
7:29 p.m – It’s has never been

7:29 p.m

It’s has never been about Power. Money


Project Manager.

To have the power to give and take away.

Nor about Twisting and Changing The Words written in True Diamind Clarity, and making it. Them means what you want them to mean, and using Deception Hypocrisy Hypnosis Gossip to make them mean what you want them to mean to expand your Ego and value and Worth.

That is not True Clarity
Sacred Portal 20.
Nor is it 31.

I have lived with Certainly in a realm of the Physical Material here, for almost 18 months.
With Kim Arthur Hinds Jr as my Host Stufent

And before then with Liberty C for almost 11 months.

I have always had wealth. Money but I have also been through 64 Portals without it,
And where people felt that their power is play in the ability to take it away if you do not adhere to what they say or do.

My Journey saw this in Terrible Detail.

And it is over…
29 + years of living through that Illusion and
Almost 18 months


And I am here, present having proven my point that there is an even greater power that can take all and everything you ever thought belonged to you.

7:45 p.m

And much, much more.

That is now being taken away.

I required one month
To finish this and Liberty Liscomb
And with Kim Hinds

It is Done Completely

And I appreciate it.
Both of them

But at The Same time I have long since proven that I am the Source of All Wealth
Even to the 4 Divine Breaths
And Elements.

To even the 5th.

I am E.

Not a number but the letter. To the Word.

To the Eternal Truth Eternal Law.

E. T.E.l. E.P.H. O.N.E.

E T C.A.L.L.E.D. H.O.M.E

And only I Answered.
Only I was Home.

7:53 p.m.


Add TEN.

65 /56.


7:54 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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