
7:22 p.m.

7:22 p.m.

7:22 p.m.


There were a series of Cars in front of me as I sat in front of Taylor Ave. one..

7:27 p.m.

( yes code of the Giants and Titans whom you call Elementals

or the First Primary Principles of Physical matter which make up the Equation and dynamics of Physical Reality… Universe Creation.. such as Gravity, Matter, and the Chemicals…)

Today I just noted them, why… I did not know or seek to know why. but I had sent a text to Billy Hung, I was at 159 texts sent to him…

and it was quite a Tutorial and at the same time example of solving the Riddles of E…

But it vanished!.

I saw that it was the 160th..

Nicole my Case worker had given me a letter of Residence at Delta Manor so that I could see the Dentist whom Billy had arranged for the Friday, the first of June…and she inadverently reminded me that I had been here since September 16…

9-16-2016… I-P-TP.. I P B P…

I saw Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis on my way out, he was wearing a Grey T-Shirt with the white symbol of Nike… Messenger of Victory of the Grey Matter in the Brain… ‘Rise and Shine’ he said gaily…

I wanted to groan.. But I had reminded him a few days before that his bed 4-004 Represented Ip Man.. and that I now had the evidence that one day he would be a great Sensie.

The Car across the way the street facing the direction of the Woods Avenue and route I walk each day to Starbucks was G P R 3330.

Georges-Philippe Roc… Yes G P R… Born 5-21-1992…E U…S I B…

His Fathers name is Jacques.. French .. he is mixed blood.

7:43 p.m…( Yes portal of True Life 43…)

You may recall that I met him on May 8, the day Dawn Marie D M came to 268 to what I felt was my going home through the sacred portal 58…

But instead the portal to my amazement was closed and I ended up asking to drop me off at the Bean Cafe where I met Georges-Philippe Roc who went to the New School.

And who who became my something 58th Face Book friend, lived across from the Bean on 3rd Street off 2nd Avenue on apt 58…

It is all documented here, and took place 3-4 years ago…?

3330… You recall also figured in the play with Peter Nyarkô and Flip J Hendrixs who both work at 33rd and 3rd Avenue, Insomnia Cookies ( I.C) …* Galaxy 1101 IC…

E GA LA XY I O II C.I…Is the correct alignment.

I saw Peter yesterday on my way back from buying some Chinese food down the road which cost me 9:25 usd.. I.Y… ( Yes every dime of the 500 USD ..500 As in D in Roman Numerals..David Roman Nicholas born 11-22-68… had to be spent in Harmony of the Play Test Examination of proving and recording my Codes my Harmony and my perfect timing, and Sixth sense…Those of you who have been following the play since Billy Hung left 5 years ago, will recall how every contribution was really a code.

Recall that I noted that the 17th 20 usd Bill Y.. had the hand written number 37 on it.

Which has been the precedent non stop, the hand written numbers which I have posted photographed enough of and presented to you.

-It represents the Code I am being assigned to have someone else apart from myself Embody – a candidate chosen who would witness my solving that code of Ascension and Activation of sacred portal 37.

Which of course, I have already done by myself …Mee Too.. Me 2

Lady E C H O… Dawn Piercy ..Cecilia Onu O’ Kolo… C O O.. C O.K..

Billy Hung in this case.. It is one one of the most pivotal Scared Portals as it shows how the Male Form transformed.

See sacred Portal 30…

The play of the Woods…

Recall Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis memory as a child that he recalled his Mother finding him in the Woods he mentioned it again and how his Mother had laughed and said Believe me I gave Birth to you

– But I had responded that I had found his energy in the Woods.

I am sitting now in the Woods Section of Starbucks ( Training Day is Over 29th), It was the only place available…I am sitting opposite a man I met before who told me his age is 43 before…

Today is the 30th…

Sacred Portal 30….

My last coffee at the Arab Bodega was 30…

Peter Nyarkô contacted me yesterday night, sending me a text…

I had informed him that our play was over.. He had been used by the Spirit not aligned with the Beautiful Truth to challenge and hurt me, and bring me down…

I told him to let go, and take the knowledge he understood and use it,

He spoke of music…

He is here right now in the Metropolitan side.

Recall also Will Woods he moved to bed 3-007.. 37 just as I left Room 3A… Recall our play.. and with Dewight Smith…

Anyway 333O.. Is of course, me and it links to sacred portal 3 6 9…

9 is the Elemental Goddesses.. We Chose our God Kings.. G K.. 7 11..

Feminine Strength…

Its source though was.. is male.. The Creator as a Man..which I had to prove.

8:09 p.m.


I sighed with deep sadness as I walked over here,

See sacred Portal 48.. Beautiful Death is Transformation…

84..Big Brother is Watching you…

This was the the first thing which popped up when I opened my page…

I found Quanma’e Lewis in the Woods…

Where he and his line slid down and landed in the Dream of Woman Womb…

Georges-Philippe Roc is not the embodiment of that name, I am…

and its twin portal links to Lota George Odabi L G O…

Who contacted me recently and who knew me Nnamdi my sister and Oboom and my family both sides in Nigeria..

He was also allowed and moved to send me a donation…

And recently images of his Sons.. Three ..

2 16 is on my Page… B P…

I am still not sure if Billy recieved that text despite it vanishing it appeared as if sent because 159 moved to 160…

8:17 p.m.

333O…G P R… 7 16 18…

Planet Earth.. 3rd from the Sun ( and 6th.. 6 3. 3 6.. 9… i)

color Yellow–Y.. Evolved from 25..( Kirtan Lock.E.T…Song is what can open up the World Quarantined to First Contact now that the Song of Love..S O L… Has been Solved…

Sacred Portal 37… Sophia O Lauren.. S O L.. The 5th Element manifested through my Expression of Eternal Radiance… Energy Reflected … L O C K..E R…( E R.. Emeka Robert…Eric Robert…5 18.. 23.. 5.. e…5 9…E I…S.P..5 and 9… 14…S.P 14 Evolution of Consciousness… 5… Lady Brooke Shields… E B the Wonder of Wu-Man… Wu means 5 in Chinese…

Billy Hung is Chinese American… 37 he says is in His pass word Code..

83… 383 is in mine.. See sacred portal 383… 3 8 C H..3.. C..

Yellow Yung Hsin is the name of the Chinese take away I used to go to on Beach.. I stopped yesterday

Yellow the Third Planet from sun has Evolved to 2+5= 7…

And aligned with Green…The 4th Planet and color…

R O Y-G..G ..B I V R… G G..Is 77…

See sacred portal 77…Low Key.. and the note of Animal Cruelty…

77 is the bathroom code here, and the year we moved as a Family to Nigeria after my being chosen for the junior Olympic Team in Cananda…

14… S.P.. 14…


Blue is the Fifth Color… Fifth Planet Jupiter Ascending J A..SON,,MRAZ…

Earth Mars… 3 4… 7th Planet from the Sun.. URANUS.. / SUN ARU..

U R.A N…U.S… Universe Supreme…

U R…ANUS…SU NA..RUE…Knew how to link the way..

Su in French…Knew in English… Oma in OINri Igbo… (which also means One who is Beautiful.. extremely beautiful

Na in Igbo means And.. Et in French…

Rue.. Street in English.. Uzo Esther Uzoma Delphine Uzoma Uchenna Uzoma .. The Beautiful Way…

7 is the color Red..or Purple depends on which way you see it..

Planet Mercury Pluto.. P M/ MP..

G P R…

Thus 5 as as E M…merged with the Blue which is the 5th Color…

Golden Green links with the Blue Planet…

5 5…In Balance of One… I V..I P Man…

4 Delta… 4-004… 8…

You get the Picture…

5 8… 13.. M D..From Dawn Marie .. D M…M is 1000.. D is 500 in Roman Numerals… 1500…15… Letter O… 6… F…

Found 6 cents in my pocket last night…

Then another 6 cents today…

I put them both in my wallet after having two coffees at the Arab Bodega and then the fuel station next to the Taylor Ave..

30… then 22… I sighed…

52… E B… Elaine Byrd..

French Meaning: The name Elaine is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Elaine is: Shining light.

This name, with variant spellings Byrd, Byrde and Bride, is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and derives from the Olde English pre 7th Century bridde (Middle English brid or bird), meaning a bird, originally given as a nickname to one thought to bear a fancied resemblance to a bird, i.e., bright eyed or active

( also the name of Tom Trumans.. Luke and John Shaws Beautiful younger sister… Bridde)..

52.. 7…Yellow to Golden Green 44.. To B.L.U E… Being Love Universal Expression.. I V.. 9-22…

See Royal Santana.. born 9-22-2010…I saw him arrive before he came he was golden haired… I orchestrated his birth and documented how I did it.. The same a when my brothers Son was born in 2011…

8:52 p.m… okay that code has been solved…

Kelly is the name of the 43 year old man who I sat opposite who gave my age code as 50 but he said he found it hard to believe…

Which is a code in itself…

Today, I sat besides him because he waved me over despite our only meeting briefly once..

He told me his news and then not only told me his birthday June 8th..

6-8-1975… 75… 68 .. sigh… he is still officially 42..

E=CMe 4/3…

after my second coffee 30 22… I said no more…

8:57 p.m..But a will in me insisted…

So I got 30… Then I said NO MORE COFFEE..

Instead Kelly insisted that he buy me a coffee, I refused…

He left the money on the Table…

8:58 p.m…

2:35 usd… B C E…. 23.. 5.. W E…

G P R… 7 16…18O 33 9 88 7 49 89 94 848 2…Sigh

Golden Ratio… Golden ratio

In mathematics, two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities. The figure on the right illustrates the geometric relationship. Wikipedia

Decimal: 1.6180339887498948482…

See Jupiter Ascending.. ( I am Saggittarius ..) J A S O NG..

G P R… Golden Planet Radiant…Reflects Red..


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