
7:31 p.m.

7:31 p.m.

11-30- 10…

11- 3O-1O…

7-31…G Sacred Portal 31…

G is 7.. 7 Vertebra in the Neck…

O is the Full Circle..

GO means 5 in Japanese..

D..Delta.. represent life springing up.. Cellular Life ( C.L) in the Fecund Delta Regions… Where Snakes often dwell…

Serpent Asclepius Ochiuphus…13 Astro-Logical Symbol…

D is 4… 2 2.. Link Ekene Offor Susanta Nayak

and Jason Williams and Jonathan David Frechette their like.

EO. S N…. J.W… J D.F…

D is Death… GOD… God is Death.

To Reach Harmony 8.. the Infinity Symbol of the Magician I had to conquer Death Represented by my Late Brother Nnamdi, and my sister symbolizing the body of Woman but without child.

( my sister has no children) and of course my Mother and Father, and my youngest brother Oboom E.T.. who is married to a Japanese Lady…

GO is Japanese means the number 5 .. Color Blue.. 5th Chakra.. Nnamdi born 5-4- 69 in American sequence of arrangement and 4-5-69 across the Pond.

Which other Cultures in the World can one say got the understanding of Death more Elegantly than the Japanese…

From the Way of Nature, to Self Mastery, to Simplicity, Akido to Rituals off Death, fearlessness, Honor.. and Nagasaki Hiroshima… N.H…

Natures Harmony… N.H.S (National Health Service in England)…

God had to be conquered, destroyed and evolved to His Her True Meaning…. Harmony Infinite….

The Magician….

And to do this I had to open the Head.. the Mind.. the Brain Cranium by transforming Mentality to Consciousness C


Below Sexual Creation Penetration…

And the Middle area.. Stomach Solar Plexus… Wings.. Arms.. Shoulder Blades…

7:48 p.m.

Death is a Black Man…

And A Mother of a Universe…Brown and Pale… 2.. S.P 87

Anubis Ma’at .. A.M… In this World..Story

That story had to be conquered along with all the stories which all aligned to it..

Pyramid… Bridge of the Two Worlds.. Africa Middle East Europe… A.. M E…E… Add the Reflection on the other side of the Pond… R…I.C… A.H…

A M E..E R I.C…A.H…

Not A.M…The the 4th REICH…New World Order… N.W.O…

( represented by Nicholas Wittingham bed 4-008 @ Delta Manor.. the Boxer… Taekwondo.. Boxing:…

AK.ID O… AKE I DO.. ID O… Ignacio Choi I.C..)

This is why Nicholas whose name means Victory of the People had to be made to be aware… and not remain ignorant and child like…

Today, he did not put his head in the sand as he spoke to his mother infront of myself ( I was trying to rest how could I not hear!) Allen Murray and Quintin who never utters a word and for good reason he is absorbing..

But after he engaged A.M and then me.. I had to get up, no sleep or rest…

But he ended saying to my expression that the World is changing and that it is the entire World.

A New World Order cemented as a Business Deal…

( Strictly business nothing personal and definitely not racists, it is simply using the Divisiveness as a tool and religion… this is all about the Benjamins… 100 usd ..

*(Correct codeBenjamin Joshua Melendez.. M. J.B…007 B.J.M…B 1013…B 23.. B 14… B.E… )

not, those who truly believe they are on the Right Hand Side of God…

The ones God made Kings on Earth by their Birthright…)

The Business deal is between Egypt, Saudi Arabia and America.. USA ( USA…is means Greed in OINri Igbo… United Saudi Arabia… )

E U S A… Is the Correct Equation Code…

Not S.A U. D.I…/ I.D… U A S S… USE..A… US Existences Awareness….

Meaning Of Existence..

Please recall the Glowing ORB….And the Two Presidents an One King…

Steven Colbert ( S.C..South Carolina the 8th State) had a field day seeing to get the Worlds attention and Jimmy Kimmel…

( J.K.. 10 11… E GA LA XY 1O11 C..I.E..)

8:09 p.m…


Believe me when i say to they,, the Super Privileged living in Ivory Towers, it was strictly business…

And their Divine Right came from the position of Power

YOU granted them.

Nicholas was quiet and said again and again…

Yes, yes.. it sure is… the World is changing as suddenly all my tirades and drama in the room and behavior and reactions came crashing down in an instant of awareness…

North Korea… Yes… they are disciplined, as is China….

Definition of Third Reich. Third Reich: Meaning third regime or empire, the Nazi designation of Germany and its regime from 1933-45. Historically, the First Reich was the medieval Holy Roman Empire, which lasted until 1806. The Second Reich included the German Empire from 1871-1918.

The Victory of the People .. is of course, they finally being aware… but using Reason and Common Sense…

Love Links…. Sequences Dna..Dne.. to the END…

And .. reads the Post Script….

Such as Lord Ye has and Dawn Piercy and countless others around the world and on my page who have been quietly reading every post of my as it should have been read…

Emeka;s Daily News…

E.D.N…Expressed Naturally…

E…. D N E… N… E…S..H..E…E E E …

N…E ND…. E

8:25 p.m…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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