
7:26 pm. – An Entire Post was l

7:26 pm.

An Entire Post was lost.

My Last words were that this is the Adversary of The Creator.

7:28 pm.

Then my post vanished.

The Code on my page is 4-5.

4.5 Billion years ago.

I had been explaining the play of Sound versus Feeling Sensational Solid.
How it is all about ARIA- D.N.E.

The Story of how sound bends and echoes.

How Aria-DNE, is the origins of D.N.A

And how An Aria is an Ode in G-Major.
and a Paean is a Song.

*”a long accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio.”

Ariadne means “Holy and Sacred” Song as does the name “Jeron- Satya…
“Very Holy”. V.H.

And how that Very Holy and Sacred Truth, has been moving through this world, and all the people, meeting resistance, and in others, rising in Harmony but with the use of Worlds.

Now I have been literally talking to The Silence and being made to prove how all the E Rose in the Eternal Beginning, and again in the Beginning of Time, and that I was made to prove that original truth, right here in the 21st Century ( To Sum) and made to prove it a fact right here with so much resistance in a world full of Noise and with those who had forgotten and others who defied denied and became Nature as Nothing.

I was speaking of the true meaning of the Name Ariadne and how that story with Theseus was used as the base in the Western world in The Enders Game, – Ready Player One.
Asif Joseph Campbell J.C, of the West, had been chosen as one of those selected to represent the Curriculum Vitae of the Enders Game.

*”Ariadne, in Greek mythology, daughter of Pasiphae and the Cretan king Minos. She fell in love with the Athenian hero Theseus and, with a thread or glittering jewels, helped him escape the Labyrinth after he slew the Minotaur, a beast half bull and half man that Minos kept in the Labyrinth.”

And how I have coded that on Facebook for the last 8 years.

And recognized that play when I first met Liberty C
Arden Ferrill, Aurelia, Leander, via Jeron Satya, including his name meaning J.S= 10 19= 29. A-Z+123 C.

O.8. O.H. O.I.

I spoke about the Inner Self versus The Outter,
And how the Original Song and then Song came from The Silence Inside and was heard by The Infinite Source from inside and caused him to come out to investigate what was the Birthing of Creation and how I encountered my Sister Self on the road in the first Deepest Darkest Matter Energy, why she came as the Puma and I as the Black Panther as an Energetic Signature and how we communicated via Silence- E.S.P.
But Sound had been born.
That Very Holy Sacred Sound, which I had been made to prove as a Fact and not simply a Story, but as History of the H.I Story consciously since 1989.

Yes, Sacred Portal 89.

19 89 – 10 17- 27. A-A

7:59 pm.

That it is the Very Holy, that forced me to be His, Her Messengers sine 8 pm 1967 to 76.

I spoke of Lord Krishna and Sacred Portal 112 A. Where the Goddess Bliss. S.P 44, ( and yes I was going to walk to 1544 C-Town to get some Fresh Air from the implications of all I have understood from this play right up to last night, and the sorrow now apathetic and Indifferent as the world people here have been to me and my feelings Sensation proved Solid Fact.

It’s too late now.
My body, this play, the binds the absolute abuse of power has kept me locked and chained to my seat, and when I completed the post, it responded by making the whole thing vanish.

8:05 pm.
8:06 pm

What is the point?
Obviously to Control me, to gain more Expression and more time.

6-8 is the number on my page right now.
Bianca Davies
White Beloved.
White David.
Pale David.

It is 8:09 pm right now.
Sacred Portal 89.
I have been Talking To The Silence and recording documenting it, since 1989 as you can see by my page.

89 is also 86.

Sacred Portal 112 A shows Goddess Bliss, making the demand to Lord Krishna, L.K “Prove to me that Existence Life is not all misery and suffering, and if you can do this, I will give you my blessing and all I have to give”

it has the code 12.00 on it.
Liberty C sent 800 USD last month, which I asked for and then another 400.U.S.D.
It is the most I had ever asked her, 800 was 350. USD plus 450.00 USD.

add 400 U.S.D.
It becomes 12.00.

So you see I was simply taking my cue- from myself who drew the sacred portals age code 43.

I did the play of Lord Krishna in 2005 with Axel Love ( 9 Mutual Facebook Friends) Axel Anderson as the witness, and again with George Philip Roc in 2014, May 8th ( 5-8) but there was no response from Nature, just its confirmation that I was correct but not manifestation- just Silent Confirmation by the plays which followed, that was 2005, the year Aurelia – 67 was born
That is 16- 17 years ago since that play began in Jan 2004 -April when Pope John Paul passed away, April 2nd-2005. 4-2-25.
My Code confirmed by Jeron’s Satya -S.L “Supreme Love?” Numbers 29+31. S.P 29 and 31- 60 One Minute is 2-25-2019.
B.Y. T.S
B Y. C.I.

I do not wish to speak about the Evil and Cruelty beyond belief, but proven a Fact anymore, I have already cut that Nnamdi version, despite his True Intentions out forever. I live in the present and not in the past.
I am the only one Present Here right now.

Only his as Noni Promise story is holding me, hostage, to the passed in the illusion of the Present.

My Light Blue Lighter, finally gave up the ghost last night.

8:29 pm

Which signalled the End of that play and bond age resolved and so my Aquamarine Teal Lighter is what I got up in the dark early hours to use, The One in the same Story of Color of my American Spirit Tobacco which I have been using that same color for 4- 5 years. And that play of 1:21 am is completed or meant to be of the Drum Beat and sound. B A S. E M E. N.T

Sacred Portal 121. It snowed here. First Snow, as it did when I first arrived here in Hartford Connecticut October 2018 and Anastassia Hart A.H welcomed me to C.H. 3-8.

But I am still explaining Sound Echo from its source to the full circle of everyone because the one used as my messenger Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was used to hold me up in the story passed of the Flood.
It was not his fault, he was aware as I had told him and proven to him that he was being used.

I spoke of NU. Numbers

*”Nun, also spelled Nu, oldest of the ancient Egyptian gods and father of Re, the sun god. Nun’s name means “primeval waters,” and he represented the waters of chaos out of which Re-Atum began creation.”

And Nu Gau NG. 147 S.P 147 A.B
7:47 pm

*”Nu Gua, Wade-Giles romanization Nü Kua, also spelled Nugua, in Chinese mythology, the patroness of matchmakers. … Legend credits Nu Gua with having repaired the pillars of heaven and the broken corners of earth, which the rebel Gong Gong had destroyed in a fit of anger.”

There was alot of things said in this post, but it vanished, and I have given you some highlights, reminders for me actually for after the Evolution Awakening so that I personally will never forget.

I am now at 3029 Facebook Friends. C- O.B.I.
KOBI Bryant.

C- Obi Etuka

30 +29= 59.

Sacred Portal 59 “End of The Story” S.D Self-e Destruction. That is where the coding was completed yesterday with the using as my next-door neighbor as my cue.

8:42 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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