
7:22 AM

7:22 am


1-30-2017… 37… 1






E P.T.



49.68 usd.




This is the equation formed with people in the last couple of days

Represented by people physically embodied and by the last 3 facebook friends.

As most of my older face book friends are aware, I have been brought to face book by a series of Cause and Effect circumstances to answer a test a challenge and a Riddle.

I had never intended to come on Face Book nor publicly answer an Unseen challenge to prove the Evolution Awakening.

I simply came to make people aware that there is something going on in our world and that people are being born who are rising with an evolved consciousness.

But instead I found myself weaving and proving, and solving the riddles of Existence and demonstrating not only how people are being moved by two forces- one True and Natural and the other false and dangerous because it takes over people, leading to be used occupied and as if programed, enact out deeds which serve another’s agenda.

The Riddles I have been solving were to bring forth the Awareness of the Eternal Consciousness existing in all Humanity.

But I also found myself in an Existential Challenge and Contest with that which some might call the Spirit realm of the Collective Sub Conscious and Unconscious.

Set up with its own rules and tests which I had to figure out as I went along.

Where Face Book friends names are used.

Where people are used as Avatars and pawns in a set up without their being aware that they are being used.

Some to forward the truth of the E Evolution and others being used by another force which is the challenger and negates that truth.

One Expression which elevates the Eternal truth, moving people to the Beautiful Truth.

And the other.. Well that is reflected in the case of Esteban Santiago of the Forte Lauderdale incident.


War and Peace.

Coco Tanaid

Dari Tolstoy

C.T. 3 20

D.T. 4 20

These last two Face Book friends who arrived one after the other, are indicative of the alignment of the my codes, my translation and Truth of Evolution towards the Beautiful Truth of People being moved to the Evolution Awakening of a species.

Moved harmoniously rather than being moved by a whole range of mind mapping, alien behavioural patterns which literally transform people into Zombies who are remotely controlled and who are taken over by random actions in which they feel compelled to do.

C.T is the code of Creators Truth

Conscious Truth.

3 20 is the date I arrived in New York from London 15.10 years ago.

And has been the anchor of the True Script played out by myself but moved by what I can only describe as an Internal and External Truth- using me and my expression to prove its truth.

D.T is Donald Trump but code represented by people right here in my room at Delta Manor David and Traishon which means The Beloved Three…Trinity ABC 123 C Consciousness.

It is also the day Erik Ebright testified as the day he was Reborn..

Meaning reached Enlightenment in 2006.

The People themselves are not really relevant viz viz the Script I am decoding but rather what they represent and have experienced of the Beautiful Truth.

They are witnesses in one is ultimately a deadly game of the repercussions of not being aware and conscious of what is really moving you.

Just as I am aware of my being in a contest which I Seem to be at the disadvantage of a set up to prove that which is moving me and which exists in all humanity- a movement to Evolution Awakening by Self Activation and Self Awareness


Stella Antley.

Fear -Doubt


Fifth Dimension.

My representing the 5th Dimension had already been established by the one dollar bill and the conclusion with the play with Rob Barr.

O R B.

B R O.


E.P T.

E Point.

E Perfect Timing

N to E P T

Naturalness Expressions Perfection -Truth.



C D. TT.


The codes on the One Dollar Bills

# F D R Music cinq

20. T

34. C.D

40. D O.

94 Total

I D.

I then went with Cassandra to 22 11 Nostrand Avenue an immigrations office for my looking for a way to get get my ID a

was given the intel to check my I 94 card.

Then from the code N I received 49.68 cents

49 and 68 are landed codes

49 representing Existential Death in my codes which Nenad M. Djurdjevic vision confirmed as real as well as the Transfiguration-Transformation.

49 is D I… D I E

NN A M DI meaning IS in Oinri Igbo

And ID Backwards.

68 is The code linked to Nnamdi as David Roman Nicholas.. Born 11-22-68

As well as my Mother 11-22-47

C D.

Nnamdi 69

David. 68

Cecilia. 47

Emeka. 66 67


E.N.D. C E

N E P T. U.N. E.

8th planet


Sea or See.



NET is P

I was assigned bed 3002 in room 3A

Where I found a Magnet light blue letter P

(See black Whole Center of this Galaxy).

I was moved to Room 4B beginning of December 2016. 20. 16. T P

I met Paul in 3A. Bed 35… C E. 8 H

And Traishon in 4A. Bed 4019. D O S

(Dos operating System.. Donna O’Sullivan)

59… E.I.

14 N.. 5 E

Thus DOS. E I N

Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna

N I E… E I.N..

The First Bed assigned to me was room 5A Bed 5019

69 Nnamdi David Chukwu Emeka

15 O .. 6 F.

So Emeka Paul Traishon 3 ppl

E PT. Picked up 49.68 U.S.D from N

7 ,68 was given to Paul Franklin.

Age 57 E.G. and 35 cents C.E.

8.03 total


Code of my computer given to me by Erik Ebright..


9:31 am

Traishon is representing 23 Double U

Which does not exist

The only Double W was given to me by Paul Franklin number 23 Micheal Jordans.

I have no Double.


Double V VV is 22 22 44 D.D

Dean Dunkwu not seen in 34 years who sent me support of 2 2 2 2 (200 usd 4 times) 800 usd)

2222 is 8

8 is H. Neptune.


David Dawn D D is my Neighbour bed 4017… 57

Age of Paul 57

12.. L… 3. C

E.G. L C

Enders Game

5th and 7th Note and 3rd Sol Ti. Mi

T .S…M

Traishon Sumler D.O.S .. 59 no.. A Simulation representing the Truth of my codes

Victory over the System.

But that which is Real

Is Paul Franklin and Nenad

N to P is in my Locker Equation

And N linked to P

In real life

49:68 cents

Erik Ebright EE. 55. 10

David Dawn D D. 44. 8

Frances Frik F F. 66. 3

10 83….

Chike Cyprian (Nwosu) C C

CC 330. 33 6….

All doubles in

There S as 19 is

Stephen Filgueira

Steven name tag.

Thus bed 4019 is not real.

It represented a Test of Supremacy already won.

Patrick Okolo sent total 510:00 usd


Chike Cyprian Nwosu sent through F.G.C.E

Class of 82… 330.Usd.

9:40 pm


I D.

Traishon N S


The choice to pay attention is each persons right

E T P -N.

E T… .P I N. C-





E.T. 5 20 ( Brother Boom )

F T. 6 20. (Face Truth F A C T)

G.T. 7 20

H T. 8 20

M.T. 5+8= 13. M.T

M T C number sent 082 676 2800

H T. M T



Expression Truth

Harmonious Truth

Manifest Truth




M 60


And so TEN Dollars


(D.T… 4 20- 20-4…. 420 240 660. 30 CO

Sacred Portal 88O

Which he have reached 4 times see code on it Dec 30th.)

With the number 17O in Pencil

Links to David Dawn bed 40 17

And to Paul Franklin…

Which completes at 3 the Equation

Naturalness Perfection see Beloved Dawn



Frances Frick

Meaning Freedom of the Eternal Powerful Ruler.

Bed 4018 58. 13 4

DO- First note R Rob -Radiant E Harmony Manifestation Delta…

at 13+4- 17

Q. Quantum

In 2017

Inked 37 on TEN Dollar Bill


2017. 37. 10

T E N. P

T..E.N I P

P IN E.T….


5 20 …. 52-25…. 100 usd

EB Y. 77 GG. 14 N

49 David…

5 E

49 68

13 M.

4 David Dawn

13+4 17

DD 8

Beloved Dawn

Is E

ND is To Past

N to P. C.. E H is The Present

T P 20 16

10:37 a.m

10:40 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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