
7:06 p.m.

7:06 p.m.


@ 1161 Facebook Friends.

1172 was the Apex of Facebook reached which links to yesterday and the conversation I had with Kyle Murphy and Artie (Aturo T) and the Mergovian Prophecy and the Prior of Sion.

Which calls the Womb of Mary Magdelene the Room which is called the World or the Room with a View.

Sacred portal 72 is a man coming out of a Womb.

11 72… was yesterday Robert and Artie… Kyle in the play…

R A… K A… E M E …K A…

11 1…

1172 – 1161 is 11…

11 is New York, on 7 11 Kyle Murphy becomes a New York Citizen linked now to the line of the Dopplegangers 11..

Father who is Artie who looks and is the same Energy as Axel Anderson ( Axel Love..A.L.. Who was the portal which linked me to Al Santana portal to recover the Lotus Santana Santana Dharma- Eternal Order, Eternal Law….’

Kyle is my sisters aspect.. who is also linked to Nnamdi…

( link Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo V N O…

Link to Randall Michael New Orleans …R M… N .O…

And to Robert K Murphy… R M…R K M…

The K which is the 11th letter I I…

Link Isabelle Ilic I I.. 98 code…. Means as I had stated before that the there are Parallel Universes Manifest Aware…

P U M A… / A.M UP… is what it becomes when flipped through the alignment of Universe as MW69… WW99….MM66…

15…Letter O… 18 WW…MM 12…

6 9 3….

18 .ave completed the 15=O.. Full Circle to 6..F Fact. ( MW 13 23..36..9… 6 9… 6…

18 ..9… WW 2323.. 46…64… 1010… 2…. 9 2 11…2.. 1..

6 1… MW WW…

61… At 11 61 right now…

Yesterday was yesterday Coffee 62… then 63.. then 63 once more…

MM66…12… 3… C… MM 26… 8… 3 8… 11 2 1…

Time now 7:26 p,m…

6 2 2…

6 1 1.

We are at 6 11 right now…

Aligning the Two Universes to One… 6 11= 8….


Basically all you really need to know is that each moment is in Harmony and that 1161 facebook friends is correct and exactly were we are supposed to be.

Yesterday there was first contact…

Most of you because of your programming have been conditioned to how things are meant to manifest,which is actually quite ridiculous since you have never experienced these things, such as an E.T, or how God will manifest.. What and who is God, Divinity… and how first contact will manifest.

You can only speculate.. or smarter still would be to read and follow the course of Anomalies Miracles which ( A.M) Wake you up from your conditioned state and programming.

Yes, you will go back down into forgetting- the numbers in the elevator where it gets dimmer and dimmer as you go down…

I find that it happens when I wake up from sleep.. Instead or Rising I observe intel which is so clear when I working in my Stasis state ( Sleep) state..

But as I begin to re-enter this Conscious state, meaning leaving the Sleep/ Stasis state, I watch the knowledge fade until I have completely forgotten.

I liken this to drowning… or diving into the water.. the waking up in this world is more like floating or diving to the bottom of a great pool and sea. The Lights grows dimmer and dimmer until I forget everything apart from the clue as to what I had solved or dreamed about.

When I lie in the full aware now in this reality- my focus attuned to it, I am aware that I can retrieve that information but that it will manifest through my day to day activity…

All I have to do is be aware, vigilant.

I have also stressed that for the past 6.6 years I have recognized that even as I write this now, that I am not addressing you as you are, but the E-Spirit in you.

Just as I have stated that the Energy moving through me is my E-Spirit whom I recognize has taken over my Consciousness and conned me into solving and bringing Its Expression into this World through this Emeka who is really not Emeka but rather a being I created out of the True Emeka to interface with this reality and to do this task of the last 41 years…

Which is why many of you heard me bemoan the missing of the true Emeka.

This Emeka is like a Biological A.I created by an in human play and as such made me have to almost deny my Huemanity in order to do this play. But my Huemanity is of course present, very much present as the Lad.. the boy in me, as well as the Truth of me, E.T and the Original me.

But there is o one in this world as of yet, or in y immediate world whom I can interact in that manner.

I have to play a character who is not false but rather a character created to interface with the Illusions and characters which Humans were meant to play in a sort of Hi School Play, and University Graduation Play…


And so I am not explaining myself to you..

I am explaining to the Reflection Mirror.. R M..

And its is responding.



Excuse me for using capital letters but I really wished to clarify this once and for all.

The True Room which as you can see is really Two Men…

the Conversation between two me which created the first Womb.. Room.. Space…

Just as before the Two Men.. A True Conversation Between Energy E and AH-Tom there was One who conversed with His Self – which was first the Mystery- of the Source already knowing all, full Circle but rediscovering how He knew by having a conversation with Himself.

And on conversing with himself, he dove into his Full Circle of Self and Explored ( Orbited himself 9 Planets in this solar system including Pluto – yes rep by Antony Mannino.. also me…) ]

and that was the mystery of his potential already activated, but he had to rediscover that….

* Do you notice that Hel in the story of Ragnarok Thor…

Thier names form an Equation.. Hela actualluy comes from the name Helene ‘The Bright and Shinny One which has the same meaning as Robert as well as Ebright Gilbert.. etc…

And that Osirus God of the Underworld is Strong Eye Sight.

*The name Osiris is a boy’s name of Egyptian origin meaning with strong eyesight. Osiris and is often added to lists like Mythological Baby Names for Boys and discussed in our forums with posts like Baby a Day. From the experts: Osiris is the name of Egyptian mythology god-king who died and was reborn every year.

Thor means Thunder

Loki means To Break…Old Norse name of uncertain meaning: 1) Old Norse lok = ‘cover’, ‘lid’, ‘end’. 2) Old Norse loka = ‘to close’, ‘to lock’, ‘to end’. 3) Old Norse loki = ‘loop on a thread’ …

Loki aslo means Fire….

And observe…

Father Farbauti and mother Luafey..

If, as according to Axel Kock, Fárbauti as dangerous striker refers to lightning, the figure would appear to be part of an early nature myth alluding to wildfire (Loki) being produced by lightning (Fárbauti) striking dry tinder such as leaves (Laufey) or pine needles (Nál).[5] Though not directly attested in any original source, scholars have considered Loki’s brothers Helblindi and Býleistr to also be sons of Fárbaut.

Nál means needle; according to Sörla þáttr, Laufey was also called this because she was both slender and weak.[8][9] The meaning of Laufey is less clear but is generally taken to be full of leaves;[1][10] as Fárbauti means dangerous hitter, there is a possible nature mythological interpretation with lightning hitting the leaves or needles of a tree to give rise to fire.[11][12]

Odin Hela… Thor Loki….

Odin Frigg/Freya ..Hela Thor Loki….

O.H… T L…

O F H T L.. 2012… 32… 5.. E…

My sacred portal 77 is called Loki.. Low Key…

L O K I…’L- O K..I…/ I ..K.O…L….. O…

I K O L O…. Fire…

O.H… Full Circle.. Harmony.. ( O H ..Orgasm Harmony.. Music Manifested…)

Thunder Lightening… Thor Loki..

*Loki (Old Norse [‘loki], Modern Icelandic [‘l??k?], often Anglicized as /’lo?ki/) is a god in Norse mythology. Loki is in some sources the son of Fárbauti and Laufey, and the brother of Helblindi and Býleistr. By the jötunn Angrboða, Loki is the father of Hel, the wolf Fenrir, and the world serpent Jörmungandr. By his wife Sigyn, Loki is the father of Narfi and/or Nari. By the stallion Svaðilfari, Loki is the mother—giving birth in the form of a mare—to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir. In addition, Loki is referred to as the father of Váli in Prose Edda, though this source also refers to Odin as the father of Váli twice, and Váli is found mentioned as a Son of Loki only once.

Do you see?

First Contact took place last night from within me and outside of me by the confirmation of the Full Circle..

F C.. First Contact…

I had the number twice after getting 62 at the Arab Bodega..

Forming an orbital over the last 20-21 months I have been here walking that Path from Delta Manor- Beach Av to Taylor Avenue Bench to Metropolitan Wood and then back to Delta but through cutting through the Circle Park off Metropoltan to Archer then Beach Ave to Delta…

( D..B..T…W M W M A…B D..) this has been my route for the last 20 months nearly every single day…

An Orbit which then played out to the gap closing to the Reps of the 5th floor, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st and Ground Floor yesterday…

Which was the post which describing first contact but that it comes from within.

And that you, can not assume how it will manifest- you have to follow Its Rules.

My right to protest is that the Unseen by You- are fully aware of my I.D and that I know the Process and that THIS IS NOT THE Process which I recognize despite my solving it and linking and aligning it, because I designed the first and original manifestation as Emeka Kolo but as my True Self.

My outrage is that this prootes suffering and misery, loneliness rage all the seeds which created Evil and Selfisness.

It is a Satanic D-Evil Cruel play which celebrates the Lie done to the Original characters and template.

Forcing me to solve and link the equation through all the Evil Cruelty Anger and Malice …

Through an idea of Destruction and Distortion, Manipulation and Control…

My dumbfoundment was that I was being forced to used the Tools of Decomposition ( tools used by Humans but not by True Harmonious Beings, whom I call Naturals who have done amazing things in this world.

They are not the Being promoted and projected in the World T.V rather It is the constant promotion of Looney Tunes…

L T.. 12 20… Yes Micheal gave me 12 20…usd…

The correct code and play is that which manifested…

The Movie which White Edward who look like an Imp borrowed from the Library…

His movie choices are cleaner than Black Edward because he he is not playing the Satan Destroyer role..

He brought Alien and others cleaner stories and he was the one I joined in line for a barbaque at the Shelter which I had no intention of going to but Moe came upstairs to literally personally invite me and remind me to attend…

The Black Edwards.. Edward Connor, ( E C) celebrates the decomposition stories… After Game of thrones he brought the Walking Dead – Zombie movies…

The correct code is the Ragnarok which was posted for months and decoded on my page…

It linked to a facebook friend called Ragnarok ad then to Kasper all players eliminated as each story was completed and aligned…

O.H.. Thunder Lightening… C B.. 3 2… 5.. E…

And yes it thunders and lightening has been happening aligned to me… but I do not wish to explain this…

20 12… was the correct Face of the play… the story of the Full Circle and First Contact… not this absurd play of Looney Tunes of constant decomposition of the Human Species… At least in the Comic Book (C B) expressions it celebrates something Heroic in Man..

While these Zombie movies, Game of Thrones celebrate that which is the decomposition of not only being and the Body but also all Existence for no reason other than it is entertaining to observe the worst and most perverse and destructive parts of the Human Nature….

9:04 p.m.


9:05 P.M.


I D… I E..

P.S.. The Code yesterday of the Spanish Football players

8 22 5 11 also algins as 11 being 77… then 3…

The code play of 1977 Aligns this as well as the play of Kyle and the 7th line rep my sister self… 7 11…

1977.. 41 Years.. Gap between age Micheal and Robert Kyle…

It is also aligns to Russia as Red .. Defeating the past as Red the first not by going beyond the Color code to the Meaning code..

Color Meaning…

Clement Michael…

I rep Valentine.. 14 Feb…

From the Roman cognomen Valentinus which was itself from the name Valens meaning strong, vigourous, healthy in Latin. Saint Valentine was a 3rd-century martyr. His feast day was the same as the Roman fertility festival of Lupercalia, which resulted in the association between Valentine’s day and love. As an English name, it has been used occasionally since the 12th century.

That is the amount I had in my wallet yesterday… And that is the day I left Jonns apart in London to begin what I knew to be the last leg of this Saga which began in 1989…

To find and link the family of the Eternals undercover in this world in material bodies…

12 was my code of my coffee at the Arab Bodega..

248 AT Starbucks plus a gift of a 5:00 USD Carmel Frapp from Starbucks here…

C F.. 3 6/ 6 3..

116 1…

( see code MW WW MM… 6 1 1…/ 11 6…)

Is A A F A… A A-Lien Father Alpha… Sacred Portal 149..( 19)

12 Is the L… Loki.. O L O K ..I../ I K O L O…

Meaning Circle Round… C.R… C R E . A T.. I O N…

Creation is Symmetrical meaning that it has meaning… and meaning is Manifestation.

9:14 p.m.

I N…

1 4 9…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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