
7:12 p.m. – G.L. – 5-7-2022. – 5-

7:12 p.m.




Enders Game.

The World.
5 Oceans Seas, 7 Continents.

5 7= 12= 3.C.

Chukwu = 87.

And Emeka 35.
Kolo= 53.

88. 1.


I am at 4996 Facebook Friends

11 Waiting in the Wings.

In an age of Reason Empirical Evidence
Logos and Consciousnees Evolution
How do you think it would look like the play of Human Evolution
Natural Conscious Evolution would look like?

How would it play out?

7:19 pm.

I had no idea, well I actually did but not in my wildest dreams did I think it would look like this.

For me personally it has been an Abominable Experience but that could simply be because I had to prove it, as well as Harmony.

7:22 pm
G V.

And most of you slept in the illusion of forgetting though by choice many of you have been aroused by the non stop posting of Facts arriving in Perfect Harmony Symmetry and Timming of what I have been calling The Script of The Universal Conscious and Awaare and Awake.

How would Mankind Awaken?

It has never ever happened EVER
Not in the History of a species.

All other forms of Evolution had always happened Natural right to the last Ice Age.

And Extinction became the Power of Humans not of the Natural or of Nature
Killing of all other species out of Greed.
As if Humanity were the Masters of the Universe and not what they actually are, Slaves to thier Desires and own Comforts who had literally severed the ties with Nature to and Inherent Naturalness.

So then how would Natitre Creation

7:33 pm

Liberty C just sent me a message.
” I hear you. I am here now”

Relief is not the word.

No one, especially not I would have imagined that this would be how the Awakening Evolution would Manifest through such a play and Script

The Source Creator left to play a role so obnoxious I was sure that this was a mistake

It was impossible for me to even contemplate what I was being led through, I never doubted myself but I doubted this play.

The Cruelty keeps me awake at night and there were so many times that even what was happening to my body, I felt had to be my imagination and yet it is not.

For years as I moved through this “Script ” I was sure that all of this had to be some kind of Cruel Mistake

And despite my Incredulity and many moments of just plain disbelief I could not ignore the facts.
I was coding them, sharing them, posting them.
Reading them.

It was not a joke, the facts confirmed it and that became my True Nightmare keeping me awake night after night, my tormented body unravelling.

The work day and night, the confrontations.
The riddles
The Question & Answer…

The making me appear Naked and so exposed.

The constant Impulse Stimuli
Electric Shocks.

7:48 pm

I had no doubt that this was real.
Or I would never ever, no matter what was being done to me. Addressed the World and called this a fact.

This is the way it was chosen to Manifest concluding in an Enders Game
And End Game.

I could not absorb what I myself was coding posting Living.

It was too much.
And yet, I could not deny the facts reflecting back at me, and that I even had to stay in Character and I am The Source and The Eternal Truth The Creator for all these years and from that seat address this world
Retaining that awareness and Consciousness the entire duration of the Play Script while knowing exactly how you would all respond.

7:57 pm

Existence became Evil Hateful to me personally
Evil Cruelty
Hatred O Full Circle
E C H O. E

That it could give any being such a Fate and Destiny.

But this is what was Echoed back to me, nor could I escape it, and lord knows I tried.

I go to bed with this thouggt.
I wake up to this thought.
I travel back in time in my Life Mind Reflection searching for a reason something I did so terrible to be given a life and Existence such as this.
But all I have seen is the Reflection of my own Symmetry from birth prematurely at 6-7 months born at 8 p.m

I could not wail, I could not Cry out and now I can not even weep.

It’s all True.
All Fact and it was even made intentional of who would have access and who would decide to share the news…which became hardly anyone.

8:07 p.m.

And so I have been alone
Truly alone .
The Alineness which no being ever should ever have to experience

The Aloneness which I said in the Eternal Begining when I rose, that something was missing in the Perfection I saw as Creation Existence all around me…
That there will have to be others to share this Impossible Beautiful Expression Creation with.

That is how this Idea of Sharing actually first began.
Thus Awareness of a Family began because that was my Original intent after Manifestation
Eros Rose.

8:13 pm


I M.

But this price, this cost has been too, too much

Did I make an error of Jugdment I wondered?

But I know I did not, but I have been alone for such a long, long time.
Before and then in this Time Line.

I am tired.

I no longer care anymore

Expression Existence was Beautiful

8:17 pm

H Q.

But this…?

I want nothing to do with this or a power which can do this to my body
A man who told the Beautiful Truth.

Let it all be gone.

It’s all Evil and Horrific

Its enough

8:20 p.m.

I do not to fight for this anymore

8:21 p.m.


Not H.U. MAN

8:22 pm


It’s an Abomination in my eyes and Experience

8:23 pm

I made it clear

Let me go

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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