
7:32 PM

7:32 pm.

Ogbonna Ndukwe Oji Udo..


Oluwah Djames

Igbo and Yoruba both manifested today as 3-48 and 3-49 Facebook Friends and then promptly disappeared after solving the riddles of Jonn Blackwell and Michael O’Donnell Line…

The True Human Beings Consciousness Naturalness…

And then the China (and Black Irish…Equation)

Great Wall as Economic Invasion of the West -Secrecy instead of Transparency and Avalon.. Legend of King Arthur Morganna.. A M.

Perverting the Beautiful Black ness..Ink..the Body flesh to become the ultimate Darkness and cover up..


Ireland Celts…

Was America involved…

Not to this level of intention and America is code U.S A… Thus, the C.I.A.. Just as depicted in mission impossible made a mistake which they sought to correct…



I really do not have the desire to explain further.

But I was 19 when I won the designer of the year..

Which if we look at the 19 yr old Chukwuma Ogbonna who aligned to me..and the 19/year old youth who died of Spice (Drugs) and the Story of Dune…

The poison that must be drunk to which only Paul Attreides P.A..

Praise Appreciate could drink…

And my revealations that I had been poisoned…

At 19..

And 19 is letter S for being the candidate selected without my knowing to represent the E and the Supreme Truth of Humanity in a secret play..

One can see the point..

That they held my family ransom on all levels in the Spirit world for me to prove the impossible True..

The Beautiful Truth..

I recalled of where we all originated from


Beauty and the Beautiful 1 Creator


C I.

7:47 pm

Jet..Li GHT..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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