
7:06 p.m.

7:06 p.m.

3-9-9… C.I.I.

9-3-9…I.C.I….in french the word Ici means Here..Present..Di

Immediately, I stepped out to have a cigarette, to quietly revel and muse on the fact that I had just made contact through Facebook with Dean Dunkwu, 34 years later…

I saw a flag, quite elegant in sack cloth beige and solid black lettering,

Attached to the ornamental street light, right in front of me with the sign.

Beware of Sentimentality

I understood, I was undercover in a play of the 5th Dimension but was nonetheless irritated that I could not take a break and enjoy the story.

I understood the code It (Energy as Frequency Memento), wished me to focus on transcribing into the third dimension the codes at hand.

34 years.

Patrick Okolo tel 43.


I went back in completed the posts introducing both Dean and the codes of his entrance.

Confirming Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan as the closest the people of the lines or consciousness are to the portal of the 5th Dimension.

78 8 DAD (Robert and Lorenzo) 88 44

Which instead completed at an old colleague in Hi school who also happens to be the Universal rep for the consciousness of the completion of numbers.

Just as Patrick Ikem Okolo..that of healing through words..Doctor Love

(*ABell is the name of the person who discovered Galaxy I.C.1011..A Bell.

My former Coach at Grade 6 in Winnipeg Canada was Mr Parker..and Mr Bell)

As I walked back for dinner at the assessment shelter, I was quietly amused to run into Allan…Perry..

Perry is the name of the brown suit case Jonn bought me.

Symbolic of Earth.

Allan Perry…A.P.

P.A…Public Announcement

As you may recall, I have already introduced..having met him after the play with Reginald Mansfield The Room…The Box was nearing completion.

With he representing through his name Alan which means Harmony..Handsome…Noble…

And he was..is all those things

And knows it in a charming somewhat hilarious way. (He sounds like Chris Rock and… In one..other in one.

As my coaches in Winnipeg…

Parker and Allan in one…)

We feel into step, had dinner together where I normally prefer to eat on my own…

But I let him guide me..and we sat down besides Nelson in my dorm room A..bed 001 of the seizures who reveals to me that he is the owner of Websters night club.

The biggest in New York and where I once worked with a well known Light Arts on an event which turned out to be the Notorious Black Party..A Gay world wide known event..

More like entertainment and extreme Orgies

(One of the younger guys ran out of the place totally freaked out…)

It was intense.

He owned others…night clubs famous land marks.

I had done the play with him and he was amazed that I did not know at the time.

He told me how he was forced to sign papers by his family who are after the money.

And he was in court but broke and homeless.

But he had gotten better after out play and my ending it with Do not let anyone take advantage of you not realizing that what I saw in the room in the micro translated perfectly in the macro..

Both Alan and Nelson had been wealthy..still are as I was, am..

And did not care about money and understood its truth and embodied it..

Alan had been a very successful Hip Hop R and B singer..etc..

And Nelson whose parents had died in 911 had left him their fortune, including prime New York real estate.

They had also helped others build lifes, careers family…

And they both loathed the Shelter and the situations they had been put through but with sang froid and class.

Nelson held all titles, licensing agreements and is now not only fighting them in court to regain control but is moving into a very agreeable home for those who require care.

(He was ecstatic when he first found out)

While Allan also owns all his licensing and told me about the blood sacrifice in secret societies and the illuminati..

And the price people must pay.

But there are some pure Enlightened People who exist at the top too he hastened to add..Can’t forget them he said.

Both did not see money as anything other than what it is.

And they had seen shit for keeping those standards and the consciousness of Violet to White Light..to the gate of the Frequency of Infinity. …


And both are in a an Assessment Shelter

They look like warriors but a much more indestructible kind…Spirit Energy.

You have got to be the same person everywhere..

I smiled when they said this.

They play with Allan was on such a higher level of the play, which I have never experienced before..

I listened to him first explain Infinity..

Sharing Receiving. ).S R

Then Harmony. .

Goose pimples rose each time so well that he noticed it when we walked down the top of the Hill Enu Igwe Manhattan Avenue before dinner and sat on Stone benches at the End and bottom..

Etiti…the Center.

Complete Understanding

So I will post this when I introduce.

Dean Dunkwu. ..D.D…. 44…8..16..P.Perry..



And consciousness Infinity Beautiful Beginning

Bam Vega

Nelson was born having seizures

Allan is 39..he revealed to and is in Room I.


See date code.

We are back at 7 39 Facebook Friends.




7:53 p.m.

007 Bed 53..Keith Grant…K.E..It..H..Harmony


The True Eternal

Once and Forever

Beautiful Beginning



Alpha Intelligence.

7:55 p.m.

G.E.E…Z ..U.S….


7:58 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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