
..7:00 usd…

..7:00 usd…

Yes, I owe the guy at the Arab Bodega 7 usd.

Thus Minus 7… G…

– God…

This battle to rid the World of God.. Humans acting like they are God..

than no one can correct them, that they can do say enact anything they wish even if it brings the Misery Suffering Torment of an Entire species.

Even if their expression leads to injustice inequality, rooting of the Supreme Y.. Trinity in One… S T O R Y.. BOOK Of Life…

Yes Coffee.. 80… from the Arab Bodega…

600 given to me by Tone…

Meaning that this is Evil Malice.. went so far to challenge my natural harmony and the Harmony aligned with the people.. that it tried to manipulate people opinion of me, by making me buy in Credit…

And at Starbucks creating an illusion that this proud dude has no money…

And yet, it did not work, the Harmony following through them is E..

And it is constant.. because the guy at the Bodega who I had a conflict with which was then resolved..

Interaction with Will and Tone who have observed me since I began coming here, is rock solid..

7:07 p.m.


6 77.. unmoved by this play of negating me, negating my worth, because they have all experienced and witnessed the same things in their own Individual Existences..

This is where Empathy comes from..

True Empathy…Love…

I See Me..

I See You…

I.S… M.Y…

7:09 p.m


And those who take advantage…

Such as what took place last night when Bed 4-007 finally had the courage to speak out.. calling me an Inconsiderate Motherfucker:

I,M../ M.I… Despite knowing full well that i am considered the most Considerate.. Because everything which I do there in that room in that shelter benefits all…

And it is done naturally, not giving a damn what they think or my intentions…

No one spoke when he said it… There was a quiet…

He had got the courage because he had observed that unlike others that I had self mastery of my temper and rage and would not break and beat him to death…which he really deserves… ( I say that dispassionately..)

..But that was the moment last night he chose to speak up, defending the one who sleeps across from him.. Nicholas who looks physically strong.. the one who snores so loudly it affects everyone..

And which even staff wonder how we could sleep through that…

– Of course, he is the same person calling him out behind his back for the last 8 months.

I was not surprised… Allen Murray not around.. Joseph Carey play… The Appearance and confirmation of the Ancestors from Amawbia The Vistors who portal and channel has always been Joseph Carey I even saw a Woman today at the Arab Bodega who I instantly recognized as Marion.. Joseph Carey mother..

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