
7:32 p.m

7:32 p.m

I Dont Care…

How liberating to really finally reach the true meaning and source of that phrases frequency.

There is no Anger, Rage, Bitterness… not even acceptance…

It simply is…


7:47 p.m… The Truth.

I suppose, that ability to feel no heaviness or anger bitterness at the prolonged grievous journey – A Mission m i 5

comes from having not only done your best, but also discerned and finally attained the Point and the Goal..

The True intention and Indention…

To define and evolve,

That is done.

I can see it for myself.

The response from the people, the Natural Response to such a feat.. is this…

I can not be focusing on this, or on people rising, or the peoples manners, calling them out, watching out for their saftey because they are unaware that everything taking place in their life’s and the intensity of the Karma Cause and Effects moving your lives in what gives the illusion of Chaos and Destruction if you are not in the correct View and Frequency…

Lord.. I have been calling that out for 18 years and 7 years plus on this Public Forum, night and day concerned for you, because the Evolution was already taking place- moving everything.

And that you were as a Species meant to have been able to read it through Nature aligned to the timeas a Species has spent on Earth.. World.

It was not require that I explain Itself to Itself- meaning that I did not have to explain what was happening for it to manifest…

It was already happening, but a force placed me in situation to remind you have to read, Nature Universe .. Human Behavioral Patterns…

Something just happened….

Was realized by myself after a play took place with Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Shaggy Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp

And nothing to do with what they did or personally to me.

I had felt a great release or relief after I managed to complete the last post which took the usual intense focus and 5-6 hours for me to write, resolve, solve equate.. weave and research before and as I was posting…

Sometimes I post for up to 10 12 hours at a time, mostly with one hand because of my bodies literally twisted out of Balance…

8-14 Hours i often spend posting, everyday. linking everything Dumped on my Awareness to solve- like some immense cloud of Clouds, Epiphanies, Stars, Nothingness .. Dark Matter I am weaving .. as Shaggy equated as the effects on Ketamine versus D.M.T… He expressed one as Expansive while DMT he said for him felt like some was gripping his chest…Tightening…

Fear…Moving through oneself from within…

While Ketamine, he said he felt was Expansive…

I take only weed as Medicine to slow myself down – from all racing required to link and Weave everything spin iy as a weaver into a picture Tapestry and then set all the Stills – Pictures in one and set it all in motion…

Sacred Portal 34…

I have been posting like this even as the illusion of my entire life and structure in this world collapsed and disintegrated into Nothing living me seemingly any obligations to this world, any attachments, nothing tethering me or anchoring me to this world or reality..

To go these far.. Everything.. and I mean Everything had been taken away from me..

All as I went further and further .. myself fully, aware that the manifestation of the equation i had presented and demonstrated before a life audience for over 7 months should have taken place 14 years ago.

I went all this way for the Truth because I was and am embodying the truth, and I am fully aware.

But why go so far ..

I feel the lightness in my literal body and being, the weight of having to explain the E Consciousness to this reality and waiting or having to be made to wait, for someone to understand it from a Random Chosen Pool Yeah… right..

Random House was the Publishing house which Discovered my journals.. I knew it was not going to work becaue I was fully aware that there was and is nothing random in Creation…

Its all about know ad learning how to read…

Random house is what brought me to New York if seen by the logic of this world and american western interpretation but I have already demonstrated that I was full aware of another reason.

The Truth…

H M… Link Rays McKayla Mikky to John Mack sisters Holly to her address and to her spouses birthday.

H is Harmony Infinity..

..Nothing Random about this…

Proving a world and even an Existence, undercover and alone in the Dark realm of Forgetting that there is only Harmony.. No such thing as Coincidence…

Always known this, but somehow I was given the onus to prove it..Literally prove into into Existence in Silence on a Facebook page computer screen and act out my intention through a selected group of players…

Read Player One…

Enders Game..

Dungeons and Dragons… D A D…God…

The Onerous weight was not simply proving and laning the Consciousness of E in this Dimension and through such a world view but prove it into existence and being breathing as a living fact..

Hence Humans with 5th Dimension Seed activated and rising…

The weight lifts in me, because I know I did everything, I could…

And even had to fight against that your sacred right Free Will and Choice- to get you to pay attention to something out of this world, but which makes Perfect Sense…

To Rescue the Truth…

That is what I was being moved to do… everything else.. where illusions stories I created as support beams to house the Body of Truth I was Building to now house the resurrected Truth of my First Son who was my first Father.. and Mother first Sister Harmony…

Nothing is Random..

H.M.. It is all in Harmony ..

Note of Sol… Solierys Rosario

5th Dimension…

H E..

E H..O M … E…

I came before Harmony 8…

It is great those who will get it,or get it… and there is no malice but nor is the force of caring, ceeing loving..desiring to protect…

Because now that it has been proven not only into Existence, but its laws, truths, logic reason. story, song, poem. paean reason and purpose have been explained and a few representing the understanding of to the satisfaction of the Spirit Realm which had set this all up.

I do not care what happens people, how they rise or fall..

They..you have been given Everything, including and On LINE E Manual .. all free and interactive… 7 Years worth… Every day.. Truth acted out…

That makes sense… The feeling for the first time of knowing the beautiful meaning of I do not Care…

I.D…N C…

Each to his or own…

When you see how well done- the Equating came down through all the distractions… to O..H…

Harmony Eternity right here in this reality but it was buried under so much muck…

As deep as the bottom of the Abyss or Void.. Where you can walk on its Truth…

The reason and purpose as to why that thing.. even a Black Hole.. and the idea of a Void or Abyss.

I am not attached to any one, anything which is not of truth.. Eternal Truth…

That is the only things Real… and that is the only thing I found worthy completely and natural of the Love only Equals can give each other.. The Beautiful Fair Exchange…

Seen Cherished and Loved for who you naturally are and love.

I dont care I realize is relief… release… lightening an unnecessary load…

The only thing real is that which embodies E.T..Naturally.

While every others things must Die.

I D C…

I See… I get it…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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