
7:28 p.m.

7:28 p.m.


10 20 10

G B.H.

G C T.S.


1 2 1

1 6 2 6 1 6.. 22

16 26 16.. 58….

7 8 7….


Mirror Reflects…B.E…Y…Youth Being E

M R.. 31 Y Chromosome 25……B E.. K

Mirror and Reflect… M A R…

Now at 1.

The mirror and the reflection then dissapear, leaving only the Source of the Mirror and Reflection.

The Origins.

Immediately after giving evidence and proof of why one must get to the Completion of the play and the Script, before letting go of the responsibility of your being able to see the play others can not.

You must reach the Peter Tosh…


Point in Perfect timing …

And my linking John Mack to his sister, Holly MacDonald

H M 8 13…21… at 13 8 address, married to person born 8 13…

just as my own sister born 7-28 is me.

7:42 p.m.

Universe is 13.8 Billion years old… 13=M..8=H.

* Marcel Heald arrived as my 12 80 Facebook Friend.

H M/ M H…21 21= 42 6

John Spencer MacDonald.

E.M.F.. Esteban Miguel Filgueira E.M F= 24 6

42/ 24….66.. 1 3 9…

Beyond Time and Space as Galaxy M.W 87 69…

4.5 Billion years old Planet… 5 4 its source reflection… beyond Earth.. Extra Terrestrials..

E D/ E D.=I… ( 4 5 5 4… 9 9… Isabelle Ilic…18… Years in New York…R Reflection I I… Becomes i… One… I O..

18 is the Back Story or Reflection inn Hindsight…

18 years… to reach A.H..1 8.

H M/ M H…

E D/ D E…

Its Source….?

H M E D…resolved to 6 and 9…. 99 and 66…

A,H! 1 3 9… A C I…14…N…5..E

E N 66 5 V E…

69… 54….

13.8- 4.5…= 9.3..

1 3 9

9 3…

A C I… I C…

Thus the Mirror Reflection vanishes and so does the Wall,

and so in that space is the Two and the One.

Marcel Heald

Marcel Heald appears twice..

See the meaning of his name- see my post of the Army and 5 O

8:00 p.m.

See my post on War… and what I was decoding Linking and Equating today, from Gay-Marie Hollingsworth… G M H..

G=7… M .H… Marcel Heald…

Young Warrior…

Virile Manly

Gentle Tender… Mas

Mars God of War…

The name Heald is derived fron the Anglo-Saxon word ‘healdan’ which has the meaning to ‘hold’,’possess’,’guard’,’protect’. The notion that ..

And it means Hill.. Slope… Top and Gradient… Inclination.

4th Planet Linked to 2nd.. 4 2. Mars Venus… M V..

Me at 18 Mountain View.. Jonn and Donna O Sullivan..

I passed through both portals but left through Robert Sullivan’s ( birthday 4-19…D.S) portal and his daughter D.S… D O S ( 58) Donna Sullivan…RS D S….

*See painting by Jeff Sullivan see Esteban Miguel Filgueira mother Donna, Link R S.. Solierys Rosario

Mars Venus… Venus is Mars.. Two Men…

1 ( 9) is Mercury Messenger to the All O Full Circle Space and 1-9 to Planet Earth destination 3rd Planet ( 6th)

Mars is actually the 5th planet as well as the 4th…

Jupiter the 5th as well as the 4th..

And Mercury the 1st, also the 9th from Space Beyond..

Pluto… Hades.. Mercury..

Messenger of Beauty Light Love…

Brooke Lee Lemery

Brenden Velez…

So when John Mack called me, easily naturally after seeing the Sign and intel E.K.K.O and called me while I was writing that Post on the use of Deadly Force approved by Congress..

And Zion brought the Army Tank..

And Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines..

* John also noted the code K 8 everywhere.

K H…Kim Hines who served in the Military…

Link Ness Hines.. N H… Natures Harmony MAN… N= E H M

8:22 …23 p/m

H V… H V V

All of which as Beer Caps, appear on my T.V Altar coffee table..

and my Van…. Sneakers, code on it 69 Lightening Bolt ( L B/ B L) and 80 8O…( 86)

8=16 64… 16+64 =80…

Perhaps you can see what Perfect Timing and Synchronicity means… The Point.

The Meaning… Foresight Hindsight.. Seers Sorcery Magic Manifests Truth

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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