
7:21 PM

7:21 pm.

A Post which began at 3:07 pm

Then again at 3:31 pm


Just Vanished a moment ago- probably the internet … and yes something else.

It contained vital knowledge as well as the knowledge of the portal via the 1st color being the 5th Color as Sound out of the Matrix of nature.

The knowledge is already known to me, nor am interested in being compelled to take in these interruptions on that which is so ridiculously obvious to me now, or have any outside force, edit and dictate using electrical power, internet or perfect timing as evil to delay my expression of the code J S and The Christmas Star.

The Answer is in simple.

It is in my two telephone numbers.

It is in the meaning of the name of my lastest facebook friend – a male.

Jesse Savagae.


Jupiter 5th Planet.

5th Chakra.

Throat Voice.

T V.

5-1 Blue to Red… Sol to Doe

51 age Code when I met Arden, he 16. P Perfection 51.


P E A K… E K -P.E C K

At 1532 Facebook Friends.

Sacred Portal 31


Steven Liberty

Freedom Equality Fraternity.

Christmas Star 800 years

Colors and Sound merged into one.

Historic Map Mediterranean and 19 Lincoln Street. L S

800 B C E- 1500 A D.

8 O.. H – E A ..D-E.

= 23 W VV

F L 6 12 2003.

Jesse means Gift of God.

Savage means English and Scottish: nickname for a wild or uncouth person, from Middle English, Old French salvage, sauvage ‘untamed’ (Late Latin salvaticus literally ‘man of the woods’, a derivative of Latin silva ‘wood’, influenced by Latin salvus ‘whole’, i.e. natural).

Actually means Natural and Whole .. Complete.

Hence on this Christmas Day the 25th J S

is the Gift of God being confirmed that as represented by the planets heavenly bodies 5th and 6th Planet aligned to Earth as E ART H E

56 E Family

11 1 Two beings who are as 1 each an Individual Expression and that creation existence of Man rep the First man is the gift of God Truth, the Beautiful Truth that everything and every ones was born Whole and Complete.

The Gift of The Creator to Creation was you did not need him he gave you Naturalness. Which is all one required to C and move to E and Sol.. speed of Light back to Origins Eden and wake up.

it’s unfortunate that the post was deliberately taken away it really was for your benefit- the knowledge contained to the literaly way out through Pi as the Tunnel of Love a Staight Line S L and circles, cyles Fibonnacci Sequence and Golden ration to move back from 1-5 through 6th sense to the Crown Chakra Vision crowned to actal Solid facts of moving through a non knowing to recognize you Vsion manifested as Solid Fact on the E M F of the trajectory you walked though not of your own making and through potrals in which in each speace, all the elements of person place things, objects, addresses, friends of the ones who invited you in, all must be recognized all the beauty illness problems resolved and equated a simple summary, moving you to the next portal…

Its like all things are scrambled but you recognize that it is the all the component fragments of your Vision 5-1… 1-5 66= 1 Aligned by you A..Attention Awarness Appreciation,

It was a wonderful post, despite my recognixing that I have said this all before.

I suppose it means no more Clarity is needed and on the lying side, an intention to frustrate me and push me over the edge.

It was a post which gave the evidence of how the naturals return to Eden Paradise and via the Body.

And the Codes of the Christmas Star. as Code 8 Infinity Harmomy aligned via this script of 64 moves backward jump two squares on the game board skipping 317 -319 Fair Field

217-219 South Whitney to Lincoln Street L S = 31


31 31 6 2

F. R Ferrill Reilly

F R…I E N D. S.


The E Family.

Undercover Naturals Aroused Awakening…

8:00 pm

But it appears that not everything has to be revealed to you anymore, since it has been established you can all read now.

And you can thus read translate, twist the truth to suit whatever you wish to translate it as…

The mission was to establish that you can read, and intentional create your own rules to suit what you wish it to be, or simply ignore logos, facts of the established play which of course is against nature, naturalness against Humanity Evolvition and hence establishing, at last, you as the problem now that it has been confirmed that the gift of God is Sacred portal 14 Evolution of Consciousness Star E chosen my Eternal Arden, the wave and myself as Kim Arthur Hinds… representing the universal body as Ore Syillness has risen to be the rep of Star E as Arden.

Naturalness and True Nature.

at H.

K A H,

Well, there you go.

Jesse Savage.

J S = 29…= 11 1 K . A @ *

Clarity C Harmony Light Lucy Lucifer Lucity…

L L 12 12 1= 25

11 as Two. who are 1 both in Harmony.

But to be honest, J S. K A ( I H= 98 17 8)

Short Way

Long long Way

Both versions align to the same Point. All began at 5 then to 1 and then back to /1 5

5 -1 /1-5

New York 11th State

Connecticut 5th State,

11 5 N C …

C N 3 14 Pi… 17… 8 H: A F KG. 25. Y B E,

5 11 E K = 16 meeting Arden age 16. 7 G.. Gemino.. Gemini

78 7.8 Billion 87 Tree Sage Present Chris Filgueria Past.

The True Christ Child.

Brown and Tan- Olive skin and Blue Black Pale Krshna Christ same person.

8:19 pm.


He Sings

Holy Spirit

Jeron Satya..

8:20 pm

H T… 20 USD to me.

10 remains.

20 10


I V T J. Indigo Violet.. 6 7- 8

Royal Mayan R Santana.

and Reign Maximus R Santana .

8:22 pm,


C D Christmas Day…

C D Beautiful Truth… E Beautiful Youth,

8:23 pm,

H W… H V V… I answered M WHY and HOW but it seemed not for you to see…


8:24 pm.


H:C H..

I; E M F.

8:25 pm


8-25 2000 2-3

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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