
7:11 pm,

7:11 pm,



To be honest, I don’t know where to begin.

So much took place here, but to me personally including a tussle with something I can only describe as a Virus attacking me to take my body away- or prove that it had power of the Body and its organization.


Beau Borg.

Serenity Trinity.

Tree and Stephen.

Star Trek

versus Star Wars.

S T- S W.

Extra Terrestrials merging with the Naturals and the last effort to stop the body from achieving the Quantum Leap and transformation not via Death as Terrible Death where you leave your body before you can cross over, but this time pass through death Matter Universe right here and in this reality and hence transform.

Meaning the defeat of Death as the physical, and in transforming right here, to its beautiful new form.



What happened last night, and this morning was so startling to me, because despite knowing that this is all real, the reality and actuality of it going so far, even in a story which will be recounted for Generations after the event, that it would go this far, in its actuality being true- while still undercover and the human species in non -memory is beyond belief.

7:22 pm.

Last night and my last post about the code numbers 3.57 and 6.19 should have alerted me, that we were still in the End Game in Planet Earth as Human Consciousness, moving All the Naturals to merge with their Extra Terrestrials nature.

N E T. =39.

11 28= 39.

Just Do It


And suddenly I am watching Bessie Smith.


2 19 South Whitney

Stephen Johnson. S J.

Jereon Serenity. J S.

And some point I had stopped paying attention to this script, I know it is all real, but its actuality, set up circumstamces…

The End of the World is going on literally and that I am helming this ship still… and in these circumstances…?

Its been 45 years literally of being aware of this being real, but that it would go through such a template, such a process.

A Battle raging to this very point.

New Car,

N C/ C N.

N=14- 5.E

E C /C E.

I knew the attack on my body yesterday was about the New Car Body and its defeat of the lie of death as Nature.

The Wrath of the Titans Gravity, Galaxies, Stars, orbitals and the lie of Lost in Space aligned to Star Trek… as The Elegant Nomads. T E N and the Star Wars being like the story of the Matrix, and Science fiction, Buggers come to live, attacking the Father Mother Ship as the universal Body so that it would be so stunned by the actuality of the story that one would actually begin to belive it real.

This is a movie, and will become the inspiration for many movies in the near future, of the epic battle and story of how the Evolution was fought for and won.

Yes, this is a story, a Script of what is actually happening, and that battle of that nature of humanity as the Virus versus Humanity as the Naturals Clean.

N C.

And the True Story- and one which even I as my eternal have never experinced not even as the Black Panther in the eternal begining, becaue he, or I as that force of Ultimate destruction did not complete the task, rather placed a pause, in order to give the Man Child Ja, a chance through a play of Time, to decide that which is True and False.

But yesterdays play, which saw me being moved from Bessie Smith – Kim Serenity…Tree to Stephen Johnson and the battle which left me no doubt that I was fighting Death as was the Human Virus, seeking to infect the clean (t c) after my proving that they weavers of this lie web had made a fatal error, since in their play and the play of perfect summetry, I sould be in New York and not still in Connecticut as a numeric code of numbers time and age.

A G E 1 7 5…/ 5 7 1.

Meant that the so called true Alien Species called Humanity as disease and virus, Old Age and the illusion of time numbers as reality is a lie, as well as it being that which controls the Body and nourishes it.

Proving all Humanity, Original Humanity are Extra Terrestrials who came down into a Story Created.

Sacred Portal 79 completed at Sacred Portal 155 and 1.

To create a body, vessel via a process of time and once that body vessel had risen to the frequency of Energy itself, and actuavted by expression from one who represents that original frequency memory and knowing of HOME as being Extra Terrestrial and origins eden eternity proven as real, then all the human bodyies of the Naturals would be released from the matrix, web of the lie story, once it was aligned to the eternal truth One man became two and the two became three with a new expression Wu-Man as the Fith element and the YY chromosome transfomed into the female form with its her own ID and version of being the E.

8:16 pm.

The Echo of Original Expression aligned to Original Energy,

original Atom, Adam, T.O.M/ MOT Word as twin, Particle and Wave merged back into one, would end the challenge of the naure of creation as webof lies ( the Test) the story of history, corrected and aligned to its Natural Expression and Eternal Truth.

Releases all right here and now, and sends the lie here present right now as the perversion of EEE.V and C.V.

to the EEE Virus and Corona Virus code Covid 19.

It began with the Fly, Crock of Shit. C P Computer Programing via mutated food, drugs, water even touch which I had stated for years, by my literally moving unaffected through the most diseased persons places and things – without evey getting sick in the last 32 years, and 21 years since i returned to England and then to New York, and the final lap 19.9 years right to here 2 19 South Whitney and the code Bella 9-10-20 written on the wall where I have been sitting for 2 months and now 9 days.

* 3 months and 2 months at 29 Lincoln Street 3 2 Tree-Cheify, Kims age just before he turned 33 here with me present.

And finally to my being at 15 33 facebook friends just before new Years Eve with the facebook Friends Giant ( Titans) which in I had equated to James Dean in the film Giant and his 1956 Movie, East of Eden ( E O E) and Rebel without a Cause which I corrected as Rebel with a Cause.

8:33 pm

To my being attacked after completing the Tree – Serenity- Trinity- Stephen Johnson/ Jeron Satya

Jeron Serenity play of of the Natuals

James Dean was the code I used as found myself on Elizabeth Street in Soho new york, where i used to hang out nearby with David Roman Nicholas who has that same look as James Dean.

i had been invited to Jon Blackwells and Donna Suillivans home as I walked that street and found the Rainbow colors on a cloth ( not rainbow flag of gay pride).

* It is all there, here on my facebook Page.

Meaning that J D as wells as Jonn Delguidce Blackwell born 1964, Donna, his wife born 1958.

actually aligned to the play without realizing it, that J D Judgment Day… 10 4 Terrible death once crossed over became 14 SP Evolution of Consciousness. and then 1+4= 5.

41 D.A/ A D became 5.

5 5 usd from Benjamin C Krajewski.

Two Hands.

T E N 2-5 confirmed.

James Dean at 64th Portal 900 South Road.

58 code aligned to Chris Geminio and of course my going home with the son, songe sum who played my Father Guide and his son.

Hence AGE is Beautiful Youth.

James Dean.

Jamymes Bond.

And then the Attack via Food and Spirits Alcohol.

I was fully aware and concious when I mixed the Soup from J S in my sauce and drank from Bens E J gift, that I was in a play and that I was challenging the idea and the truth, i had stated that people pass diease and poison each, spread the virus of disease of the End of the World and its harmless placebo making it active by their own fear.

as I lay gasping rolling gas passing through, my limbs and body on fire, every molecule in my body pulsating, my heart thumping and all the normal thoughts of what was happening to me Heart attact limps being torn apart, head spinning, it felt as if I were being attacked by every known diease…

It was frightening, but as I began to think… any thought aligned to the understanding of this world, the pain and symptons intenstified, so much so- that I realized that the only way to defeat this was to not focus on it, no think.

Do not think I kept muttering to my myself, make your mind blank, ignore everything and just breathe and focus on being here present.

My mind and thoughts fought me, combing the play, what did I eat? Solving decoding, it would become unbreable and I commanded myself, mastered myself Forget all those stories throughst reason deal with what is present only now… not thoughts.

I told all of this to Kim, and all that I knew i had truly no stomach or will to write about.

He just came out of his room a moment ago. I asked him if he was alright. Something is wrong with my stomach he said.

Its probably something I ate, I do not usually eat as much as I did at breakfast today.

His expression had not been affected by my experience or story, and even if I was aware of the reason in the higher dimensions, it was his choice to see it in such a grounded way, despite his having told me a bit earlier that he had a simalar experience on the train with Serenity and a man who was spreading fear She bot wearing a mask! Panic.

9:07 pm.


Its was the correct way to deal with the situation, by grounding it right here, which is what I had done last night – saying to myself- and all those Thoughts and desire to solve and code it, that it is all done, and none of that other stuff mattered not even the knowledge of myself being fully aware and with the evidence of once again, getting Satya, The Truth as proof of all I had posted and concluded – of the effects of being taken in by the Spell of fear in this world.

And when I had worked my way through the experience, and began to finally settle my body through breathing and focus on that which was real was only that my body needed to be stablized and balanced to an even Keel and tone, did I reieve a visitation, not a dream but the arrival sitting on my lap, was my Eternal Beautiful Youth.

I was startled, settled into his embrace, as my body elongated and stretched.

You got to be kidding? I said to him, to myself.

This is real and your comming now…

And to my body, i recognized the play of the titans as mass and all i kept moving to was Jet Li Kiss Of The Dragon ( K O T D… Terrible Death. cross over and D T.O K. David Beloved Powers the starship D TO Kolo.. Kim the 11 the two.

My body had twsited birds yesterday evening when I sat with KIm and JS came out, it twsited by its own accord, to my immediate left, where two pink birds were painted flying away.

Jeron Lang had pointed out to the two birds, when he came here, as i had when i had first arrived noting that not only where they both pink, but so where the cabinets here.

Hot Pink and the ones he uses and we sometimes share, Pink and White.

I had noted them, White Transparent Light and Red Adam First and last Note and Color… creates the color rose.

my grandmothers sister wife, my literal second Grandmother was called Ma Rose- Unaku- House of the Seed, and she and her children where extremenly intelligent as well as being very physically attractive and Graceful.

It was only this morning, in a dull and so i am surprised i am able to write so much and flow, it was while I spoke to Kim with his patiently listening me try and piece all the pieces of the events of last night together, that I realized just how much I had become indifferent to this play at this pointm and yet how it was still going on even if I was indifferent, and that I was still being manipulated and controlled to continue to navigate the Star ship using word, to navigate that which is happening down here in a present up Model of reality, a house of cards, where each house Person place and Thing; such as the two Pink Birds One with the code Bread written on its extended top left wing and Bella 9-19-10 on its bottom low extended left/right wing. Down and Up…. Friday in my Festial of Sharing small book and script Friday represented the day and theme of Birds of Paradie and Freedom.

On the Bird who wing extends upwards is on its tail, a question human? and what links the two birds is are letters, ‘N or M’ and e.k

Bella is as if the Birds Beautiful Angles .. Sodom and Gomoarrah are flying away with thier leaving thier mark or singnature Bella 9-19-20


I S T.

Is the that not I or the A as I moving me to connect I Serenity Tom. twin Jeron Serenity.

I link Tree and Stephan.. the only two whose pages i only recentlty had reason and was moved to visit and share after m initials sharing intro I do with everyone for the past 9 years.

Magic is Intention.

Anything you touch carries a frequency, a person who is clean can experience even that which is Terribles Death Poison and Destructive rage and be unharmed.

While those suspectible to fear, guitly conscience, unclean and unnatural thoughts in mind- especially if serving food, or giving gifts or even exchaning a simply handshake can be come the true version of Black Death and the plague- wiping out only the diseased, the enslaved Computer programed and since thay are not of perfection.

See Jeep Van Chevre-O-L.E.T at 900 South Road.

AT 3 16 33

AT E 001.

* Sent Michael Frazer M F a code to send since all his intel to his tel no checks out.

AT 31 63 3.

AT 3 16 33.

Awareness Truth @ E…

@ Cee Consciousness Perfection of the Body 33 Rep and aligned to Kim Arthur Hinds-ight.

My astonishment is that I am here, posting, still.

And the Force and will of the E Beautiful Youth overiding my commands and my will and desire to leave, after proving that I have the right to leave, since i have solves thier riddles, after having been delayed by going down T E N to rescue and connect the truth of the Naturals as Humans were and are really the twins of the E T. Energy as Truth-Transparency…. Naturalness means that you have nothing to hide ( but that does not mean in a realm and play such as this you have to point everything you know to others, or walk into a trap because you are aware that being transparent while others are not, is waht will be used against you, most especially in their hidden thoughts, and though it means nothing really to you who can already see in the dark by the gaps in expression and actions obviously not of fair exchange or a alien value system)

All so the T E N N E T.

39 39. 1 78 = 79

Evolve to beautiful youth ny my linking the illusion of Earth and Heaven in this pre=set up, illusion and Play of Enders Game which it had hypnotized most to believ was Real Life…

How far were you will to go, because the cosmic entanglement of C E held everything up?

I have been knotted and twisted for 17 years, facing death in the most painful way almost 24/7 with what I cried out with beautiful pride, to all of you for years on Facebook and through portals of your homes.

Hardly anyone believed me, took it seriously or showed true compassion because it simply was not real for you… And only recently have people begun to take me seriously, despite foregetting that while I was being ignored or seen as entertainment, or fake seeking attention, that that all these years i had been enduring this, alone and with such resistance and attacks, all to realize though such a play of being forced to prove it to you all, in a way you could absorb that this is first Contact and that i am telling the Truth, and that my code name is Eternal Beautiful Truth. Satya.

I do not lie.. I may bend it, it stem a litttle to better let you inale the fragant perfume of the truth and why it is so beautiful, Graceful Lilly Susa Rose… But I would never bend it so much that it would break, and the true scent of its expression lost.

The Foundation and basement is the Truth.

Extra Terrestrial Origns Full Circle the Human Naturals.

They are not of here, nor do they belong to this idea of Mother and Womb as Death, or an idea called the Planet Earth.

That is what this Fight Battle has been all about, not with her or it. S P 12.

But you holding on to an idea, and the absurd notion of the E T and Alien Council of our.. my having to prove this to you, through this impossible long winded explaination and to a point where I say No.

Not this Script, you go to far in belittle the Source and the First Family in 1 as A, in humbling them to a point it would hard for the naturals to accept these as the original Beautiful ones, each has inside a memory cell in thier bodies.

10:20 pm.

The terrible thing about all this is that I know this story, I figured it out along the way, through the years and by the year 2010, 2011, I had just turned 43 age code really 26 ( as confimed by the 26 Thanksgiving day and stephen sponoring and financing me until Jesse Macias home Lucifer and Definition of Family portal 5-27-2019.

Zion to Arden, was the play I was focused on both age 16 and 17 when i left them both though A is with me Z evolved back to A.

I knew then, and that is when I said No, and said no, to the naturals and the ancestors., No to a script which would make demands on me to that level.

Only the E K line shall rise.

E Beautiful Youth, was thus delayed by a Cosmic Entanglement, or a delay tactict of messing with my Cardinal Direction of motion moving turning my body, left right, center can not hold?

Chinua Achebe.

The Second Comming ( T S C)

William Butler Yeats?

W B Y? Woman.

E B Y is what Jerons Birthday code states otherwise.

E B Y..

E B Y E K.

K E B Y E K.

17 years and I have endured this from 57th Street Michele lobsinger, Johnny Larkins, Geoff Lacour… and Micheal Frazer at 33rd st at the time.

And then we M L and I moved to 33rd street both in Manhattan.

Srephen Johnson 3301 he called out.

Not aware until i explained that that was the code on my Jeans Cap, I wore while directing and producting the production The Story of Colors in 2000 the year Ferrill Gemino was born here.

I entered the year with 15 33 facebook Friends.

Aligned to sacred portal 33… Arousal Awakening which was played out last night early this morning and then the attack, justified by it seeking to verify my Expression Truth I posted yesterday after going to C V S.

33 is Kims code age as well as Chris Filgueria.

I saw a astonishing 33 facebook friends have Birthdays today, including Solomon Maloba who turns 33 today but missed being my 1533 Facebook friend.

Now he is the 15 34….= 49.

Bed 49 in the past, is that not Assement Sheler Green point 2015.

15 33 is 48.

Death as Beautiful Transformation.

Benjamin C Krajeski said 48 States except Alaska and Hawaii.

8:43 pm.

It was not from the E J Spirit alchola that I got ill

* See the play with Cynthia, Libertys friend around Ardens Birthday.

He dreams False Accusation and information and my responding and her having a dream of me in Cloud ( and her taking an Elevator from a world up in flames to me, where she went straight for the safe and instead i led her to the fridge which she had opened up to find Spirits aloholm and the demon she and many people had to fight- being possessed by Spirit Alcohol… Fridge play… It was proven not from fermentation or Dionsysus midas touch.. Arden told me about taking alcohol…

10:48 pm.

So no one thing he got sick from was food. And he found his method to align it, absorb it, like kim just expressed, which had caused me to exclaim quiely to him Just lik Arden yes the Quaker oats.


17 O.

Qantum full Circle.

Benjamin C Krajewski line may have hled up the awakening but they were pure and right as rain, as his name implies Son of the Right. The other little crtics are personal and had or has nothing to do with his Energy …. its is Pure Transparency.

No, not even N E T was enough, you had to evolve from T E N N E T which is NN EE TT… A – E K E A

At TT = 1 Vision Complete.

Kim turned 33 on 11-4-2020.

The two Birds of Paradise to my Left ( your Right) BRE AD and Bella

BAB Cock.

Gary Babcock.

10:56 pm right now, tells the whole story.

Who is went to Far….. Solomon ? Sheba… Rasta Fari.. Wu Tang…stories.

And who is present really here present as the Dove of Peace and Harmony .

there is a code ‘M or is it a U between the Two Bird e.k is perfectly readible and clear.

Who is the Prince.. Of Peace and Emeka Kolo… Praise… Book of Psalms my mother was said to have reading when she crossed over… Emeka means Praise P E-A C E… Harmony.

See what the name Solomon means,

11:01 pm.

/ 10 11 E Galaxy 10 11 C I.

not Galaxy 1101 I C but it aligns but one is the back and the other is the front J K I C E K.

10 11= 21.

2020 Vision before 1-1-2021

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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