37 p.m.



Last night just before I left Star Bucks I received some intel via Brenda G Booth who was with her friends,Robert, Barbara and Will…( B.R.B.W….) They were sitting on the Woods Side.

But as she left she called out that Starbucks would be closed at until 7 p.m.

As She said this she left leaving myself and one or two others as the only ones left.

I verified to the one she calls Penelope, actually Yoskary who confirmed it. And immediately they left a Jamaican man came in and suddenly began to speak to me….

I was slightly taken aback by the intimacy he assumed despite my obviously being occupied.

But then I noticed his jersey, he was wearing the Number 7 and he Code A.E on his Ralph Lauren Polo Shirt.

I saw the correlation immediately between the number 7 closing of Starbucks, the Number 7 as he wore, the 7 as G… Violet/Red…Ti/Do…

And in the arrival of Lara Giglu Kallie, then Velma Samuel Russel.. And today, Rebecca Harper Wood…..




And the fact that yesterday, I completed the Examination Test of which was all my Fractals of Self and Expression Scattered to the Four Winds as reads the New York Times Harold Prince play… And All the Kings men and all the Kings Horses could not put my Truth back again…?

Because it was Breathed in by Humans through out time, and instead of inspiring them to greatness, to reach their Source Selves and leave the Idea of of Limitation..

It was transformed into fear by most, and then twisted and distorted again and again until the very air became toxic and death as decomposition of the Original Truth decomposed the Body the Being of all those who Swallowed that Pill.. The Bitter Pill of the Lie…

I do not believe in Fairy Tales.

Eros Kallie…


Kalli Kelsey… K K…11 11…

8:00 p.m.

Lisa Natalie Johnson is the only person left sustaining me, while I live in a Shelter- where the last portal on this play of recovering all my Fractals of the Original Expression…

I came here at 7;22 p.m after writing the last comment to Jean Ann Dortch and no the gift of 30;00 USD has not arrived.


But why should that surprise me?

The Two Skeleton Keys I found where on a post box infront of the Chinese Take Out- itself part of the Matrix.

The Moment I sat down Lisa text me, Quirky at 7:22 p.m.

She had not meant to – but obviously something Eternal wished to point out that she is with me.

Every single person singled out by the play to sustain and support me while I ran this race for the Human Species.. Withdrew financial support once I displeased them, or they found me too ungrateful or too cocky but most of all when I called them out… Because the Script demanded it…

Their literal Salvation demanded it…

And I loathed doing it, because each to their own focus.

Just as I focused on the 7 code expressed by Brenda and the closing of Starbucks, and the Jamaican man all happening at the same time… Seamlessly..

Just as I chose to focus despite being led to the hideous Insult to me, and all I stand for as the Best of the Human Species which I was chosen to represent- elected Elu…without my permission.

And instead was greeted by mostly the Hate Negative Darkest most unreal aspects of Humanity…and finally their Insecurity played out by Lisa.. The least of the Evil of 16.5 years and which was easy and difficult to prove that she the rep of the 19 Line.. S.. Supremes.. Who were made to feel Insecure..

Because She is IN SECURE… IN SEE CURE…

In how one sees is the Cure…

What you chose to Focus on…

At age 19 I began speaking to the World publicly in University that this world was not real.

At 19 Lisa Natalie Johnson experienced going home and had the experience of being told to come back ( as I had) and of being Aware of God and another beyond who said nothing who was further along she called the Source…

19 is S.. 19 19… 38… C.H.I… It is also forms an 8..

8:16 p.m

16.8 on the card.


5 11.. 16…8..

This is what I chose to focus on….

Each of you chose what to focus on…

And Judged… instead of investigating and asking for clarity or giving support to the Heroic in you- being exemplified by me….

I carry no one on my Back….

That is my Freedom Song…

Here is my message I wrote to Jean Ann Dortch

So you see Jean Ann Dortch, the challenge to me was given to me to prove I am the Source by The Unseen ( the Dead) and the Living Dead -People at present- Past to Present and even future incarnations

Geoff LaCour wrote a Book and handed it to me in 2005- he was not from this realm of human consciousness, he was from the Sky and See people- my E Spirit realm

He wrote I will reveal to you Beloved all I have seen and know under the sun-

Your Brothers Betrayed you

Who are my Brothers he spoke of?

Man and Wo-Man

And their betrayal came from their betrayal of Self-

That idea and constant cope out that we are only Human

That idea which allowed them to manifest creation stories which filled and fulfilled their inadequacy..

To create ideas of God of something greater than themselves-apart and separate from themselves.

Where no man or woman could reach that potential already manifest at the inception of Creation.

That they are the Source of Creation- its Children it ore it proto type…

In then in Flesh is the Potential to align with themselves already existing in an Eternal realm of beings of Energy

Beings of Beautiful Expression which this story of Time manifested to allow them to see and experience this truth in themselves.

To Choose to reach for that which is most glorious in them.

That before they came as Semen Light from the Full Circle and the Cosmic Egg of the Radiance of Eros

(Yes see the Video I shared of Floyd Mayweather and Connor Mcgregor FIght

The Commercials are of Versace- Eros as Rocky Marciano whose 49-0 record has been broken

Just as Usain Bolts records of 28 wins had never been done…

50-27 Knock Outs)

This is the Truth of Man

Humanity in just one field. This is not Man being God

This is man being and moving to the Revelations of who he or she is, and at the end of that road is the Meeting of your self actualized, realized.

And this awful awful play in which I had to express that Truth of Humanity evolving to Hue manity

Reaching the portal out of the Body out of the Matrix out of the Mind and out of all the Creation Stories which humanity created to limit themselves…. To excuse themselves, as a species never quite good enough

Created with flaws

And thus, never reach their intended designation.

This effort so evil and cruel was meant to be My Freedom Song, an Ode to myself already existent, in an act and action I had already accomplished in the Beginning of both Existence Eternal and Time- of the Beautiful Truth of what it is to be Human Hueman and what we I he She can achieve.

This Script was not mine but I recognized the Original Pathway I forged naturally of what a Hue Man Being can do.

And so this was meant to be an exemplification of that-

An exemplification of the Truth of A Man who would move to the very portal of Eternity to re-unite with his Eternal Self and Eternal Source I D and his Eternal Family

Floyd May Weather


Grey Haired

Fact Metropolitan Woods

My new Face Book friend today R Harper Woods

7:06 pm

50 fights

27 Knock Outs

50. E O

Mathematical Symbol of Eternity

27- A -A rep Lisa Natalie Johnson

Quintin bed 4-006

Quintin meaning 5

There is no number in my Realm 5 means E

12 is L


I have already done it but with no help from Humanity

My Brothers who betrayed me for an Idea that no Man or Human Being can be the Source…

That Hue Man is flawed

And so like crabs in a barrel they did everything to pull me down when all I did was seek to raise them up.

There is 5.5 yrs of Script here on Face Book which testifies to this

Daily non stop

That Rage Anger Fury Jealousy

Am I not in a Mental Health Shelter?

10 months

Did I not walk the streets

Sleep on trains

In the Woods before all your eyes

Have to ask like a beggar for monies ppl were meant to send me to sustain me like a Runner of a Marathon for the Human Race..

Did any one care?

Did anyone say

But this is a brilliant man contributing to Humanities Evolution

Look at him go

Look how he inspires us



They feed me doubt their contempt their silence and most of all their diseased point of View

The Inferior race who invented a God and a Perfection so flawed which they each became the personification of.

And then they have the balls

They who do nothing

Give nothing but disease and superiority and smiling betrayal

Say that they wish to come home with me

That I owe them ?

That they wish to be part of this because they are


They contributed what ?


Torture Torment

Making me repeat myself

Messages of what they want from me while they indifferently watched my Agony my Voice calling out to their Beautiful Truth

I ended up here because of People and their self hatred which they unleashed on me

The Shall Not Cross

Each to his or her own

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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