
7:07 p.m.

7:07 p.m.




G E T.. R…U E.

G G is that not the third Author, in the 4 part share of Isabelle Ilic which I shared as the approach equation reflected of the appearance of the Epiphany Coudre Foudre Thunder and Lightening of the collective Ah!!!! Aw!!!!

Its is,, I believe, the Third in the series of 4… J C N L G G J C Full Circle which then when it is completee it heralds a New Day..

Dawn Piercy

But this time of an Era…Sum total of Eons…

I kid you not…

7 7 is the amount of change I realized I had in my Weave pouch I now use as my Wallet, since my Wallet was stolen.

*Edward Eceinco keeps asking me to set up a Wallet to receive his gift of 0.025 bit coins. The winning number is 25…

25 years ago .. 1993…

93 I returned from the Light… ( He is still in the Dark but his 6th sense has risen to the point of realization)

I C….

25 is Y…

26 years ago .. 1992.. I went to the Light.. HOME.. OHM..Om..

27 Years ago… 1991.. I came to Paris undercover to investigate recognizance mission- I was fully aware that I was undercover in this World, the cover of darkness .. Anonymous.

All of us, sent to retrieve Our God Head of Personality, Character Stamped of approval, of the personage we played of the Universal Theater of the Original Characters, of the First Play. The Family of TEN..The Elegant Nomads ( Beings of the Milky Way) the family of the Two 5-O’s

It is that Universal template, story, staged acted out where the 10 versions of Personality Character was consciously created.

And a Stage..

The trillions of version of these character, played out by Humanity, has created many solid I.D which have become my families.. the Evolved you.

But now Embodied.

Personality Character…


163 Facebook friends DeLores Spratley..


Personal Computer…

Of Who..?


Who is Mother?


Fathers Expression…

What does Delores mean?


So much Sorrow in the World.. Bob Marley.. B M

Robert N-E.S.T…A.H… Marley…

R N M..

R M…

Room with a View ..

Of What?

B M..

Being Manifested Beautifully. .. sigh a Possibility…

The Never Ending Desire Dream… Unattainable..

The B .M.B..

The Belle View Being Manifest .


9 3 9…

But did anyone try conversing 6 3 6.. F C F…

Investigating that Feeling.. Compulsion Faith which gives your striving…

That journey now become a journey of misery pain and sorrows of Our lady of Sorrows.. Pain and Misery..

The Lady who is sent deeper under cover in the play The Lady of Sorrows APHRODITE.. Athena above in Space stuck in a role of Sadness representing the Answer is awakened of attaitaing that point.

The End of the Toils of Sisphyus of Albert Camus, Existential Myth

The Trials of Achilles and Hector

The Torments of Prometheus..

The Burden of Atlas…

… You get the picture..

Mary of Sorrows Martha .. do do…. who has to be transformed through the End of the Play.. to her True Self God and Goddess line..

– Really the Elemental Ethereal ( who exists as Awareness Frequency you can read, if you tune and in time see Their personalities, characters develop.. much as they used to create Radio Shows before Television became popular..

Sound Language

to Visuals Dialogues…

E G.. E G…

G G…

At Starbucks code 7745O of the bathroom and branch number..

Sacred Portal Low Key.. 6th Sense.. Gods undercover moving through Nature…

note of cruelty done to Animal -Nature…

(Aturo Niege… Arthur Snow…

Snow Lions- Klein Seifred-Alicia .. A S K…

She asked what the Snow Lions meant…

150 usd.. 15.. O..

The Lion King.. Broadway Production…


Being Plants … Earth as the Play.

T.L.K… 20 12… 11…. The Two Parallel Universes…

Had to merged into one.. See the see the Humans undercover in Masks of Animals..

The Egyptian Gods…


Enders Game…

5 7.. 12… 3.. C.

5 8.. E.H… M.

*My phone number 1 347 313 67 78… The full circle is at 3 13.. C M..

C M E.. 4/3.. My equation for Energy..

Energy was always Free..

It is the understanding how to distribute it..

Kasien Thompson.. 11-29-63… Experienced the Egyptian Gods in a truly Lucid Vivid Dream Recollection which he confided in me that he saw was real and true.

Myself as an Ape.. The Idea of Man originated from Apes..

core.. Correct code A P E…/ E PA… Energy =Praise Appreciation….

I was 43 at Marina Burini and Tom Trumans place in 2010- 2011..

M B…

8 7 years ago..

My Phone number of my phone which stopped linking to Assurance Wireless Telephone, Communication, Internet all put on hold.

87 76 313 74 31… Link the sacred portals to the Script of recent… and to the beginning of the face book play…

31 is the Golden State… the last war.. Ugo Nwamama.. Sirius Ugo.. U N.. U S… and Eze Chi.. E C…

U S.. E ..E C..

Challenging my See…

Igbo Anthony Otta removed from the play and he has not returned…

1977 moved to Nigeria from Canada..

Supernatural…. 6th Sense moves…

from the Original Expression.. O E.. F.. as 6th Sense to you, though it already exists but not yet to you..

So Expression.. a play a scrip of Expression which can be linked to create Harmonios Personality Characters which can morph in to Snow Flakes .. Enough Snow Flakes that it becomes Snow which covers a Full Circle.. Plan -ET..

Which is bigger that a Planet..

Plan E.T et; to link Universe Supreme with All Existence..

A Play of Beautiful Expression… Awareness Manifested…

B E… A M… Embodied Vibrating Moving …

That sixth sense of that which is already in Fact Solid Existence has been sending out its Vibration, naturally not because it is asking, needing to be recognized and acknowledge, but by the sheer truth,,That it Exists…


And in consequence sends out Vibration, as all things in creation Vibrate and if this is the Ultimate meaning of Truth.. Manifest Eternally… Internally Externally.. Full Circle in perfect symmetry of concentric circles of only one Truth Manifest…

Harmony.. the True meaning and equation of Harmony..

Then what is Harmony if Harmony has never been seen, attained..

How would one recognize it..


Thus, E O F… E … ( Play to understand Beautiful Expression Is Harmony.. Holy Grail.. Answer to Harmony… EVIL…

Not what is it to LIVE…

Answer Awareness full circle… Being.. Full Circle.. Conscious Ful Circle.. Devotion Full Circle… To Two 2. 11… I I.. Expression Expressing… Fact…

To get there you must move through each of these through a play of observing your naturalness.. which is your Being.. which is by observing.. Reflecting On Expression Expressing ( you) in Hindsight..

And finally become so aware that you can see ahead and look back at the same time. Linking your Knowing to your Knowledge…

Klein Kevin..

K K.. 11 11…

22.. V…

E O F… E. B E A M….( M= 13… A B C D E F G H I J K L M…)….

back to D-E..( 4 5. Full Circle, the past.. I…N=14.. Nature is the passed past..

I N.. 9 14.. Dentist Billy Hung.. Grand Concourse… Nope.. to far.. the past.. 2002 with Erek Eclass Mateo E E ..M..

We are At.. M E E…

Edward Eceinco.. 25..

Alicia sent 13 Facebook Suggestions.. 13 M..

E E M..

Smile.. Of yes.. I know it ends at I.

I Emeka Kolo..

I E K.. V… 59.. 11 22… My mothers and davids birthday… M D..

11-22- 47.. 11-22-68…

My Father Mother..

Brother and Sister.. Devi and Harmony…

D H..

Tiffany Dawn Haynie..

I am full aware…

It ends at ME.. E E…

D E E E… 5 5 5.. 15.. O… 6… F..

F A C T… E…

Made Expression Manifest…

Right to the Circumpunct.. Page…

To my Code… E M E …. 313.. C A C…K..AH..

Just Because It is a Beautiful Equation…

Is why I am here today..

-And so any other contributing persuasive Factors like it is raining, can’t go to the park..

Or go to a quiet place to read my book…

Ermm I am in a Homeless Shelter.. no where to go even to chill which is not public.

Ermm I am in a Homeless Shelter.. no where to go even to chill which is not public: That last option when have no where to go, or be it which you had to pass through to prove your astounding equation findings and what they enable you to as a man)

No Privacy…

A Body which has become my one driving force in going this far because of the discomfort and the desire to reach comfort .. space to deal with it… which is linked with this Script…

The PEACE.. But I know another way, but I am being so distracted and inconvenienced by that which is was fighting me in a game of thrones… Competition which escalated to Battles War… Extreme..

In giving Meaning.. to All things…


I came to prove Harmony..

To raise the Family of ..

To be F R E E … Of this World.. Training Camp…

8:36 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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