
7:00 pm. – 5-2-2022. – G.OO. – E-

7:00 pm.




5+2 =7.


So much happened today in the Enders Game
End Game Video
E.M.F. that I felt that I should at least the Occassion and acknowledge and thank Nevi Ehko and Stephen Popiotek

The play of Nevi Ehko is Echo.

And that Echo just played out in his comment response to my posting the 29 USD which came to me via a play of Liberty C and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr on a 20 USD bill with 29 written on it.

And serial numbers linked to I.K.
9 11
Which is my Bio Father name as well as my middle name.

And then the Ehko response from Nevi.

I wish to remind you of my concerns and complaints as to Where is Beauty?

Nevi means ” God of Beauty ”
Mole as in Beauty Mark or a Spy deep undercover.
And so Beauty has Echoed its response.

See the 2 and 1 USD response below by Nevi Ehko to my own Marked 20 U.S D Bill.

2 1 B A = 3

20 + 3.
Liberty L +Kim K.
12 +11= 23 W.

Sacred Portal 3-2/ 2-3.

You can read the Serial numbers on the Bill’s it will spell out the intel and meaning.

I.K …66 67 88 23 A.

I.K- A.

/ A K.I.

And of course Luna Moon as Stephen Popiotek
Symmetry Perfect

19 16= 35. 8

7:22 pm


/ Video Game

Of course, there is much more I can say, but since I have no longer any trust in this play despite it confirmation of my Intelligence of the Evolution Awakening being as A Fact
Event Horizon

The lengths it went to conceal that information from you Arousing Awakening your Awareness and Attention was and will always be an Abominable to me personally- it as the Darkest Night and Hypnotist went just too far to not only conceal the Evidence AY and Prove it so viciously for 22 years and the last 21 years that I can never forgive or forget how that which was not even real was allowed to go so far enabling an illusion to have so much Power as Evil Malice and Non Existence that it effected the Awakening Mind of an entire species.

And made me appear like a Village Idiot.. in front of the Entire World.
Erasing Memory of what I have had to prove 24/7 since I was summoned in Dec 1992.
And came too January New years 1993.

92 I.B I Be A.M

93. I C. A M. E.F.

That by the way was the serial numbers on the 2 USD one dollar Bill’s
2 and 1.


A F.

Being Expression- Existence

E F.

5 6.

11.K. A-A.

7:37 p.m.

It did not touch my confidence or surely, not in the slightest, but it did grievous irrevocable damage to not only this play, The Truth but to Univrse Galaxy- Existence Expression and Energy as a Whole.

I will be sincere and honest with you all, I never knew that even in a play of Natural Evolution as Extinction of a Species so the designated intended could take its place that such a thing was even possible much less made a literal physical fact affecting my body for 19 18 years.

(18 +19= 37. / 73.)

10 -10.

21 21.
1 42.

Sacred Portal 43.

We passed April 30th.

Today is 5-2-2022.

And the worst of it all, was it intentionally created a plan where no one else but I could see and call out what it had done.

7:48 pm.

Then compelled me by its authority in the play as Dark Energy
Dark Matter Expression
Announce to the world in this Time Line that I am The Source E.

The Source of Evil.
Instead of Live..Life and make me prove it to you all Empirically for 21 years and 10-11 years on Facebook
Bringing me back each time again and again.


7:54 pm
To 7.9 billion people

Sacred Portal 79

I do not wish to speak or talk about this…
Perhaps one day when it’s all over and I am at last with the I &I.

7:57 p.m.

But even then I have to digest this experience
And yet I know how it was done.

So no, I will not even bother to report the News and give you the conclusion.


It’s not worth it.

You can read it via the Time Stamps.

8:00 p.m

But I will end on this note.

Everyone and everything Talks to the Silence.
Everyone talks to thier Thoights.
Silent Thoughts.

In Silence or Aloud.

Which means just as has been proven in Quantum Application how Observations Foucus Attention affects Quantum Aplication Movements

Your Silent Thoughts affect your life, its Fate and Manifest Destination.
Not just your body but your Being and your Entire Experience in Existence Creation.

Expression is the beginning of Awareneess.


8:11 p.m

8:12 p.m

H.L = 20. Twenty U.S.D.

The one thing which I knew was Self Evident Conclusive, was not Matter the cost or price
This Operating System of Creation as life or as a Universal Simulation had to be destroyed
Utterly Destroyed

Unanimous Decision


No, I.D.
V. E.F.

V I.I.I.

8:20 pm


H.B F.


8:21 pm


Perfect Symmetry

Of the completion of N.E v I E.H.K O.

Kim left with his Friend Obe IRoh

K H Jr.
O. I.

K O. Knock Out.


Sacred Portal 9 10.


Death And Destruction

Danger, Danger

8:43 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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