
7:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m.


3-2-2017…. 3-2-1….C.B.A.

2-3-1…. B.C.A…

Consciousness is Being Aware…

Being Conscious is Awareness…

But what is Being Aware…?

According to the Dictionary…

1. Having knowledge or discernment of something: was aware of the difference between the two versions; became aware that the music had stopped.

a·ware’ness n.

Synonyms: aware, cognizant, conscious, sensible, awake

These adjectives mean having knowledge or discernment of something. Aware implies knowledge gained through one’s own perceptions or by means of outside information: became aware of a cooling in their relationship; was not aware that the legislation passed.

…knowledge gained through information: Was Darwin really conscious of what he had done as he wrote his last professional lines? (Stephen Jay Gould).She was clearly conscious of the beauty of the night, its stars and sharp cold (Oliver La Farge).

Sensible implies knowledge gained through intellectual perception: I am sensible that the mention of such a circumstance may appear trifling (Henry Hallam).

To be awake is to be fully alert to something:


Consciousness is difficult to define, though many people seem to think they know intuitively what it is. Attempts at definition have included: sentience, awareness, subjectivity, the ability to experience or to feel, wakefulness, having a sense of selfhood or soul, the fact that there is something that it is like to have or be it, and the executive control system of the mind,[1] or the state or quality of awareness, or, of being aware of an external object or something within oneself.[2][3] In contemporary philosophy its definition is often hinted at via the logical possibility of its absence, the philosophical zombie, which is defined as a being whose behavior and function are identical to one’s own yet there is no-one in there experiencing it.

Despite the difficulty in definition, many philosophers believe that there is a broadly shared underlying intuition about what consciousness is.[4] As Max Velmans and Susan Schneider wrote in The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness: Anything that we are aware of at a given moment forms part of our consciousness, making conscious experience at once the most familiar and most mysterious aspect of our lives.[5]

Western philosophers, since the time of Descartes and Locke, have struggled to comprehend the nature of consciousness and identify its essential properties. Issues of concern in the philosophy of consciousness include whether the concept is fundamentally coherent; whether consciousness can ever be explained mechanistically; whether non-human consciousness exists and if so how can it be recognized; how consciousness relates to language; whether consciousness can be understood in a way that does not require a dualistic distinction between mental and physical states or properties; and whether it may ever be possible for computing machines like computers or robots to be conscious, a topic studied in the field of artificial intelligence.




present participle of be.




the railroad brought many towns into being

synonyms: existence, living, life, reality, actuality

she is warmed by his very being


the nature or essence of a person.

sometimes one aspect of our being has been developed at the expense of the others

synonyms: soul, spirit, nature, essence, inner being, inner self, psyche; heart, bosom, breast;

A.B.C….C.B.A…B.C.A… 1 2 3…( 3 3..6) 3 2 1….(5 1- 6 ) 2 3 1…6

B.A.C….2 1 3….3 3..6….

It always come to the total of 6….

B.A.C..K..C ..A.B….

This is the Equation which I have explained, proven and even embodied naturally from the moment I entered as a Journalist into Atlantic Bedford Shelter where I wrote my Piece for the Diane Sawyer Interview set up by my agent Manny Baron at William Morris Agency in 2001…

Atlantic Bedford… A.B…

Then found myself 14 years later (N) brought back Full Circle after having lived the craziest dare in the modern world- which is to live in the Modern World and the City of New York without any I.D…

And made stateless, not even having a phone for 10 years because of this…

54-55 homes later, of New Yorkers, I had passed through, most whom I had never met before…

I moved from place to place, my body and being not allowing me a normal Existence…

I found myself publicly documenting what I felt and still recognize as the greatest human Discovery ever…

That human beings have an Being Body Aware and Conscious…

But I had no idea- what my body and being sought to show me, when they did what this current reality calls the Impossible..

It took me over, and trained me to understand them… Then I call the Twins the Dopplegangers…

Yes, I knew them, always knew them as Father Mother, Brother and Sister… E-spirit and Clara… E.C…

Awareness and Consciousness… A.C… C.E…. 1 +3= 4..Devi… 3+5=8 Harmony… D.H… 4+8=12….3… Completion…

And so infront of all of you, I used the code and template I had learnt from my body and being, who did the unthinkable which was to act as if we were separate, to show me, something…

That they were both Conscious…

So 14 years later ( Letter N), I found myself back to the Intake Center, the portal I had passed through 14 years before, at Atlantic Bedford.. Forte Green… A.B…F.G…. 1 2…6 7 ( 2 1 7 6)

To enact and put to meaning through my own efforts that which I was understanding and now relating to a live audience chosen for me as Face Book which I began posting from in late March 2012-

11 years almost to the Date I had arrived in New York, 3-20-2001…

That was last years.

I was assigned room B… bed 49….

Then after 4 weeks, ( 4 weeks was the same approx time I had stayed 14 years ago, and I had left to Augusta Georgia… A.G..E)

I was invited to Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivans Home, where I spent 9 months publicly detailing each days events and connecting…

9 months to the day I, I left, only to realize that was Donna’s Fathers Birthday….4-19… April 19…D.S…

and then found myself going to meet with Erik Ebright in Miami who invited me over with the code 69;69 usd…and then placed in my computer the code 69:83….

The first persons I met where his friend Robert Coffee…R.C…

His Father.,…whom I had met 10 years before…

And then his friend Izzy who spoke of Kolo…The Slavic Dance which Nenad M. Djurdjevic had identified as the meaning of my surname…

The Full Circle….

I knew I was passing through portals, recollecting the Illusion of missing pieces of me…

Fractaling As Emeka Eze… F.A..E.E…in a Story in Fa.. the 4th Note….

I arrived back in New York to one year to the day I left…

July 18-19….

I was sent back into the B.R.C…but to room A,, bed 007…

2015-2016…. 20 11 56…(11…1..2)

Room B Room A….

And then I was sent to Delta Manor Mental Health Shelter because I suspect they had no idea what to do with me, so sure they were that I would not be there long…

But I had been there 2 months to my shock..

And then to Delta Manor… Room 5A for a moment…

Then to 3 A then to 4 B… 3 4.. A.B…(C.D..1 2)…

And all the while I have been using Sixth Sense, to figure out what was going on, and linking it using the anchors of my almost 16 years in New York…

Literally 15 years and 10 months and 11 days ( correction of yesterdays code 11-12.. Feb has 28 days…)…

15 10..11….. Letters O.J…K…. 6…1 O…11=1…2….A.B…

6 1 O…11…… F.J.K….(J.F.K..No F.J.K..)….


I am not at 885 Face Book Friends….

Sacred Portal 85 is ‘Solving the Riddle Riddle of Consciousness

Awareness is Being which comes Naturally.

If one losses ones Naturalness.. which is what has happened to the majority of the worlds population especially since the advent of the Internet, added with movies, video games- creating a Mind Mapping Behavioral Patterns which has moved Humanity even further away from the proverbial ‘Garden of Innocence’ Paradise Lost..?

Not really in simply went deeper and deeper under cover….

So much so the UN-Conscious which my work has been proving is Consciousness, while Humanity are not Conscious at all…

It went so deep undercover that it went went into the realm of what was identified as Non Existence…

But this was not really true… It was Humanity who had gone so far into nonexistence as a People and a race… That to reach that Naturalness’ where B.A.C… C.B.A.C…dance as one revealing Everything…that it was not Consciousness which required rescuing it was People…Society… Humanity….

8:05 P.M



Please see the Three Definitions above of Awareness Being and Consciousness…

One grasps immediately that they are one and the same…

And when One adds my proof, my own expression of ,through every dimension and finally to my movements from 2001.. A.B..Forte Green…And to the Green Point B.R.C… Recalling that Green is the 4th Color in the Spectrum…

And myself at Delta Manor which means 4..

My 4 years straight living at East 4th Street, 268…

And starting my posting at Green Street, and before that being at 97 Green Ave chez Lisa Levine….

To the Green House- Green Street Soho…

One understands that for the last 15 years and 10 months 11 days that I have been trapped in the 4th Dimension, the 4th Note, the 4th Color, the 4th Chakra,

Considering the meaning of Awareness Being and Consciousness..

There is not a single person who is Aware, Being or Conscious except myself (I say this with no hint of vanity but as a fact based on the Evidence)..

I have spent almost 16 years proving,and providing evidence and facts of what Awareness and Being is… The Creator… T.C..

H.E is Consciousness which is Harmony Eternity….Harmonious Energy… Harmonious Expression which I have demonstrated since the age of 7-8..

Non stop, over and over, which has never ever been expressed or explained this way before…

B.A.. 2 1=3…. Two Full Circle of 3 created 6…

Six are the 3+2..The 5 senses in One… C+B…3 2=5 And Awareness A of Alpha 1… is 6.

5 senses, five fingers, Five Toes… Five in One

..6th Sense.. 3rd Eye…. The Knowing of Everything..

The Truth of Everything… Every Thing.. E.T.

Why have I been trapped in the 4th Dimension..

A B C… A=1.. B=2…C=3…. 1+3… A.C…C.A…

Delta – Room 3 A.. Bed 3002… 32….5…

What is Fa O.K…?

Is it the merging of the perception of the the 4th Dimension is now aligned to the 5th Dimension Consciousness, by the Cruelest Action that ever was and ever could be…

*I have just completed Enders Game.. the disgust which filled me for that story and its literally being a very simplified and most rudimentary expression of what I experienced and lived for the las t 16 years almost, fills me with loathing at the Truth of recognizing that in my own personal experience…

I have now been a Delta Manor for 6 months…

A Living Hell, for any human being, but for myself a living hell made so poignant for the reason I am here, the physically conditions of my body, the economic, social, mental, emotional psychological and intentional torture, and restrictive conditions of making a man such as myself who has devoted his Entire Existence and Life to sharing and helping his fellow man rise…

Traishon meaning 3, re-recounted the story of how he was meant to pay me some money he owed me, but how he had met a boy, who was so hungry that he was crying and no one gave him anything- the boy was Asian he said.

He gave the boy 2 dollars and saw the boy buy some food and wolf it down so hungrily that Traishon sat down besides him and talked to him…’

The boy was slow, and had thus been tortured and abused his entire life… And Traishon gave the money meant to pay me and gave it to the boy…

Today he recounted the Story again, he told me that he could not stop thinking about the boy at he was so traumatized by what the he experienced as the sheer Hunger and Helplessness in the boy…

Then he said that the boy was 33…

33? I asked…

Yes, at first he said he was 23, then he said he was 33..

But he was a Boy, a Child any fool could see that..

I have him 7- 8 dollars, everything I had made..

I did not need the money he said, but I was moved for some reason to go to MacDonald that day.. I was Moved and when I got there,

I saw immediately why I was moved to go there and who I was meant to see.. That kid. and to give him that money..

And to reflect upon this kids life…

I can not stop thinking about him.. day and night something shifted in me, something has moved me, something which I have never felt before….

23.. 33.. 5..6…

He was moved by his Sixth Sense and he was Aware,Consciousness that his Being and Body was being moved and then he went to investigate and there he became full Conscious of the Fact.. The Kid, from Asia who no one could see that he was child in a mans body…

And that transformed his Sixth Full Circle into a Fact which A Week later has shifted something in him…

It was the day after he transformed from Truth to Deception as he decided wrestled for the first time with Doubt about what he had understood about what he recognized me as through his own intuition and his projecting his doubt on me…

But I did not bring that up…

Nor did he, but each evening he leaves me a little gift…

And today he paid me the 5 usd owed me…

It was not about the money of course… it was a code…


And yet the World Continues to Ignore me…

And the Evidence Facts….

As If It does not Exist….

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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