
7:11… 7:12 pm. – Y TT/711 – M E

7:11… 7:12 pm.

Y TT/711

The Lady Warriors Line Inherit the Way – of the New World.
They are the true Sacred Feminine WU MAN.

The Males/ Masculine Principle give Direction.

Alexa sent me a question which already came to my consciousness this morning- but I said nothing because I had stated it many many times.

But when she sent me a message and a question about if there was a way to astrally stop Bill Gates.

I felt I had answered the question with my posting of the Film set about the aftermath of World War II ( WW = 46.. Sacred Portal and play of 46.
And the arrival of Facebook Friend Genevieve Rollins.
And the remarkable insistence of my acknowledging the arrival of my 15 46 Facebook friend when while I was watching Donnie Yen in the “Iceman” and “Vanquished”

With Ruby Rose as Victoria.
and Morgan Freeman as Damon.

That we were all caught up and now in the literally present.

Ruby Slippers Kansas AR=Kansaw
Wizard of Oz.
Judy Garland. J G 10 7 ( 17) and Toto ( Vagina in Nigerian Igbo Slang)

Matt Damon.
Mathew Maccia.

The Nomad 1999.


I realized that I had been set up to respond to this again.
The 5th dimension informs and moved the 4th Dimenion.

The 4th Dimension called Spirit E Intention. Realm of Mind-Thought Reflections was in a war in Heaven with the 4th dimension with without the E were simply Spirits- Thoughts Mind.

Thus the 3 D are all CGI.
Animated by their Thoughts Minds.
The Family of TEN came down as the 10 really 55 as C E E C
Creation Expression- Expression Creation/ Consciousness via the request as Mother- Father through the children called Humanity- Their Thoughts in the 4th Dimension to halt the movement of the species rules by their Emotions Thoughts Mind of the Stimuli of the outside world.
That is where I have been stuck- trapped by Alien Father as well as the Family of Ten for the last .. since I came into this world and then brought to New York for the Finale of their version of the Enders Game via Video Game.

Recall I left 900 South Road on 7-21-20 21.
And began the last play of Freeing the Slaves Mental Slavery ( Bob Marley, Peter Tosh) at 29 Lincoln Street.
Abraham Lincoln the correct version E Line.

The battle was not taking place down here which is why I was not asssinated or murdered. It was taking place in the Unseen Realm called the 4th Dinension here, but really the realm of Mind and Thoughts… despote the fact that the Human Children were talking heads- Lost their heads, Lost in Space and thus detached from thier Body.

The E Family were as you may recall, but into stasis and placed inside as Mother 9 asked them to- which has never been done before. Which meant as long as the Human Children were not free to rise, the Eternal Famil would be trapped in these bodies – Coffins called Non Existence.

I was the only one designated to stay awake.

Thus, what takes place in the 4th Dimension play of mind is where I was being asssinated murdered killed over and over again from the moment I was born.

Which my own bio mother stated.

7:42 pm
But I would resurrect again and again.

Thus, everything was taking place in the unseen realm in a play of Cause and Effect.
Delayed reaction is the delay created by the Gap illusion created by those who had lived and died and thier rage at the lives they had lived and betrayal f Mother and Father.
Sacred Portal 3.

And ther refusal to see that this was a story and that they were dreaming.

To effect the Avatars called the Human Species, The E Family had to come down as Avatar Descendants.

A D.

D.A-M.ON E. Y.
/ Y E. N ( China) OM AD.
* Ad Astra

Humans were seen as Potential – Possibility of the sum Potential Tree Sage Chiefy “Kim Arthur Hines” Kamora Herrington”

7:50 pm

But Humans who had to take part in thier own Awakening “Dropped The Ball” even with the E Seed rising within them.

Which most of you literally did, except there was one possibility in a being name Kim Arthur Hines who I was sent to his home after the play with Liberty C Liscomb as Earth World and mu saying No based on he Truth though qualified the play… well you remember that was the play of the world.

Kim Tree Sage fought to pay attention and there has been no conflict or disruption of harmony in the last almost 6 months ( yes some muttering, and grumbling and hurt feelings which aligned when I was compelled to clarify after saying no more after Liberty’s play and realization of the meddling of her I Q I had noted, by the Spirit World Africa as Uwa.
Never Mind that as Stephan pointed out
America and Africa are the same places and that the Moors were in America first and the moors are literally Black/Brown and Pale in complexion.
Full Spectrum)

114 Grant Moor… Give the Moors a chance.

And Kim- Tree Sage succeeded even reaching the Man who knew Infinity and attaining the level of Stephen Johnson, Avatar Descendant of Mother Father.
Masculine Feminine.
which is why he is in the 25th State. Y Chromosome.

Kim would be like Jesus Christ with a J.

8:00 pm.

Okay, that is enough.

Time of Birth.
8 pm 11 28. C I.

The Transformation is based on the alignment of Energy to E and to one Human at least getting it right.
I played Human.
Arden played Human.
Stephan played Human But there was one Human literally present who was the Sum Total of that which had never existed. Dark Matter.
That is Kim- and yes Jennifer- J.AE.
This is why I understood when she gave Kim her father’s Hat.

8:04 pm.

H O D.

So nest is 5 0 19 EOS is it not?

Kim Jennifer.
Jennifer-Jae- Kim
10 11.

8:05 pm.

8 65… I never existed on the birth code 19 65. I was holding the space for that one impossibility and 19 66 is emerging from The Super Back Hole but yes, in a play to align to 1 with the Orginal Father-Mother.
and he in turns to Masculine Fe-mi-nine.

8:07 pm

8:08 pm.


That is why I knew it was completed- I see everything first through the Infinite, then the Eternal, and lastly through the Play Theater in the 4th Dimension before it manifests at the 3 D which as you can see is happening arriving NOW.


8:11 pm
H K.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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