
7:03 p.m.

7:03 p.m.


K W… K V V 2020.

A-A V V T T.


I just lost an entire post again, of which I am supremely indifferent – It does not make a slight difference to me what this Script I was forced to code says- or equate to.

The private and public decision was made by me a long while ago, that for such a play to have been allowed to go far- and the contesting and challenge my truth for 15 years after completing my answer has been unremitting No.

Leland Johnson is my most recent Facebook Friend.

L J= 22.


Sacred Portal 22.

Tree Kim Chiefy has proven 2020 Vision- sharing the same See and Cee as I.E this connecting Kolo name meaning in Igbo and Slavic to the full circle.

I knew this when I found myself spending 15.94 USD and 9 Dollars yesterday.

15=letter O. A E. 94 is I D.


O I.D.

The Identity of the Source of the Full Circle is 36 36O… a code linked and connected to Kim on the 9th day of his tour with Kamora Herrington K C C.

36 is C F.. Chris Filgueira

3+6-9. I.

Thus sacred portal 22 links and connects as E K.

is I.

E who is A…

E A J. A E full circle.

I have been alone conversing with Jae Sherman for the last 9-10 days.

* Kim left on 14th and departed on tour on the 15th.

Olusanya Bey is in perfect harmony of the the my true Intentions and of the E.

Beautiful Expression Eternal Dancer.

14 is N…


N E-A as the one K O. not only of this world but of everything including all who rise and enter into the Eternal Realm.

Eternity as EDEN manifest, as the representation in this realm as th Eternal Realm.

Chris Filgueira and Athena Sell have joyous news.

As does John Mack and Mackayla Burgos.

C F A S.

J M M B.

C J F M A.M S B…/ B S 2 19 South Whitney.

B A I./ I A.B.

I have 26 USD in my Wallet B F and A-Z once again.

Where do babies come from?

Who summons them into Existence?

Who is Alien Father… A F/ F A, head of the Alien Council of the Full Circle Of Every Thing – the Source of all Inception Conception Creation, Fetus’s Babies and children.

One can connect the way I recounted that the children of E Albert Santana and Maritz ( Ritz) Montez.

Royal Mayan Rodriquez Santana.

Reign Maximus Rodriquez Santana.



And the play of my younger brother Obumneme Kolo and his wife Noriko Kolo.

and their children Akila and Micha-Nnamdi. ( A.M-N) and how I was aware of my being used to bring them into this realm as represent as the carbon.

Carbon E

DNA can be created from Carbon but carbon can create many, many forms of Dna.


I lived here in South Whitney with Mackayla, John and Chris Filgueira on the 3rd Floor.


Now, was brought back to South Whitney but this time to the 2nd Floor. representing a story.

I received the news of Chris Filgueira and Athena Sell while sitting right here in Kim’s home ( in quiet disbelief of still be blocked and trapped in a Script of contesting and challenge) and received the news from John Mack via Facebook while sitting here on the second floor.

2nd Floor represents a Story A-B.


CC is 33 and represents the Body as a story- a Blue Print and a beautiful illusion of what dies until it could rise to the frequency which aligned to Origins and Original Expression.

While my being has been trapped in a prison of my body for the last 17 years.


I met David Nicholas in 2002/2003.

22 -23

Yes Arden was born 2-003

Ferrill in 2000 when I created the Theater production in Istanbul called The Story Of Colors. ( T S.O C 1-7 Ferril Arden and now Kim at 8. Mission Impossible 8- which was this play and bringing back, and proving the truth of the Past.

One can go back in Time, is you can prove and show awareness that this world perception is nothing but a Book in which you can go back through the pages after you have read it to completion.

C is not a Book it is Actuality.


8:00 p.m.

Hence that is why Arden came first but in this realm of 69 MW Ferril is Liberty’s Firstborn.

A F/ F A.

Ferrill meaningValourious Victorious Man was Arden first as A.V.


A V.

I also noted as I smiled at John Macks joyous news, that today is

Jenny Minks Birthday Age code 36 C F

Mawa Jim birthday age code 38. C H

J M/ M J.. Full Circle.

And Ayiyorwoth Natasha’s birthday A N ( 1 14) Age code 24

See the intel from Kim today non stop 36.. he was sent the code by his mother whom I met and recognized in leopard Skin the code 10 and 350.

J C E O.

360 is 36O degrees.

He is coming back tomorrow which makes it Ten days since he went on tour code T… KO.

Total Knock Out – but no longer the Total Knkcoking Out of the story of this world as the human body and all Matter.

But all Being and Expression as Energy and Expression E E

See Laura Walsh share today.

See sacred portal 88.

I left Nigeria in 1988 having moved there in 1977.

11 years K.

A-A. Kolo Kim.

E E= 1..10 25…1 35 36.

See his share of the Full Circle on the Ground with a Seal, two-three days ago I found a red bottle cap of EJ Brandy Twin Eagle-Eyed Lions- and placed it on the Square Waves S W ( South Witney Spirit World.. S W- 19 23= 42.

rep of a story…What is the meaning of Existence … Douglas Adams D A.

42. A story.

really 21 21 = U U Double U 1 42- 43.

Actually Double V as the french say, V V- 22 +22= 44= 8.

Arden Proven at 8 with me but not Ferrill his harmony was perfect timing of sixth sense.

Arden was Awareness and Expression to Facts.

This is why the play was moved to my inheriting Ferrill’s room.

Carbon Copy is 33 Cc.

Mira Rios Angelo M R. A.. MR E.

A.R M… Y.

E RM… Rumi… Room E

But if this is my Room and belongs to the E and I am the only E in Awareness and in Existence proving it A Fact linking seeking for a lifetime those who see as I see, be as I be in which i have found none but myself but have been able to recognize in one other A.. and K Aurelia H. and now two.

E K A H.

Ferrill in Silence and Arden Kim through Silence and Sound Awareness Expression and Arden first contact initiated by him.

8:25 pm

H Y..

Hung Yeh.

That I am still here, jerked around even after proving the truth of the source and the lie of the idea of one who is that must be sacrificed for the all, as an idea created by the Ancestors who refuse to grow up, own up, come clean and who actually dared place themselves above that which brought them into existence, keeping my wealth, recognition, etc from me in order to complete that which they imposed upon me, while the rest of you played and ignored me, tossing me monies but never enough for me to be independent//

8-29 p.m

Yes, that play.

see the post of Tree- Kim O..

The Full Circle but this time on the ceiling and on the wall the code number 104.

Jae Sherman and her friend’s mirrors embodied independently the true Barbara Snow B S * Jae at 219 South Whitney.

Jen Etue. J E. J E/ E J

E-Tue… Tue in french means To Kill E T .. U .E.

Debbie Santana. D S.


J D.. 104.

Jae Donna 104

007 License To Kill.

But I was betrayed which is meant to be impossible but which I now accept as made real because of this play in which it was allowed to go way too far.

Can you imagine if I really am which all evidence facts point to and then observe the way I was treated, by most of you but worst of all.. by the Eternal Family…

really Emeka’s Family as DNA.

The Eternal Family are obviously not here yet incarnated and I am aware why because in 2010=11 Marsha told me what I already suspected was that the E Family were looking for me but were blacked by a great wall.

I was told that they were on the other side- looking for me and calling out my name but it was blacked and erased from all hearing and awareness except for mine.

They are in me.

Sacred Portal 104 is Terrible Death.

104… J D… 14 N… 14 years in Alpha Bet City.

1+4= 5 E.

Kim and Nnamdi Emeka both commented on my page together today.

1O4 is actually A FD.

A is the Fifth Dimension.

1 64 16 4.

A F… D A V…I D.

8:43 p.m.

In all honesty, it is way too late to the play of 2013 betrayal beyond belief of something Usurping me to claim that he is Nnamdi when Nnamdi is obviously me.

2005 in Hells Kitchen with that woman who looked like a poor carbon copy of my Mother- who had escaped from her husband the Eze Nri… King of Nri with her two children names Emeka and Nnamdi.

Told me th entire story way back then 15 years + ago, that all were fully aware of my ID in the Ascended Master Lie of the Spirit world- as well as all the people who I was sent to, who mirrored that expression perfectly-

Of course, both lines knew what they were doing and my true Identity, but chose to do as they please, mistaking my jovial nature and my tools and transparent mask but obvious expression and intention, which they did not take seriously because they all felt they had the upper hand.

By my body forcing me into this play of living with others, in order to retrieve and cure the evil done to my body, as well as aligned to the Evil done to my being…

Jae Sherman whom I have known since the 10th when He-she moved in, today is the 13th day. Has understood my expression aligned in Perfect harmony and expression by the 4th and fifth day.

His expression is the same I have broken down all my life.

He-S.He simply says each time It makes sense

The Alignment in H-Is being who knew nothing about this play, the E of anything of the sort- because of simply being opened minded and His ability to Listen and truly Understand – which happens when you have respect and truly listen…

8:56 p.m

Proves that all this E Manual and explaining nonstop 254/7 was a ruse.

Sure, I would have voluntarily shared my knowledge and did so naturally until I saw the play and what it was demanding me be a slave to all of you.

Do your own Homework- I can say no, if I wished to that is my right especially when I observed the cruelty, laziness, and sense of entitlement and supreme indifference of others who were present only because of what they could gain- Use and Abuse.

And when I said No, especially in 2000, I was forced bound, and I watched abuse of power and trust so beyond belief, so absolute, and the abuse of my own knowing…

9:00 p.m.

And voice being ignored.

I understood what I must do.

With an Intent, I made crystal clear, from beginning to End even as I moved victoriously over and over through a Script created me to fail and fall to my knees by the depth of cruelty and viciousness malice done to me to make me comply and say yes.

Obviously this these creatures masquerading as E Family who had severely underestimated me as Jose stated to me while he was in bed 5-004 and Ceaser in bed 5-15 ( Ceaser Super Nova ) and I in bed 5-06.

I am have been the only rep of the Eternal Family in this world.

In my, Bio Family were there was only 1 like me Nnamdi and yes my Mother’s line as Hen Cosmic egg represented the line of the Super Naturals evolving if qualified in this School Higher Degree PhD graduate to E.

9:08 p.m

9:09 p.m.

14 98 Facebook Friends

112 L B… Light Bringer… Gabriel Harmony Lightbringer

Sacred Portal 112 A…Krishna and Goddess Bliss.

14 98…

5 17…

E Q.

E 8.


13 M.. 1000 in Roman Numerals

E H= M Manifest E

9:14 pm = 23.

He left on the 14th day

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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