
7:28 p.m.

7:28 p.m.

Evolution of C… E.O.C…


EO.C/ C.OE…. E C /C.E…


Can one Person… One Man Evolve Consciousness of entire Species?

By Simply Being.. And Being Aware…..

Can he do it through C.O.D.E.S…I….



It has already been done once I reached Elizabeth Clarizio and Eduardo Corona….

I am Chukwu Emeka… Creator Emeka….

And after completing the play with Caesar Rivera. and Kerwyn R. Vincent.. Each who played their parts to perfection without realizing it…

( But I was Aware), I knew that I had already reached the C.E Twice full Circle… O O.. 6 7 8…

Through the Sacred Feminine… represented through all of you and finalizing at Elizabeth Clarizio… ‘The Vow, the Oath of Creation being satisfied with my Clarity…

And then with Eduardo Corona The Wealthy, The Powerful Guardian and Friend Crowned…. In the Masculine Aspect…

Masculine Feminine… Mas C U Line…

It is also frequently used in Brittany, where it is traditionally a male name. The male and female names may not be the same name in origin. The male name is a descendant of Old Welsh Morcant, possibly derived from mor (meaning sea) and cant (meaning circle), with the meaning sea chief or sea defender.

Femi.. Meaning Femi is a common Nigerian given name of Yoruba origin, meaning love me. It is a short form of a longer name that portrays love from an entity to the bearer of the name.

Nine is Completion of Space…

9 Planets in Space…

9 months a Human Being in the Womb….

Thus Masculine means Sea and Circle…

Which would be the Ether of Space and the Amniotic Fluid..

*Amniotic fluid fills the amniotic sac. At first, the fluid is mainly just water from the mother’s body.

Y.O.T. T.OY..A Full Circle creates 1.. A…

What is the origin of the Toyota name? Toyota Motor Corporation was founded by the Toyoda family. The word Toyoda uses ten Japanese strokes to write while Toyota uses only eight. Eight is considered a lucky number in Japanese culture

I have now been at Delta Manor Mental Health Homeless Shelter for 8 months.

I never believed for a moment that this much would be demanded of me to Infect the World with the Beautiful Truth.

But is it possible…?

But of course.

It is possible for one Idea to affect an entire world…

Ideas have affected the world from the Wheel to the Internet…

Just as it has devastated an World..

A rat carry a disease spread it, and it killed 300 million people in Europe in the Middle Ages.

It has always started with One….


And it spreads.

This is what I have done, first naturally, spreading the way I see, first naturally, and then with full awareness….

And then even breaking it down into a technique, an art and a science.

This is what I have done, first naturally, spreading the way I see, then breaking it down by looking at my Naturalness and its effect on others, and then breaking it down into an Art a Science and then a Technique… An Immortal Technique…

That is the Nature of being a Creator..And Artist.

And the difference with the Beautiful ‘Virus which I have spread for the last 25 years.. 28 years consciously and 62 months on Face Book which accessed the entire World.. 6 degrees of Separation and Connection.. is that there is no cure.

You can never undo what I have done, because It was always in you in the first place… This Eternal Truth, as you have all witnessed.

What made Shane Michael Robinson Sr. contact me this morning at 11:58 a.m…?

Was it his awareness that at that particular time, he was confirming me as Kolo Emeka Harmony..8 Months to the day…?

March 6, 2016 at 1:18 a.m was the last time he contacted me in response to a text….

‘Can you better help me understand my part in all this?’ He had asked…

March 6… 2016….1:18 am…

3-6.. 2016…. 1 18….. 36… 36…. 1 18….

R R.. 18 18=36…..

9 9 1 18…. I.I..A.R…. 18…1 18….9 1 9…

I.S… 1 19… I.A.I…

See Elizabeth Clarizio post today or yesterday at 9 19…

He received my response and then responded Thank You Namaste ( T.Y.N…N.Y.T… New York Times…) at 10:02 p.m.

10 02… J.O.B… J.B…James Bond… Sky Fall…

8:15 p.m… right now…

The next time he responded to a text I sent him over a year later of what he could so,was Wed at 4:15 p.m…

4:15 is D.O…. DO… The First Note of Sound…

4 15.. 4 6.. D.F…

46… Lisa Natalie Johnson…

Jonathan David Frechette… J..D.F…

Fred Delshad.. F.D…

Jonathan Scott.. S… 10 19.. 29… He is from Burlington Iowa…

B.I… 29… He is Followed by 788 people…

He resides in Shelby Montana.. S.M…

Shane Michael Robinson Sr…. S.M.R.S….

Shane Micheal Robert Steven…….

7 88 .. I was at 9 88 Face Book Friends for a while…

Where it anchored… See Sacred Portal 88…Ascension of H.R

The Lady he lists himself linked with has the initials R.H..


See the meaning of the name Rebbecca..And See sacred Portal 88…

Whose benefit did I contact Shane, mine, or his or better still the line he and She represent…

The problem with this current consciousness and my state or Facade of being in a Mental Health Shelter is that people are helping me… This is so far from the truth, but I do not bother correcting people.. It is too much trouble, and it is a good check, examination of me as Doctor of Love and the Professor of Beauty… Of peoples true state of Consciousness..

Caesar Rivera’s comment to Elizabeth Clarizio was one of the few times, I was genuinely shocked and responded with enough of this Insult…. It has gone too far…

This Scripts elaborate deception of giving people the illusion that I needed them or their Help.. or their Money…

It is for this reason,that for allowing it to go this far for 16 years, that there can never bee any forgiveness or any Redemption Song.

You take away my Life and Existence of Boogie. telling me that something is wrong with the Creation, with Existence, with life… Never truly taking a look in the Mirror… ( the very first thing I did when I began cleansing myself when I reached London, and had to cleanse myself of the story of my life up till the age of 22-23 after I left my sisters space in Queens.. sat alone in front of a mirror in Brixton, in abandoned house which I was allowed to stay in for that very purpose I knew, and faced myself in front of the mirror. Where i could not lie to myself, no matter how much I wished to.. In the end, I got to the truth of each experience and my own response and reactions. And when it was complete, I was cleansed and the House was sold and I had to move out…

Perfect Timing….has meaning.)

And so, 25 years later… after I had made it back home to the Portal of True Life and out of the Matrix… Which I knew was a Matrix because True Life is Harmonious, has Logos. has Harmony.. Just look at The Heavens and the Earth and all Creation… The idea that Creation was what Humans deemed it was so obnoxious and such an affront to my very being that though I knew how to exist here without being infected, I was not too disturbed by being summoned by Death when I was 24-25…

My only grumble was what the devil did all this serve for…

I was not even allowed to Boogie…

All I had done is write three Volumes of Notes in Mu Journals which I began in 1989 and which contained my methods of cleansing ‘Alone with a Mirror and Observations of reality and the break down of what had happened here and why..

I had cleansed my sight… of my child hood, and that is how I was able to See…

If your eyes or glasses get fogged up, and prevents you from seeing clearly. what is the natural thing to do…

When your Hurts cause invisible tears to clog the way.. what do you do..?

You wipe your tears….

Common Sense…

I was not too distressed about leaving the World behind, it was a horror to the logic reason and logos…

And when I felt the Radiant Light of my portal home, while in that Coma Ha, I totally forgot everything else but basked in the AH!! Of the Sensational Feelings… Sky Fall..?

Fear of the Hen, The Sky is Falling

Please…. I was passing through myself as both Life and Death…

L.A.D… I am the Lad….

The Body and Being.. My twin self linked by P.E… Personality Expression the 5th Element… MOI…

As I stated I know exactly who Shane Michael Robinson Sr. represents… S.M.R.S…..S MR…S….MR…SS… MR…38…

RM 383… Supreme Room… Not Supreme Mrs….

S.A.M.E…. R.O.S.E…. S.A.M.E… R.I.S.E…

Body and Being Rose at the same Time…

Life And Death…

Death DNA Life… D E AT..H.D N A..L. I..F.E….

E F..I.L.A.N.D…H.T.A.E…D…I.E…

I met a person called Tae.. He owned a Modeling Agency called

OM…Which is where I met Michael Jamaican who was a Photographer who I met here.. the traitorous wretch chuckle….

I already knew the Way… And was just dumbfounded by what had been done to the way,…

That which sent me back was not myself, but rather the Illusion of myself as Maurice Cecilia… M.C… And N… Manifest Consciousness of Nature.. Nothing… To help… others find their way back… When I had stated that there was Nothing Here…

That Everything which was real existed beyond this Matrix…

This ridiculous idea of Life…

And that Father and Mother.. F A M..ILY… Evolving back to E had to discover this themselves…

That is the E way…

That is how I did it when I rose Alone…

It is all documented here…

There is no We… There is only You…

You who are Born Alone who Die Transform Alone and Exist alone until you figure out that all are experiencing the same thing…

This does not turn you into one lump of Mass or a collective, or a People…

You first must understand the Self, your I.D first and foremost…

In school you do take exams together, go through the process of school together but each is individually experiencing it.. Each makes choices do you not….?

Human History is just a Story of possibilities acted out, but none of you were there were you….

Each experiences it differently.. and yet through the Individuals experience and gifts of Discernment and the Body as a great barometer of Truth which tells you… ( Animal Body)…

Senses.. and then there is your Being.. A River of Sixth Sense…

A Flow… All these Tools enable you to easily navigate through the History all now present in its Sum Totality of Now…

The Truth and the lessons required to advance…

Pass your Exam…

I spent a further 25 years and a millions of light years traveling through my mind through the Betrayal of M.F

This idea of Mother and Father who became Gods…and Goddesses…

Mother knows Best, Father knows best… But each of them were children and had parents.. and it goes all the way back.

Each of you, were set up as a Circuit board, in which Electrical Current of E flows through, right to Shane Michael Robinson Sr… each of you, representing a piece in the puzzle which the E in me linked to the E in you… Yes Shane Namaste… Nna Mast Day…

TAE Means Great, Bright Cheerful Talented Great One….

Namastae… I recognize the Eternal One in you. and I pass through your Portal in the Human Form in this play recognizing each step of the way, the way home and expressing each step of the way, how I know, why I know, creating Codes which activate the Awakening of All… E…

But no one else is real… and if you wish to have a body and being aligned you had to pass through the E that is me…

And not the other way around…

And to create such a play… Such a Mind Fuck…

That which was possible.. something else rising to join the E lime as a Species. C.. can now never Be….

Being and Awareness creates Consciousness by Doing…

Doing created the C… of E.. Eternity through Expression Truth..The Beautiful Truth…

And any other way but this way brings Non Existence and Existential Death…

This morning I lay in bed and as I woke I struggled to rise from a place so so deep, so deep that for a moment I knew that if I gave in to it, I would never rise from the bed…

I would go Home, this way… And I do not know why I did not go back to sleep, infact I did… I re found it that space without any trouble… And I wished to give into it.. All I had to do was simply close my eyes. and I knew that they would find me later not dead… But gone…

Shane Michael Robinson Sr. just texted me at 9:22… I.V…

Which all My face book Friends know it links to the 6 year old Royal Mayan Santana… S.M.R.S… Code Completed…

9:32 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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