
7:15 p.m.

7:15 p.m.

Truly it was because of the Short Film Clip which appeared today of Father.. My Brother who Played me.. and Literally played me- this morning, which combined with so Excess Libido Stimulation of Virility… ( Yes Lets Put some Hair on His Chest) that I managed to get up from Bed today.

The exhaustion, tiredness in my limbs- Good Grief, -it is not really mine, but I have been forced to focus, stretch and align my body 24/7 for almost 16 years and 14 of them intensely which is exhausting me…

And as I was saying in the Share of the comment of Anthony Bienke… and I said reminded my case Worker Cassandra, that that is the only reason that I did this riddle, and am still doing it..

( apart from the fact that it is the Truth…)

But only Father D could do this to me, I said this many times, but I knew most of the World I am addressing do not really know what I mean, and if they do understand me, it is through a Story, Fiction.. the Reasoning of their Stories.

You know, the Devil – The Tarot Cards…

Look at this Sacred Portal 10…

Now take a look at the Tarot XV… 15…

My Sacred Portal 15 is The Jolly Green Giant Comes Down into the Land of Milk and Honey…

The Tarot 15… As the Bondage of Male and Female does not Exist in the Sacred Portals- which I all drew from within me without premediation and which stunned me by the Sexual Nature – Sexual Sacred Geometry… Which made me suspect that the Twins- the Balls of me where up to something.

The Third Book of Sacred Portal is called the Book of Sex and Desire… Which links to Saturn Earth.. Depends on your View from the Sun or from the Sum…

Total Solar Eclipse.

There was no Bondage…

XV…Alphabet.. X= 24..One Day V Victory of the V=22…

See Victor Valerie codes…

24 22… 46…

Se code Rep Lisa Natalie Johnson and See sacred Portal 46.. First Drop from Lord E’s Penis… O P E N.. I.S…

Extase…O… Full Circle from the Perfect Expression O.E of the Source..

46= 10…

There was no Bondage.. That was YOUR interpretation…

Like Kids in school daydreaming of play instead of doing your home work then casting the Principal of Existence with its Rules and Laws of the Physical World… Expression Energy Harmony having to be learned before the Door of the Class Room could be opened.. The Space Ship.. ( or you would drop into the Abyss.. Non Existence.. It does not Exist; the GAP in not understanding the Full Circle of Existence…

The Curriculum Vitae.. C.V…

Yes Anthony Malgren represented as the Avatar -Nnamdi the code Bed 5-009.. 59.. E.I… He was released from the Shelter when that code was solved. A.M.

C.V… 100 5.. In Roman Numerals 15…

Sacred Portal 15… Father As the Big E with Harmony Space.. Descending link a Genie in the Bottle into the Body with the Sum Total of the Curriculum Vitae Restored and Expressed.

Grade 1- 12… Jan Dec… All the Astro Logical Portals

Including the 13…Ophiuchus Asclepius…

( Yes Yale Father Prince… In my story I met him both as Prince Ejikeme in Nigeria from the Onistha Royal Family… who trained me to come to U.S.A.. To open the Lock of the Matrix.. Key Master.. Yes I found Two Skeleton Keys.. S.K…Kerem Sanliman Kemi Sara rep…. infront of the Chinese Takeway on Beach Street on top of a Post Box…Sigh…And I met Prince the Musician in Paris… 1994… Both spitting images of each other

*Sign Dates based on the IAU constellations (as of 2011)

Ophiuchus The Serpent Bearer 29 November to 18 December

Sagittarius The Archer / Centaur 18 December to 20 January

Capricorn The Sea-goat 20 January to 16 February

Aquarius The Water Bearer 16 February to 11 March*

Notice that the 13th Sign is 29th November, linked to Kasien Thompson…11-29-63…

And recall how I linked with him and Jamel… J.K…

10 11… E Galaxy C.I… Galaxy 11 01 I.C…

And I saw Jamel today when I came down this morning… And he had quite an adventure on the day of the Eclipse…

Will tell you soon…

Recall he is bed Room 2.. Bed 2-008… Yes South Carolina…

Total Solar Eclipse 8th State..

Thus Kasien Distributor ( Experience of Leaving his Body buried waking up in his Coffin and Lead through a Process by Family dressed as Half Animal half E.T… Yes they call then Egyptian Gods.. E.G… 5 7.. Enders Game… 57..12.. Lisa Natalie Johnson.. 35.. C.E.. Moi… And Bed 3-005.. P.Frankline.. The Little People are Free… Human Children…

So you see, this Sacred Portal is of Love Links The Dream of the One Father.. O.F… L L… T.D..O…T.O.F… Link Cristopher my friend descended from the French Royal Family… Safter Taskent introduced me to he and his Wife.. But I knew Him and Her and Safter and her Brothers from the Eternal Realm…

I used to call Christof.. Tof Tof… Cupid.. And he has the most beautiful mischevious generous Heart… Like Kerem Sanliman I recognized all my Lines Avatars…

Including Alp.. Line of Father Sacred Portal 15…Father from the Mountain Top… I met them both in Turkey… Istanbul.. and all over the World… Tof and Alp… T.A…/ A.T… Christof Kerem ..C.K.. Clark Kent… Kerem Alp… K.A… 11 1…

Sigh… This was my Brothers NNAMDI’S Dream… He and Nnoni NN… 14 14.. 28… 1 O… And Alexander ( Also Nna Alexander Alexis) Onuabuchi Oscar.. Ophelia Obiekwer…) 1 O The Dream as you can see is Harmony of his Masculine and Feminine Side…

The 10 and the 15… = 25….

Y… Moi…

To get myself back Whole, I had to get them both to merge but he held me up… Both the Terrible Twins…

T.D…The Dream… T.D… Not Donald Trump… That is Your Reflection of Duality.. There is no Duality in a Circle… Just a an Image which it Reflects.. But that is not the Pool Pond Lake is it.. The Lake has Water.. Life.. A Cycle of Clouds..Rain… Water Collected in a Hollow.. which Fills… Cloud 9… To Father Earth.. 10 15… 25…And the Sword of Excalibur.. O PENIS… Eruption Ejaculation!… Froth Foam See men Sea Men bringing Life to See and Land.. Body and Being…

See…Trump Card… The Lie of the Trump cards… Taroh.. distorted… You imprisoned yourself…

Jamel who responded after I told him why I cut with him- because he had come down to this consciousness – non consciousness instead of staying with the Knowing Evidence and Experience of Harmony he literal experienced with myself and Kasien Thompson… Decided to take some Weed.. and Had an Out of Body and Mind Experience where he traveled and was Free of his Mind… Mind he said…

He then traveled to the past… Ha he said there is no Time.. I time Traveled .. It is all Energy .. Then he said he decided to look for the portal out of this play to a Better Place… But he said he kept being led back here.. To the Streets of this World..

Finally he began to recall that he had a body and that if he did not get back in his Body that he would be seen by people down here as mad or going insane.. * Note how he said that it was his Body who Anchored Him Not his Mind…

Anyway, I had seen him that day wearing the code color of Wine Red being interviewed by Teo.. Serves him Right I though for wasting my time, but then I noted.. what he was wearing.. He was in Harmony.. I groaned.. He is aligned but because I had to be tough with him… 16.5 years of this playing the Principle when I am the Boogie King.. Ohhh yesss. I am pissed… Anyway, he told me that is what that meeting was about with Teo who saw and felt that he had left his Body.. and he was assuring him that he was back… He told me that as he came back into his body using self discipline and self mastery having had these experience of Astral Projection before and having read about the consequences of not respecting the Body as the Anchor to Being… Yes The Devils Lesson… The Dreamer and the Dream must be anchored in Truth.. Facts..Embodiment.. Which is the True meaning of the Devill The Dream and the Fact…. Man Mountain is Above in Space when he lands in Body .. E ART H..Harmony… He experiences the Fact…

That the Beautiful Dimension of Eternity is right here.. As Lisa Natalie Johnson and Valerie Debbie experienced.. You just have to cross over your CEE… And the Maze Labyrinith of the Human Heart.. H H… 8 8… Death.. Stories.. D.S…

Tiffany Dawn Haynie Tiffany SD.. Meaning Mani-fe-Station of G-Ode.. G..7.. 7th Avenue.. 23rd Street.. By transforming your Emotive Indulgences of your Life Story.. And moving them clearly through Violet 7th Color.. Orange… V.O…I.C,E.. By finding your Voice and Expressing your True I.D… Transforming the Story of your Life.. Subjective Emotional… To the Subject of the E MOT-IONS… Objective understanding of how Words… Words Not in Clarity.. Not True… Not fact.. Expressed from a false center… Transform your Existence into a Lie..

But its Truth.. Moves you Naturally home,, 7 8… TO YOU… THE i… Individual… I.E… My Family Real

8:46 P.M.

Right Lisa Natalie Johnson ? Valerie…

Dee Lee was born Jan 18… 1998… 1 -18….

Lisa 1-1…

Valerie 8-18… 1-18….1-8… Spectrum O1-8 makes Light Clarity Harmony….


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