
7:16 p.m

7:16 p.m

7:16 p.m



L.X T S …

50 10. The Script.

510. 60.

Expression in Balance J

E A.. Energy Atom Full Circle

Sixth Sense a Fact.

Arden and Ferrel popped by yesterday.

All day Arden and the Ferrel came to my mind and quiet contemplation in every dimension of my knowing them and the line of John Alexander Yeshua represent.

J.A Y.

And just like they had appeared as if summoned or answering.

I had solved this science of my thoughts reflections of people manifesting by 2011.

But the people were not conscious.

But this time they were, are.

7:27 p.m

7:28 p.m

But this time it was more real and personal.. intimate from here, to literally Eternity.

I mean I literally know who they are, confirmed to even their Dream Awake play each had 2 days apart.


1 6. 7


*7:16 Time Code of this post.

I am currently back on 1492 FacebookFriends

14 92. = 106. 16.


I had been completing the Weaves of all the lines and frequencies I had manifests and collected through the years, decades in this play.

I could see all the Threads, which formed a tapestry, a bolt of cloth, but each made of the secret secretiom the Universal Spider of Existence Secrets.

Ref *See Aughra in the Dark Crystal

From the first day I came her, spider webs have been always predominant, spiders and their threads followed Liberty C Liscomb around.

I was watching everything through my 3rd Eye, seeing beyond sight with my 6th sense, accessed easily with my Two Eyes, as I stare of into the outter world, and accessing my unner see that way..

I don’t really zone out, I fly beyond time or space but I am present, grounded here.

Like a Spider.. Traveling of in the thread he secretes, on the Wind.

And there I see that which I have created with expression now appearing in form.. formation and the picture, the object is formed.

And comes alive.

And I see what I have created now alive in manifefest form..

Trahe means Weaver.. Tailor..

What is the Fabric of Crearion made of?

Dark Matter Energy..

Dark Crystals?

Or Nothing at all?

To create for Nothingness..

Nil Feitosa?

To manifest Expression to transform into Energy then to Atomic Matter .. Molecular Bio Cellular Fabric Tissue..

A Universe

Nature Facts.

N F = T

Tissue Truth Ti

Built at 8 and manifested at 7?.

Harmony leaves the Eternal State to enter the Temporal State.

And then through a 4.5 billion journey

1 million for an idea called Man.

51 years for A MAN.

Back to Eternity and the Eternal Realm we never left.

But which our bodies could not attain.

Because it required the Expression All Knowing

Expressed Knowledge of that state to be Explained through An Embodiment, An Explaination, An Enactment of what it looks like, feels like..

To translate that form of Existence Expression Eternal, in a 3 D Form of reality but through a 2D story script play, staged narration moving from

In the Beginning


In the End

2 3.

3 2

Yesterday was the 23rd, Double U ( You)

There is no double Me.

There is a Double V. V.V. V.I E.

Yes E K. 5 11. 16

C K. 3 11. 14

H.K. 8 11. 19. Ferrell .. 11 Leander .Noah Noah..

Ferrel arrived first A Valiant Victorious Man said the World Mirror reflecting, Moi ..I.E.

Then Arden … Garden of Eden Pleasure Delight of immense Beauty Solutude.. Quiet.

The High place..

Shakespeare and his mother Mary Arden.

Me and my Mother Cecilia.. C Onuabuchi.

M A C O.

7 stages of Man.

19 yrs old 16 yrs


Sacred Portal

19 +16= 35. C E

Sacred Portal 35

C E The Point.

Aurilia 14 years old. N.

Its was strange to see them, it startled me but I hid it in the truth of what it made me feel, seeing them, I felt them here but also the long thread and trail of 51 years, a weave which linked from here to Infinity.

I.had proven it, but it meant nothing to me if I could not feel it, taste it in my experiences with each one of them.

That despite it all being a play.

My entire life, all my circumstances, nothing had ever made me feel attachment, not to roles even as sacred here as an idea of Mother and Son.

Or an idea of Family.

I am the real thing and am only satisfied by the real thing.

And what is real and Eternal is the only thing which moves me.

And I am moved by the Truth in the Two Youth and the one linked to me as Twin.

And so, what can I tell you, how expression becomes quantum?

Jumps Leaps Victorious to anothet State.

Then another, Expression to Energy, to Atomic, then To Matter..Bio Cellular Tissue.

5 yes 5 states.. and the 6th

That is the 5 in 10. Balance ..Together

E Family.

8:16 p.m

Completion is a Full circle where the Beginning and the End meet.. B.E

And how can the meet other than to be curved into a Tube, a Tunnel, A Circle.. You can place your eye and see through..

And symmetry has a point.

And the point is the Center, similar to the Galaxy and the Sun…but not quite.

See it more as the line in the center which connects two pages, leaves in a book.

A B… Can you see what books are made for.

Take a leaf out of my page and book, read the page then roll it up so the two sides meet

11 and then at O

See sacred Portal 11O

And then tell me when you look, what do.you see .. percieve.. now that you read from A to B

B to A

A B B A. Father.. What is Father but a loving Joyous Guide. He is youthful, so joyous handsome, we want to be as him.

What is Father, but a Boy a Youth who has understood and answered back at that question taunt, goading, belittling..lack..

Be A Man


But what is a Man

As I texted Liberty today.

A Magician of Infinity?

The Creator?

The Source?

True Power?

The Supreme :Being..

And yet is A MAN not all this?

That is who I be..

My Children are called Sons of Man

But my equals my E Family line

Eternals the First Embodied Reflections of A MAN who is all above.. and more.

I quantum leap when the full circle of Everything of that dimension is reached

The Eye looks out from the circle center, it moves around taking in the view.

And suddenly it comes in touch with a vista, a view and a viewer whose own point marches mine.

And suddenly I look down the paper tunnel and I see an eye staring back at me and the end of the Tunnel.

And the Paper from a book we both read which enabled us to take of the same page of the book and roll both ends together, to form a Circle and Cylinder Tunnel.

And the Vista View so similar, that it is inevitable that the two lines meet.

And face Eye to Eye.

I C You.

I Consciousness You.

Your Youth

Your Truth

Your Proof.

Here I am

Staring back at you.

I See You


You Smile.

I Smile

I Am still here.

The Baby as the Illusion

The Child of Truth

The Beautiful Youth… Here is the Constant

He smiles back at me ..

I will never go away..

I am 52 E B

End Beginning

Beginning End.

52 25

77 = 7/7 =1. A.

77. 14. N 1 4 =5. E

And it E The Source of His Eternal Self

Begining and End Full Circle

Perfection Supreme



And the two in one 16

The the one full circle 1O 9. 19. 10

S J.

O= 6.


Said Hb is my latest Facebook Friend.

Said means Happy.. Hb stands for Haemoglobin ( inside- Blood)

Happinesa is in our Blood.

Michael Trahe has returned as my Facebook Friend..

See the music Michael sent me, I posted it..

John F ..

Your The Voice

No go to the images I posted on my Altar and the white doll man I found and placed it on the now male statue of Libertys lips..

Mouth of God.

See sacred portal 74 Mouth of God

My mothers name Onu means Mouth as well as I heard

God Answered G A. Meaning of the name Zach.

Kael see name meaning.

Voice of God.

V O G. U.E.


Emeka Umeano

E U. G O… V. Victoruously Home

8:53 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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