
7:21 p.m..

7:21 p.m..

G.U.. R.U.E.. Devotee…

Iris and the Pupil…

565 Face Book Friends…

A Full Circle and Agnya as the 6th in the Center…

E.F.E… Means Elder Brother in both Turkish and Nordic as well as Fair Beautiful…

And Einsteins Field Equations… Which most older face books will align to the name I dubbed and equated to my former Host at 268 East 4th Street.. A.S.. Albert Santana..

which links to U.F.O..

Unified Field O.. of the Full Circle..

* Please note, that I have 65 likes on my page, which links to my current number of face book friends.

Meaning that by people arriving and leaving- In and Out, I am demonstrating First Contact and that that an Energetic Truth, conscious and intelligent is speaking to me, through codes which I read, such as the balance of Face Book friends in terms of Numbers.

Which proves that Energy aka God is moving people in perfect Harmony to arrive as Face Book Friends and some those who depart as a Number..

Whose names I do not know because when they became my face book friend, their name meaning provides the response from the one I am speaking to.. The Everything.

I am translating a transmission, working in Harmony with an Energetic Cee.

The focus is not who rejects or leaves but rather the meaning which the Everything is stating.

And yes, I am aware of exactly the Identity of this Everything is..

My Brother Code Name Nnamdi.

This is a play or made public, conversation of the evidence of there is no state as the End called Death.. Merely evolution or to re-incarnate in this story of merited and earned Human Evolution.

There is no doubt that I am exhausted, shocked and a have a great sense of betrayal of solving the Equation this way and for this long…

The Isolation and set up, did not take into consideration this current Human Consciousness and my own personal Human point of View, of being compelled to enter and play such a role in this play..

Or how most of what I am proving will be lost in translation, or distorted by this current Human consciousness represented by Individuals..

And the Horror done to the meaning of Individuality..


Even I myself am astounded that I am still here on Face Book while living without home, a body and a proper estate and state at which to complete this play.

Obviously, from the Intel, we are at the point of the Door to the E line transformative power of changing the World view in an instant.

Confirmed by your posts.

And I have no other course, despite The Original Director horrified by the indignity of this equation extended way way longer than required…

Taking an unnecessarily long time to state what I already had understood and equated long before I ever found myself on Face Book.

56.. is code..

so it 65..

But the code is saying 565..is that the Creator of Heaven and Earth’s Expression is the Man in the Middle.

The Bridge…6.. Sixth Sense manifested through 6th Age Reason- Facts.. 6th sense created solid Facts..

Sixth sense is that pull to investigate as did the people who discovered the Volcano in Shane Michael Robinson Sr. post and share..

To Investigate leads to seeing the Facts.. which creates Reason which links it all 6 6 6.. To 18..Seeing 1-8 Full Circle and A.H..I.C

Which creates meaning and understanding.. Its inspires Love..

Investigate Sixth Sense pull Interesting-Curiosity..I.C…


Truth is really the expression of Love..Trust..

I know who you are… And How you See and See me.


Which is the same Mechanics (Lanza Rote.Pierre David) of how the Body, Aphrodite, Land from a Volcano.. even Humanities True Individual and Collective, Identities rise from the sea of Death..

Ocean Neptune Poseidon.. 8th Planet from the Sun, linked to the 9th Pluto Hades and the 5th…Jupiter Zeus Amadioha Odin Thor…

I have a new Face Book Friend

Anthony Pitts.. We already know what the name Anthony means..

Highly Praise worthy, Priceless of inestimable value and worth

And the name Pitt- ‘A Hollow and of course the association with the word Pit..

A Highly Praise Worth and a priceless Gem, a Treasure of inestimable value and worth emerges from the Pitt of despair,

arriving instead with the, The Pair, and The Pear.. T.P and the Point..

Got the P-ear.. Planets Ear.

Please see sacred Portal 66…

5 66 Face Book Friend.. Irena Lorenc..I.L..

Code Infinite Light Love …LL 1212..24..X..Expanded to

Eternal Infinite Light-Life’s Completion.. True Life Eternal..

is Borne Resurrected by the Impossibility..

Expression which manifests through intent..

Electrifies, Clarifies, Everything in Existence

Bringing forth Evolution using Truth and Love..

Consciously Beautiful Explained..

I have the code evidence as beauty and once more alluding to the Sacred Portal Open ( Meaning of the name April)

In the meaning and sequence of arrival of Zeina Hanna

Linked to Anthony Spencer

Linked to Anthony Pitts…

And Robert Lan-Z.A.

Spear of Destiny 3-15.. Z.H.. 26 8..


H. S..P..

Beautiful Priceless above and Below, Highly Praise worthy….

Harmony’s Sacred Portal…

That is how I know I am in Harmony with the Play..

I read as I write life Experience Feel and Decode..

Nose…Ears Eyes…Nose.. I-mi

Imi O.I.Nri Igbo word for Nose.. Knows..

Already Knows…


See Sacred Portal 111.

8:30 p.m


Harmonious Consciousness in Symmetrical Perfection of the Full Circle of 1.

8:31 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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