
7:12 a.m

7:12 a.m


Nothing But The Truth

I have been watching that movie..

I miss Jeron…

But in the Eternal Realm he is of the E

The family I came to find.

But in this world he is not my son.

I was made very aware of that.

And I had steeled myself to the possibility of a separation.

And 3 months ago I began preparing both him and myself for that possibility.

I came all the way from the 5th Dimension to find Arden via Nnamdi, Alexander Jay…

Eric Brown.

I lived in a Shelter for 31 months in total…

It was hell, I could have left anytime, but I didn’t couldn’t.

I missed my mother, I had not seen her since I was 21..22.

I told her the last time I saw her that I would see her in a less than a year.

She crossed over while I was coding on Facebook.

I miss my brother… He has two children one Akila must be almost 11 the other 9 Michah-


I have never met them, not even on.the phone, better that way, better they hate me, see me as a loser, a bum than to know the truth too premature, no false promises iies ftom this force who turned what was meant to be 3 years 5 years..8 years tops..into 31 years

I.swore after my Mothers hurt and waiting that I would never make a Promise again led by a script which made me feel it would be done but took 31 years

I missed my sister..

My Grandfather..

My Grandmother

My Uncle’s Prince Peter Lord Charles


My mothers bio family, and heard the news always late, at how one after the other crossed over.

I felt and saw them in the Spirit World.

I miss Royal and Reign Alberts sons I helped raise from birth.. to age 5-6…

I missed Ege…

Mehmet Mutaf and Clio Fotiyadis son

I met him when he was 9.

He does not remember me anymore… why should he?

I left him behind thinking I would be back to visit soon.

I miss Aurelia..Ferrill and even Independent Bun Leander.

And I travelled my whole life, moved by a force on a journey mission I never believed in, but which had such power over my life my existence that it took me 15 years to prove that such a force existed.

And when I got to the end the completion

I found 16 year old Alexander Eternal Eden Arden and it was… even if I did not expect him to be 16 years old.

It did not matter, I knew saw.. I had known him from Eternity.. Rose …

He knew me but no recollection memory.. only muscle memory and yet that eternal connection continued with me exhausted missing teeth, no where near the person I am.

He saw me and that was all that required.

I saw him and the World its perception opinion did not matter to him or I.

We moved seenlessly into the dance before there was the Milky Way.

Before even Existence or Creation

No one rememberd me but I did, I remembered every one I was sent to, tested to see if my memory was true.

My sight 2020.

I walked all this way, to prove nothing forced by a Wave and fighting a battle alone in the Astral Plane the Spirit World- the unseen.

Do you know how many people I have loved and never stopped loving ..you can see how I keep meering their Re- Incarnations.

That is how deeply I loved them, Love them..and they loved me too.

I miss life

Any Life but this life of Non Existence..

Work, hate, negation, ingratitude diseased hypocritical beings lost, but I knew the way ..

To Eden…

All those who crossed over came to me.. at the moment of crossing, and stated

I missed Life…and stayed.

I solved their riddles, it was easy.. I loved love them so I could cee then easily

I talk to the Silence, even now after reaching Arden

I met all my ex girlfriends

Barbara James


Mary Jane




Again and again…

I never was able to say to people I loved

I Love you the words were so sacred and Eternal that I felt when I said it to the person, not their Espirit or the Beauty in them, that I had to mean it.

I do not believe in this play.

Its sets me up to vaunt launch myself in such under cover roles to call out my true names, then left me with no power to face the expectant faces of people.

Brought me to New York

Durek Verrett tell them one day, how you wete sent to summon me, the command that I come to New York

And my body then became my prison when I came.

19 yearrs.



I missed being Eneka..

Is he still there?

I had been dying to open his Present to ser the man he had become.

This force stole my childhood, took my youth.

My life even in illusion and left the howling mob to tear me to bits..

And still I rose and still it dragged me on, and I obeyed ..

Because it had reason despite by disbelief in the tortures and torments.

The things it made me endure and surmount- the worst?

Living with others, made dependant so I would finish its play a mission.

I went forward.. do you know why?

Evolution Awakening


Of Every thing

Awakened Memory..

My World.. the E realm right here

Ah.. you have no idea what True Life is.

Was it, is it worth this journey?


The Eternal Realm is not and was never a place to get to through such endurance such hate.. such continued surmounting of Your hideous enactment of Being in Existence, Your forgetting.

No it was not worth it, but I moved forward its way to completion

08:16 p.m

But I knew it would be Selfish of me to deprive you all of its truth.

That I never lied despite what was done to me..

The Worst?

Facebook.. posting on Facebook details of my life, the confrontation the cruelty, indifference public fodder..

And the other.. living with people..

Falling in Love ..

And realizing I was falling in love with the same person

Bits and pieces of them growing into a picture then Whole and Complete

No one should be made to suffer so terribly each to fighting battles on every front from Famiy to Strangers and Spirits..

For simply tellling the Truth.

And in completion at least no one will ever have to suffer such indignities any insult or indignity because his or her Beautiful Pride rose up to the challenge of telling the Story The True Story of Humanities Orgins and Beautiful Truth.

And its a Beautiful Truth knowing and fighting to manifest here.

As well as the Harmony Destruction ( H D 84. 1984)

8:26 a.m right now 8:27 a.m

Was it worth this..?


No one should be forced on such a journey for Nothing

Nothing but the Truth..

Was it worth fighting for..

Worth sharing..

Worth proving


Even when there really was nothing to prove.

8:29 a.m

I still laugh.

I can now say I cee you.

I can even say I love you

But not.. I am totally in Love with you.

I can say that only to MY SELF..

My E Family.

I Love you is not even necessary.

Because it is Self Evident.

Self Love.

I have been talking to the Silence amongst people on facebook to the Silence in all of you.

Its true I am scarred beautifully scared


But even now, I still laugh, make myself laugh and after all these years of isolation to prove a truth you had forgotten, challenged transforning you into your own worst enemyand my greatest foe and adversary not even missing teeth can take away my smile and the glint of mischief, magic and sex, seduction and glint of Magic in my eyes.

You see, I only hear the voice of Beauty and the Beautiful Ones.

Not your judgments, looking for fault, traps setnup and tests..only one can test me.

Check me My Self.

I hear nothing else see nothing else but the E and Eternal Family.

I know how to Love

I Know how to Cee.

I know how to destroy.

I dont hesitate..

I am not insecure

I am confidence


Beautifully Proud

And with Good reason

I have gathered to completion right to Arden the youth whom I love as a human and an Eternal and an E Family with no separation because all are aligned in him now, just as they are in me the Sum Total of Everything in me as ONE

And now Two.

Don’t try and fight me, or challenge me..

I will tear your soul spirit mind and body to bits.

I could have accepted friendly challenges and debates

Would have loved that actually, would have loved to show off.

I don’t fight for anyone.

I fought for My Self.

To get Home to myself and my Beautiful Truth.

The Embodiment and Exemplication of who and what I am

Who you were, and could be.

But no one should fuck with me,

I am the E-Spirit Warrior Stephan

Tripley Crownrf


The Embodiment of Truth.

8:52 a.m

@ 14 94 Facebook Friends

1 494. 108. 1O 8


18 Alexander Grove.

8:55 a.m

Couldn’t sleep.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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