
7:04 p.m

7:04 p.m



G O T S.. GO GO. D T.S.

Johnson Leland. J.L. =V

Barrett Exhale. B E =. G

Mollie Stacy. M S= 32….C B

Michelle Darleen. M.D. = Q

Joseph Okpala. J.O. = Y

Toni Bemis. T B.= V

These are my last 6 Facebook Friends.

7:06 p.m right now


Yes, it’s a code. And A coded message.

But before I decode this to demonstrate for what is supposed to be, my last days posting I wish to honor for just a moment,

Jesse Macias and the line he represents all over the World.

Pride, Humility… Quiet Heart of Beauty.

7:11 p.m right now

I honored John Mack a moment ago with Tears of Joy but my physical outside appearance was that of Ice, like a Statue..

– which people Nick named me in Paris

But as I was getting up to leave I heard twinkling laughter accompanying the laughter I so love to hear coming from Jesse.

When he laughs.. it’s so free boyish miscgevious delightful.. almost exactly how his Son Zion, laughs.

I see him through His laughter..


7:16 p.m

I went to say Hi ( and investigate.. yes yes.. but not because of the play..

Because the sound of delighted laughter like music, made me curious)

He introduced her to me as Marissa.

I held myself quiet and composed until I got down stairs and saw her Black Car License plate 576..

And then I found myself unable to contain my body and expression..

Tears sprang to my eyes unbidden.

Damn I muttered aloud, this is getting too much

A Life Time of work, an no one knows what is really about to manifest, despite all my efforts.. and the one imposed upon me to prepare you.

No one understands what is about to manifest except Michelle Lobsinger of Michigan..

Where ever she is now.

I honor her.

As you may recall, Marissa.. is also a friend of Esteban MiguelFilgueira- he calls her Sister..

And Marissa Maritza…Ritz Montes is the mother of Majestic Rivas..

And Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana and Reign Maximus Rodriguez Santana

* Lotus Santana

It’s a Martial Arts School and House.

As you know, Jesse Macias was born 9-22-1979 the same day as Royal 9-22-2010 ( I.V..T J)

Frank twin of Alicia Norris was born the same day as Reign.


.10-28-2011… T.K..O.

Their Father Al.. Albert Santana Nick named them Commander and Power

C A P…

And K = 11 meaning there are two.. 1 1

Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions will recall visting me and meeting Albert and telling him she is his daughter..

Rachel is blonde.

Royal Reign.. R R. Red Roof Plus rm 904


Stephen Filgueria Sarah Kaizer

Jesse Frank. Jesse Alicia. J F. K. J A. H

John MacDonald and Aaron..

John Alexander..

Carlos Mauricio Quintero

Fritz Venneiq is my witnees.

Generation X Gardens

268 East 4th Street

Al’s and his Mother

1947/ 1974..


11 11..


(4) 1.. D A

A D.

Majestic Royal Reign



John Thomas

John Kim

Natures Symphony..

The color I helped him paint the building.

All this is posted on my page.

Many of you may recall the play with Marizta Ritz..

Her expression to me of desiring more children after her womb closed.

And how I knew she was the line of my E sister in which as almost exactly as Lord Of the Rings…( L.O T R. U.E)

She had revealed to me that she too was deeper undercover..

And that she was a Wolf in sheep’s clothing.

7:47 p.m right now

She had been the true first line of the Royal Elves of Dark Matter- Liv Tyler ( T L) played her..Stephen Tyler ( S T/ T S.. Elf Lord) of AeroAir O Smith..

Played her…

Remember how she had sacrificed her immortality for the love of a Heroic Human..?

And recall what Ritz said to me about never rising again, because it was too painful, and she preferred to accept that she was here..

And the agony it still caused her.

And that I told her that she represented the Ore.. ( Oregon 33rd State… Stephens moved there and 4-11 Nathaniel Thomas Bywater his brother lives there)

You.may also recall her challenge of if her womb was reopened that she would rise..?

And you may recall the play with Pedro who was murdered and who came to me the day after, telling me that I was correct… not Al.. who he loved as a Son loved a father..

And held out two documents but handed me only the one entitled Majestic Awakening..

And kept the one of Destruction.

And how I answered the challenge use wood African images I found of a pregnant Woman and A man..

And how I placed them on my Altar and saw a blonde baby..

Which I told both Albert and Maritza.. Ritz



E R..

Elizabeth and Ruth are the names of John Blackwell ( Delguidce) and Donna Sullivan’s mother’s whom both had difficult relations with especially John.

* see the play in back posts 2016 July to April

Fathers Lorenzo and Robert..

Just before the child was born, I was asked to leave this Puerto Rican American Family and was led by Fritz Venneiq to Pelham bay Park.

Where the Ring of mist descended from the Heavens which Frtiz indicated is where would sleep..

A small knoll or mound.. Monte.

Marissa literally would die, without Music.

Her apart 1e.

And then the play with John Shaw..

To Tom Truman and to Marina Burini

And the battles to prove who is the true Conductor of Natures Symphony

The battle with Spirit World, witches wizards, Orishas, Ancesors…

The Witches.

Fritz already told as far as 2008-9

How he saw witches in the Subway ( underworld knitting my flesh into one abomination

*see the movie IDI Amin…


Isis Osiris



See sacred Portal 90

Spirit E.)

Ritz whose mother is named Minerva (Athena)

saw me on a concrete Slab and the Furies tearing my body to shreds for protecting Albert from all the things he had done…

Albert saw me castrated, bound in chains, my third eye holed out, lashes and open wounds on my body ..

He said it was to stop me from writing..

Yet still he said I had a quill in my mouth and continued writing ….. posting..

That I was in Ancient Egypt..

Michelle Lobsinger

Maritz Ritz Montez

Minverva Marissa..

Athena Aphrodite

Alexander and his Mother Olympia..

Lisa Levine and her Friend Olympia

And Naqi…

97 Green Point ( G P Avenue)

John MacDonald A P.

Perfection Attained!

Stephen Johnson

Ink Spell

Ink Death

Ink Heart..

J.M 97

J.M 79


17 yr old Zion

Jesse 39.. 22 17..

Need I say more?


My last bed 4-019/18..

J B. M.M J T

/ T J. MM B J.

L E S. D O B

*L E S. Lower East Side .. Les Miserables..

Victor Hugo.

V H…

Date Of Birth

S E L. Salt Angelina Jolie… Lots Wife..

Pillar of Salt…

Expands Taste

B O D. Y male chromosome

V G….C B ( Consciousness Beauty 32 5..E)


A Q ( H) . V Y E

Anamla Qayin..

D.M TP/ K 11 5 I C

Message to me given

Answer Question

Q A..

Quasharia A.


Questions Answered

S U E..

Sue them..

Make them pay..

Including Emotional and all forms of Damages and Lost wages and income.

8:39 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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