
7:18 p.m

7:18 p.m



A-B.I-T.Q…. C.G…A.O…


Once I passed through the Rob Barr ( Famed Bright Shinning.. Light of the Height, the barrier and narrow gate way.. the Barre of a Ballet Dancer… accompanied by his friend, Shannon ( Meaning Long River in Ireland.. old and wise)…

And he told me… Emeka I believe you

and what he said he could not understand. and he included himself, was is everyone willing to leave you in such a place after all the evidence..

Perhaps they are controlled by a Script of…

Anyway,I posted the discourse, on face book and the my understanding that after a Life time and 27 years of speaking to the Silence, at age 22-23… (*Traishons current age and the sneakers which Paul asked me to buy from him.. 23..)..

That I knew that it meant that my Expression had finally been accepted by the Universe and the World as True.

And I spoke of the guarded feeling.. and the hidden one of wanting to weep. to break down and weep with relief.. and release..

To end what was meant to be the most beautiful gift of sharing transformed into a Nightmare Experience and journey…

I was incredulous at the feeling of not simply being believed, but also seen, heard and understood.

Rob Barr gave me the experience of that which has been confirmed each say by my room mate Traishon…

Traishaon Narcissus Sumler who arrived in Perfect Timing take take over bed 4019, from Thaddeus and before that the Caucasian whose name for some reason I do not wish to recall..

But Rob Barr left… and gave me a 100 US.D.. Like Father from a different realm, head of the C.I.A with a code of 500- 5000 written on it which I knew was intel and a code of David Roman Nicholas..

Whose code intel is linked to my room mater who sleeps right next to me called David Dawn ( Chuki… Life)…

The Intelligence is clear…

The Snoring that is more like the literal blaring of a Horn..

A constant reminder of that which is the true mission..

Bring forth the Beloved Dawn of Life

And Down comes with Light.. Rob Barr… the Barre. the Ballet Dancers in sacred portal 8 81…

The Ballet… I worked in places of dance my entire life, especially the Opera Paris and in Istanbul with Dancers from the State Ballet companies..

The Sacred portal of the E line start with book V..

They are called the Ethereal Dancers of Existence…

And they came into Existence, exactly as Johnny Camille linked when he asked to interview me later on the 5-6th month…

on the Song and Dance…

Johnny means Grace… and so I had gathered Rob ‘The Famed Bright Famous Light..Radiance…

I had got Grace,

G.R.. Ah see I have linked the Time of this post…

and then I Traishon whose Father was a soldier named David and a mother names Channel Shannon…

Coco Channel.

Yes my last Face Book friend Coco Tanaid.. C.T…

And I linked Traishon to 3, and to River… and to 212…

and to the Swirl… and to the code of E.A… T

Evan ALexander Judson Akil Davis Tim and Beyond…

Transparency Truth…

All which is Traihson…

3 Rivers… E.P.T…..Emeka Paul Traishon was the equation which formed when for the first time it worked out that Three people went to the Atlantis fuel station to cash the Western Union.. Code

082 676 2800!….

Look at that!… The Full Play.. Nnamdi left the realm in 1982…I am born the 28th… and with the two zero’s it transforms into 4 digits…

and the 676… See sacred Portal 67… and 76… How far will you go for Love.. Truth and 76 The Awakening

See the picture which is forming…

In the last 16 years there have been hundreds, perhaps thousands who told me that they believed my expression, ( I have nothing reality positive to say about my experience in this realm with the meaning of Belief… I like Facts… that you Know.. not believe…)

And many of then did know. but then either came down and went down…giving the excuse that they could not sustain that consciousness in this world reality…

As if it were my problem.. because what they were saying was that they could not sustain the consciousness of Truth…

No, there was never a problem with Sustaining Truth..

I have know Rob since 2002-2003.. 22-23…and he has sustained it.

so had Joseph Carey…

No, it was what would you do with it.. apply it, deny it, compromise it, betray it…

No we are born with the skill of recognizing truth, I have proven this even in Face Book where the Face Book friends appear from ever corner of the Globe, most not even knowing why they became my Face Books…

Coco Tanaid told me that he did not even recall friending me..

Yet I have face book friends from what must now representing every country in the World.

8:00 p.m

Who or what moves them. their Spirit or A Universal Awareness. a River… Of Graceful Radiant Transparency.. B’Eau Ti-Full…

Moving people without their even being aware why they found myself on my page and many of them staying…

That they are being Summoned…

Made to Answer the Call of the very Truth which brought then into Existence..

The Creators.. T.C.. 20 3… 23.. T.C.. Traishon 3.. A.B.C…

And they come and I can see the difference between the Avatar, Descendant of that line, and how far thy have been corrupted from their original selves which I know personally and intimately…

Your Eternal Selves..

I just measure the expression of your Harmony and link it to your arrival to calliberate, measure just how off center the person speaking to me, who texts me, or comments or does nothing is from the Naturalness of their Eternal Original Self who Answers The Call ( A.T..C) in Perfect Timing. such as Hector Herrera arriving exactly at 88, with his page..

Or Brandon Dement with Resurrection Anastasia Hart.. A.H.

I know how their Natural Selves would behave…

I know how I heard and read the posts of a man who has spent the last 16 years of his life facing Human being worse fears from this present age, to Human Beginning of the Stories of fear of the Unknown, to allow himself to follow a path which alienates everyone whom he had dreamed of sharing his life with, his dreams, his family and the friends he sought to find and express his life with..

I would see his evidence, devotion, logic and I would not only trust him I would rally to his cause, I would do everything to support him…

Because this is the Natural Thing to do when someone goes into the ‘Unknown to prove it safe, to bring some Truth which has plagued the Entire Species but which none had though to do such a journey of Investigation of the Unseen by going out into the field and with open heart and open mind- answer the summons which he (I) call the Anomalies The Singularities.. A.S… Which had pervaded his life…

I would be fascinated but most of all horrified by where it lead him, the why and the complete hypocrisy and apathy of people.

I would agree with Rob Barr who said it is really really Evil out there.

I would agree with Traishon who told me the first few weeks I had met him and the only time I have ever seen him get angry is how when he shares things with people but when it comes there time they do not and even lord it over you..

I had experienced that in this place..

Paul Franklin had come back after receiving the 7 68 usd..

Just as I had told Traishon, he told me that he had been sleeping when I came to find him, because he had somewhere he had to go for his daughters, but could not afford to go so instead of freaking out he had laid down to sleep so he would wake up and it would be over, too late..

But he had decided yo get up to go to the bathroom when he saw my message..

And immediately went into singing praise the lord and Where he at.. Lord tell me where he at –

And how each time the money from me arrived in such perfect timing.

All the monies sent to me by the few who did send. had code numbers but where also distributed by me…

And Paul and others had noticed it..

You are going through the worst of us all, but each time you come and distribute the wealth, you keep the current, the air moving, you keep things moving by how you distribute the money..

Like a spirit moving the stillness of the air…

And here he paused and then stared at me..and then he rose and began to speak like a Preacher speaking to an invisible audience and he was moved by the Holy Spirit – he spoke as if inspired..

Revealing a knowing of that which moves in me…

Its it the eternal it moves, it does not stagnated, it keeps everything moving, because it is not from this world, it comes from a place where it sees a bag of Gold as w garbage ( Not that far Paul..)

He spoke and spoke and suddenly I was aware that a true part of Paul knew exactly who I was what was happening to me and who was in me..

You are possessed by the Eternal Spirit not of this world he waxed on…

And when I began to feel that I could not listen to anymore of his revelation of my Truth, my experience.. I moved away,

See you later Paul.. and I look to the Heavens and around me, O.K i have got my evidence as to why he deserved that 7;68 usd plus 35 cents.. Which I later realized is his Bed Number.. C.E.. in Room 3.

Keep your head held High Emeka he called out as I climbed the stairs…As you always do

He had spoken so well, so inspired that it actually made me nervous…

I could not be revealed in this place.. not like this. nor here…

But I had watched him, treat me as so many had, as if they were entitled to monies which were sent to me at a great cost to the few people 4-5.. and 2 who are always constant…

But all dictated by the Script…

I watched the people I had given hundreds of Dollars and who each acknowledged how the monies came at the perfect moment…

I watched how not one of then offered food or anything except O.G Emmanual and Chase…

None. I gave cigarettes sold riddles, stand up for the injustices, protect them from things they can not see, and do not snitch on them and endure manners alien to my very core nature…

And yet, I was seen more as a bank, to be used and though none saw me as a fool, they would feel resentful angry even set me up when they they thought that I was being unfair when I said no…

They used the excuse that I was advantaged, despite most having investigated the reason I was here and seeing my body or the Original Angel Voice move through me…

I am in literal pain and discomfort 24-7, containing and checking restraining my being and body from enacting out what it naturally wants to do..

Yesterday, as my links stretched.. I stretch them at night in the cage terrace at night when few people are around…

And I found myself literally walking on Pointe.. on my Toes…

And my body stretched to a Ballet Dancer.. and I linked it to sacred portal 81 which we are back at…

Pauls first expression after I had given him the monies was resentful..disappointed.. but then he came back to his senses…

And expressed it so perfectly later… i am imprisoned in a cage, and I am with another who distributes blessings which enable me to do things, go places where the True Blessing sprout up everywhere..

And so, I recognized the Truth of both Trainshon and I is the same Truth.. The literal experience if myself…

And conclusion… People are born beautiful. harmonious but they can choose, by Free Will to move into what I call the Abomination of Evil…

I look at Face Book. and Delta Manor and then the World around me and I know, it is Evil… Beyond… because people have no real excuse to abandon their Truth, their Beautiful Truth when some one has gone so far… Forced by his Hector….’Possessed Held Fast

to go so far to prove and bring forth the Beloved Dawn which all are meant to benefit from. which nearly all are demanding is their right, in a set up which shows that they most have no right whatsoever to make demands, not deserve or merit that they awaken but rather their actions so inhuman that it has brought the Script C.E

Cause Effect back to Existential Death of the Species over and over again…

7 68. +35… 8:03.. Se sacred portal 68.. and 83..

83 is the Harmonies Collection Collective…. Harmonies Consciousness.. but you have to be Conscious of it… Just as Paul just in time made it, because I had decided not to share anything more with him, and only because Traishons ID was suddenly not good enough for the W,U and his other one expired that I had no real alternative but to ask Paul…

David Cecilia… 68.. 11 22.. of course are the People..

D.O.P… and the Bed I am lying on and the person I am sleeping besides is the Barre…

Robert David




Traishon is the embodiment of my Truth, and my Truth is right here besides me here in Delta Manor…

No fear, not of the world.. He makes 20 usd in an hour and then stops, spends the money on others and yet sees them the same way as I do. despite the fact that he has been here less than a month…

Just as Rob and I aligned to the same conclusion after not seeing each others in 14 or 15 years…

It is really Evil out there.

Truth would be here, even Cassandra noted this, no one comes here to see you or even help you…

And yet everything you say is of value and logic.

The only person to ensure that I have little things, when I have no money is Triashon….

Is that extraordinary… And he says It is the least I can do..

And he does not just believe me, he tells me that he literally fights with the questions and doubts in his mind and calls it Evil because he knows that I speak the Truth, so he says he fights himself and that the drugs given to him actually helps him absorb The Truth, not my Truth easier…

Because it is so much easier to call it Emekas Truth when the Times are hard and ‘Our Truth or even your Truth when the times are Sweeter

No, none one of Truth would leave me here.

Emeka, what am I really doing here in this place…?

He asked me yesterday…? I have a feeling I am not meant to be here…

You represent the embodiment of my Truth

Just as Yonathan Yohanness and George Phillip Roc represented for a moment the inception concrete of my truth by being born June 22nd 1992.. and May 21st 1992 ( George is the one when I was taken from 4th Street by Dawn Marie 56 code on May 6th, ( 56) abd instead of going home, I had nowhere to go and ended up at The Bean, where I met George Phillip Roc… G.R… G.P.R…

G Public Relations…

Link David Phillip Gill…


G.P. R…

D.G…PP…G.R… See the time if this post…

I was not aware of this post would turn out to be an equation which I had to naturally link without being aware at first bit recognize as it flowed…

So you see Traishon who says ‘you were sent here to save me before i became dirty of killed myself…

I thought I was the only one in the world who thought like I did..

I said he was sent here by the Truth Gods Grace to confirm that same expression I had at 23.. but I knew that I was not the only one to think they way I did..

Instead I set out to find my Family.. Those who thought as I did…

Those who would never even contemplate compromising their Beautiful Truth…

Who would rather die, commit suicide rather than become this Evil..

To leave an abandon their own kind to the worst pit of Human Existence…Not the people in the Pit but those who put them the Beautiful Ones.. Their most beautiful Truth there..

And Traishon who has begun to see the alignment between him and I the same way that I do…

How we see the same way through each experiencing the same thing even people here the same way…

Truth investigates.. ‘

Truth comes to see for itself..

Truth is as David Phillp Gill coming to investigate what his friend Nikoma told him.. I have a friend who is an E,T..

And yet this Eternal Truth they Betray when it comes to money, to sustain the existence of that Truth..

The people chose that the person can not be on worth if he asks for our money and they reserve the right to say no, but your knowledge is ours because, despite they having not earned or merited it..

Knowledge is it not for everyone…

Even if I see that you in Hell to get it for us…

Give it to me.. and they then take it and kick you in the face throw you back in the pit…

‘Get more!!

Sado Masochistic Sons of Bitches….

Achilles Killed Hector in the Legend…

My sacred portal 97.. The Source of the younger Twin 79…

is Achilles.. Heel… AH… Achilles is the Name of My Father Brother line…

He Killed Hector… in Greek Mythology whose brother Paris had stolen Helene of Troy… Deception the Trojan Horse…

*From the Greek ?????e?? (Achilleus) which is of unknown meaning, perhaps derived from Greek a??? (achos) pain or else from the name of the Achelous River. This was the name of a warrior in Greek legend, one of the central characters in Homer’s ‘Iliad’. The bravest of the Greek heroes in the war against the Trojans, he was eventually killed by an arrow to his heel, the only vulnerable part of his body.

I would suggest that because of his Manly Beauty and his Valor strength and brotherly Love…

That linked to Traishon Emeka I would say that his name does not mean Pain but rather ‘River’

And from this river comes the truest embodiment of what is a Man…

E.T Man… and that Achilles slays Hector who is one one who holds Fast, Checks and Retrains that which is obviously the Beautiful Truth of Brother Love Agape…

Richard Schooping

Neil Furby who became my face book friends the day David Phillip Gill came back to Face book after leaving to look around T’su and the other Forum ‘Seen- by Unseen…

as well as Onechance who was later charged with murdering a Professors Mental Health….

Patroclus was his Best Friend…

*Given Name PATROCLUS. USAGE: Greek Mythology (Latinized) … Latinized form of the Greek ?at?????? (Patroklos) which meant glory of the father, derived from pat?? (pater) father (genitive pat???) and ??e?? (kleos) glory.

Cassandra is a New Yorker but she went to school on Philly.. The city of Brotherly Love…

Achilles… A… 1

Hector H= 8… But 1 is Eight.. One is Eight.. O.E…

And P is P.. 88… 16….

P.A… 16 1… 1 16…17… Q.. The Money…. 170… 37..

H is A..8 1 Face Book Friend..

Dari Tolstoy


Yesterday Coco Tanaid.. C.T..

Dari from Darius is Persian for Maintains Possessions Well.. Wealth

Tolstoi.. which reminds of Russian writers Tostoy War and Peace

and Pushkin… P.T…T.P..

means ‘Fat Thick.. Large of Girth…

Maintains his possession well.. wealth and is through war and peace through a Thick Skin… ‘

There is nothing wrong with Achilles Heel.. his River of Expression..

Brotherly Love.. A gape..



C.D.. TT…

3 4.. 20 20.. Vision… 34… 40… 47… 11.. 28.. 39.. C.I…12..L..



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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