
7:24 P.M

7:24 P.M

Star Bucks

78 Spring Street




Sacred Portal 97-79


As most are aware I am addressing Existence Universe through you all as it rises through me.

Weaving together the pieces together which formed Consciousness…




We are One.

But I am IE and there is a line of E called Eternity E2, E3…and on which stretches way Beyond inginity …beyond universe as the Universal Body Energy Alpha AhTom.

This was the challenge and set up which I found myself in.

To prove a Hue man Consciousness can embody the truth of the Universe from Inception to Conception through an Individuals Consciousness and even Knock Out the 1O concept of Universal balance by expanding it while living within this world, on Earth yet Outside of it.

Beyond it.

Who is the challenger of humanity.

Is it the Anti Christ consciousness.

What is the source of this Hatred for humanity.

Which could set up such a challenge and Contest for us..or I to prove that we are Beautiful and way beyond the conception of us seen through the naked eye. N.E.

That Natural Expression (E N) from within can bring forth the True Expression Natural..T.E N..

That we are beyond symbols as X as 1O..that we can use words and the stillness behind them within them to push a Universe to 9 months of pregnancy gestation twice thrice…

999..+x 27- 3(9) B G…C I.

Being of Grace Consciousness Individual.

In Light, in Darkness in living Color of E Motions and Feelings Sensationally expressed to the 4th degree of the illusion of mind 9999 4 (9)..


I.D…of E Man U All…

To push expand the Universe Body Being Consciousness Awareness through D.. Devotion of David the Beloved to give birth to the truth of Existence in this world.

To bring forth that which is beyond the U.F.O..the O.F.U..the O.N.E..to give birth to the 1EEEEE line on Earth..

-In this world..on this planet in this soloar system by aligning the Line of E lite…from Galaxy 6O X I.C 11O1 to W78-87MW aligned to WW MM..

(23+23…46…1O… 13+13…26 8

F.D 4-6-Rep by Facebook friend Fred Delshad the Persian Prince Rumi to 1O as The Elegant Nomad T.E.N (me) to X. 24 brain…to MM Marina (Burini) Marie (Alexander..A B) to 268..BF H..

Best Friend Harmony mirrored reflected in Facebook Friend Zeina Hanna…Meaning Beauty the Gift of the Creator the Harmonious landing of U.G O meaning the D.O.V.E of peace…

All by one being accessing the Records of All called the Akashic records..

Which is not contained in the D.N.A..but in the

A N.D.. Asale Nnamdi David…

Meaning the Speak Talk Okwu Parlez of the Voice which does not require sound…

The Speaking talking of Father I S the Beloved DA.VIDe Father and source of the Vide

Orien Laplante .. OH Rien (Ri-Laugh EN..IN…Rein means The Nothingness) LA! (6th note) Plant is E…

Energy exists in the Vide…

Thus there is no such thing as the Vide the Void the abyss…the Vacum or empty space because Energy exists there.

And the true Akashic records is link..AND

ET Energetic Truth…NA…Natural Awareness which had no effort..ease.

And its expression comes from beyond the Universal Body..

But from Beyond where the I Being weaves its truth into Body here in New York.

Aligning the Line of Galaxies. The Hi way…

The R-OA-D…RD…Through a song of Harmony vanqinining the rude who seek to block its path with lies twisted Truth, Blame denual ..

Fear as thier Ears of 6th sense that he has aligned the original Gala XY back to is true intent…

Birth of E Evolution in this world.

And so we are at Eshe Chuki Aslae…

234..9 Be 7..

7 be 9.

Sacred portal 79 is the Blue Print of the world.

Two Beings male male who enter the Universe of Beautiful Pride…Bast..E.K

And Sacred Portal 97 is A.H..light of the World.

There is nothing wrong with Achilles Hell

*see that play with David P.G at the Bean at 9th Street.

As for the Akashic record being in the flesh no..my Body is twisted from something believing that by effecting my bodies D.N.A with awful sound and expression it can stop me from live streaming on F.B.

It did not as you can all see..

My expression 33 months long

3 yrs and 4 months since I annouced my intentiin …

No it did not stop me..even with all the physical comforts and deprivstion …

I Speak

I Talk

I walk

I Exemplified.

It was simply a minor distraction which caused me to investigate why…And who would dare go so far..


The Guilty..

The False Accuser..

The weavers of lies excuse and Alibies…

Now we know.

I know who to hold responsible..

The lord of Blame…irresponsibility…




Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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