
7:26 PM

7:26 pm.

Personally, It has been the greatest waste of time energy, and breath, having been compelled to involve people asleep and in a comatose state, to be involved in your own awakening by growing you from Children ( of every age) to wise children than to beautiful youth.

It was not your fault, it was not you who created this play.

And yes, it has been successful, and at the same time providing the evidence as to why this reality had already reached it optimum point a long, long time ago.

It was obvious to all, long since i came along and had to prove transparently why it is so.

Most of you were already aware of that, and my presence here did little more, that clarify it in detail.

This was meant to be about the A and E Family and that would have been a play of beauty and ease even if it was of extinction.

Instead, it was made into a mission impossible 8, obviously from the sleepwalker avatars point of view, and not the point of view of the one who is infinity and Father Of Infinity.

In the end, I was proven correct, that your, really should not have had been part of the actual process of your own evolution and Awakening, nor should have had to prove or given evidence to you.

The ones who are of that first family and of the A. Alpha Intelligence and Awareness would have recognized instantly the play, their roles, and their parts.

You were simply not qualified as a species, nor having yet attained the status of individuals, how could you have been anything other than the audience of what is.

Either you were ready, for the status of Individuals as the original script, and even the rules which govern your systems of Examination here, in this reality at present.. or you were not.

This was done through the hardest way possible, and for no reason for it, when there was a way of pure ease and which have made even the play of Extinction effortlessly, exquisitely beautiful.

Instead, you have no idea the effort it cost, and the weight of a burden ( not even real) I personally had to make, or play such a role outside of my true nature.

7:47 pm.

Jet Black Plane.

There was a better way, even you are aware, that you can not negate eternal law, even as you have discovered those laws as Natural Laws, such as the way the process of schooling is the same principle as the one which brought you into existence and being.

Impart knowledge, through films, books, enactment, projects, and at the completion of the cycle, Extamination Test.

Consequence. You Pass or you Fail.

But having to coddle, live sleep, with you, come on Facebook every day, 247 Night and day and let’s are honest you are not my kids or offspring as The source E none of you truly recognize ( no Blame) but even as a human being, you’re not of my family here above or as E Family.

I mean, you were never my personal responsibility.

7:53 pm

And no one is here present no one but E K A I.

I am sure you can understand my point of view.

No one does what I was made to do, here in this reality, and it is the same in nature, and above.. people grow Up, naturally by choice and their own will, and others by choice and their own will fade into extinction.

This was a very bad idea, take it from the one who did all the work of that which was already foretold and foregone conclusion.

And see?

See the Conclusion… it is at Emeka Kolo here alone still posting Awareness.

E K A. of Eternity and Infinity in you.

Of course, I did it on my own, a scallywag simply placed the intel in all of you, like post offices boxes carrying valuable E-mail, which I had to retrieve from you, in order to get home and complete that which was are a dome deal.

8:00 pm.

Scripted at the onset of E. I CEE Every Thing.

E T.

Eternal Truth… Is Constant.

Foundation Common Sense.

I could have done this beautifully, and given it the majesty it really deserved…alone.

Which I ended up doing, and at the same time made to feel so alone, when I was alone already and able to do it alone bloody well, without all the distraction and seeking evidence facts, proof to that which is not even here or exists.

This reality was created by you…

Not by the E or the ones Humanity was being groomed to merge with.

This lie of life was not created by what I represent, of the E The Present with the Present, Gift.

This was created all by the Minds of those fixed nowhere… Nowhere at all.

In their minds, your heads… yet none of those spaces.. as a manifestation of physical space exists.

Not in being, interpretation, enaction meaning, of the word or definition.

You do not even know where the mind is located.

And there is no Head of state, or Chief, or Leader…or A Head.

By no possible stretch of the imagination…

No one is here.

Well maybe a line or two here now rising, but after such an impossible amount of effort to make that which was and is simple and of Focused Ease.. difficult Complicated for no reason logical or grounded at all.

Not even to feed the Ego because I define Ego.


EG O 5 7 O.

Good grief.

A Carton… CGI… Computer Generated Animation, and not very funny at that, humor was injected by E: M.E.

Well. still, it’s Won and done and the same lines represented as T E N and F I V E and T W O are the ones who rose to the occasion as was expected, with the only thing added…. We took our treasures and lastly all our Gold.

Enders Game Video Game Victorious V.ID.-E.O. V. ID. E F.

V I D E-A. B.C BOOK. of E

The Alphabet Book.

T. A B.

/ B AT M-A N.

The Story 42.

8:21 pm.


HU? No such thing as HUMAN in Being….

8:22 pm.

H V.

smh… it is a little funny, I admit but not that funny at all.

8:23 pm.

H W.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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