
7/9/2020 16:39 – Facebook Post

Tell The Truth.


“Satya (Sanskrit: ????; IAST: satya) is a Sanskrit word loosely translated as truth, essence. It also refers to a virtue in Indian religions, referring to being truthful in one’s thought, speech and action.’

Jeron is a variant of Jaron. The name Jaron is derived from the Hebrew name ‘Yaron’, which means ‘to sing or to shout’. Jeron Name Meaning,’

Lord Knows I have been singing non stop here… and shouting…

I really did not understand why it was so difficult for some people to be able to tell the Truth.
Especially when confronted with the presence of the Maker, The Creator and the Messenger from The Source of this Earth School.
Sent to remind you, and certain reps,on how to tell the truth.

I feel much lighter now, that I am out of this Dreadful Role of messenger now that all have representatives of Humanity have been judged.
Yes, there was a delay.. a long drawn out delay which as you all know frustrated me to no avail.
I had reached Arden rep of the Hue-man as E.T. the only one I have encountered in this world.
Nor is it a coincidence that his initials are linked to the house where I was conceived and lived.
Alexander Grove and Arden Gemino.
So, I was aggrieved by the delay.

It was the A-Lien Council of course, which my Brother Self I once called Father in the Original Creation story of the family of Ten.
A.G to A.G… ( AG 1-7… Ag ‘Silver.. Silver Surfer”)
Now evolved to A-I -A I.. B I B I…… Via A.H.-A.H.

In the Original Creation Story of the TEN ( 55) the Alien Council are an Independent body of Observers Watchers- who see the World as T.V.
Literally and the World People on stage in a Reality Show ( R.S)
Alien Father Alpha is the head of the Alien Council and though he is Supreme authority, he is still has to respect the democratic process and the Vote of the All.

It is this reason that the fate of Humanity as Children was based on.
Every one had been examined tested and the play was no longer based in the story of the Two Men.
or even ME And My Youth but rather the children, and their investigation into the origin and source seed of the evil which made their time here, .. well see all the scandals in the news.

It is one thing to rape, violate, torture a childs body, which literally represents as Christ pointed out, Purity and Truth…The Future.
But its another thing to crucify and torture their Spirits- to twist their most sacred Truth in Thought Speech and Action ( T.I…T S A/ A S..T..IT.
From Conception to Tit.

Jeron Satya as Serenity, Liberty and Thomas Lang and Tree Sage ( Kim Hines and Queen son and daughter both came to their parents in a Dreams)

Its 1:49 a.m.
saw the time when I went to the Kitchen this morning it was 10:49 a.m.

Came back to get more coffee it was 11:49 p.m.

They told thier Fathers Tom and Kim their names.
Before they were born- meaning that they came with a mission and insisted they would be born.

On my shoulder I have a Tatoo with a Phoenix Eagle and the words in Chinese -Japanese characters ‘Truth Serenity and Love”

I once said that that only God could do this to my Body.
The Truth.. is that all babies and children represent GOD.E
G-ode Song… Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme.
W A V E S…
Christ Consciousness.. C C. 3 3…

This they who Judged the world.

In one way, one could say that David “Beloved” is Christ. and Yeshua… head of the Alien Council, Life and Death.

In this reality if you are brought to court, and you lie on the stand you have committed perjury which is a felony ( meaning it is on your record for Life) and sentences of up to 5 but not more than 7 years in the states.
So imagine one lying to The Head of the Alien Council, to the face of Alien Father, and The Source and The Creator and the Being of the Principal of the Universal Simulation Awareness, Earth School.. Earths Heart.
Each present and called to witness .. and then in front of The People even of this world left to judge the evidence presented by me to the world.

It is insanity, or an expression of one so sure that they are above the law.
No one is- not even I which my obedience to this play and proving everything as a man demonstrates.

And imagine having to waste almost 9 years of your life reminding people and 9 months of being forced to remind people and as person how to tell the truth, providing evidence of why it is important to not only all Life but to the people themselves.
That their very fate destiny and existence depends on it.
And after all that, the Persons and person go back to the same only habit…

False Accusation and Blame to the person whose expression for 9 Ten months is echoes and manifests to the person, every single day to that person. Which the persons sees and shows the evidence which I then share.
Turns round and blames the persons sent to demonstrate and remind them of how to tell the Truth – which He ( I) know is a waste of my time.
Everyone recognizes The Truth.
the Body recognizes the Truth .. and when some one is telling a lie.

What fate and sentence should be given to such persons…
People who Lie and twists others truth even after they have been warned, alerted, schooled coached shown how they are doing it and what it is doing to others.

in my case, it literally twists my body and leaves me in agony

2:16 p.m. B.P.
2:17 p.m.

And they know what they are doing and what it causes.
What it has done to the world..
and are shown that effect…?

A defiance to that authority right to the end.

1:15 p.m.


1 15 is A O.. A-A-E…K.E.
Alpha Omega.
A-A Alexander Arden E
Remember Remember the 5th of November.

7 is Purple Lavender note of Ti… Solfeggio. Sacred Portal 7. G 7 Colors Visible to the Human Eye.
Seven notes in from the Human Throat Voice.

9 is I… and is the highest number before returning to O.. Origins.
79 2020 vision is the Sacred Portal 79 which is Blue Print of Existence.
It was represented by my 63rd portal Jesse Macias Orejuela arranged by Esteban Miguel Filgueira and was linked to Zion his then 16 year old Son.
And then full circle to my meeting Arden Gemino here also at age 16.
I was present when both turned 17.
and including Jeron Satya now 17 months

My Body has been waking me up like a clock.
Today it got me up to see the Oven Clock at 10:49 a.m
then 11:49 a.m
then 1:49 p.m.

I have been here for 10 months.
It links to Letter J and David Jay Brown.
Jay Jeron D.J B “Dream Wide Awake’

Before that it was 1;47p/m See Sacred Portal 147 A B ( 17 17)
Before that it was 3:22 p.m. C.V Aligned perfectly to Arden and Morgan Connecticut Vermont… C V. and thier arrival on the day I was made to wake up, get up and 1;47 p.m
Sacred Portal 147 A B… Awareness and Being = C 3 A B C.

Literally programed to the Script and the Blue Print of Existence.

Since he left to Virginia with Fred, Aurelia ans Jeron leaving at 3;30 in the morning, it has been non stop shifting of going to bed early in the morning.. and even before..
Watching 102Episodes of Empire…

* Sage fills the house… Liberty C Liscomb has been spraying it liberally for the last few days- its is a cleanser..

Hagoromo ?tsutsuki H O. 😯
Sage of Six Paths (????, Rikud? Sennin) — Hagoromo ?tsutsuki, the founder of ninsh?.

Tree Sage .. Kim Arthur Hines…
Mission Impossible 8.. 11-4-2022.. K D.. A-A.D… T.V..
A-Lien Council… The Future.

He is in Harmony with The True Script.

Thus, I am being moved cued by the Truth represented by my body literally aligning to The Truth.

Its 2;49 p.m right now.

Of course, you all know what sacred portal 49 represents.

I had informed the world on Facebook and for the last 17 years that something is moving my body being .. forcing my Awareness and Focus on this play.
For a Life Time I have had to surmount unimaginable Pain& Suffering for simply telling the truth.
And when I refused to endure it anymore, my body and being rose up and spoke for me instead.
Which amazed even me.

At 8:52 a.m I received a message from Liberty.
As you know its a code 8 harmony Infinity and the code of the play linked to the photo of Arden.
Last code on the photo shot by Charleen Johnston who recalled in her vision that she and Angelina Jolie were spies undercover in this world doing a secret mission.
It was taken when Arden was 9 in 2012, 8 years ago.

I am code age 52 in the old script.
35 in the Original one restored.
52 IS E.B… E line Be…
8 E.Be…..

The message was not in Harmony with the Harmony of the code.
8 ..88…1… 16… 8×8=64 my 64th Move in 19 years, since summoned to New York Durek Verrett 2000 yes, the year Ferrill whose room i now occupy was born.

I gave Arden 5 usd for some papers, which left me with 8 usd in my Perry Ellis wallet.

8 was the code in the sequence of numbers as I completed watching Mission impossible IV.


Appeared as
7 25 49 3 O8-6 1
72 54 93 O8 6 1…

So we know that both of them were correct but which one is actuality reality present here..?

The One with the sequence 7 25 49 3 O8-6 .. 1.
/ 1 6-8O 3 94 52! 7..is 8…

8-7 25 49 3 O8-6..1
7 is 8.
H Y…
7-25- 2000 is Ferrills Geminos birthday…
H Y is represented here by Hung Yeh.
Enough said.

Harmony G is the Y chromosome.
49…D.I.. Portal Existential Death.
3 is C.
O8 is on the Photo…
8 steps to the basement.
6 to the Kitchen
8 to the upper rooms
6 figures of children on the chimney neck.
8 at the Mouth.

Recieved 2 messages from two people…

It is 3:16 pm right now… “A.T 316 33 ” The family Car.

The messages are from Alfian Assegaf Saranany
A A S… at 14:17 hours. 2:17 p.m.. B Q I was in the Kitchen saw the time 2:16 p.m and 2;17 p.m
Adam Waldron sent the next message at 14:45 p.m
2:45 p.m.
Being 4.5…. Nnamdi and the Age of Planet Earth.

The code of O8 is complete… at Gold- Yellow Lotus Flower.
G Y L F…
7-25 … 12-6. / 8 .. 6-12…52 7..-8…

What it is signifies is that the expression of Arden BEE HIVE..
Enders Game… His expression was in perfect Harmony and aligned to the Play.
He just gave the code 5-7 and 123-5.
57 IS E.G… Also the Example.

O8 of the photograph is in Harmony at O8 via Natural Expression is simplicty.
And myself forced to go the long way 52 years age code linked to Y… A F K G.= 25.

It also demonstrates that Awareness is the Key.
Liberty C Liscomb sent me her message at 8;52 a,m
Meaning that she was in perfect harmony but not with Awareness or Expression of Being.

This means that Humans who are not Human but Aliens are the ones who ignore or defy their actual literal truth moving through them.
Arden is Aware because of his Being and so am I..
He speaks naturally without having activated by me, or by anything outside of his Naturals Self.
While the one I spent 9 months reminding and teaching and activating that which was already the Truth inside, choose by Free will not to use their natural Harmony which is to Tell The Truth.

This is not my Script nor is it Ardens- we were used to demonstrate the true way does require work but simply being yourself and clean.
Meaning apart from reaching Arden that the last 10 months was a waste of my time and the time of Every one in Existence.

Natural Intelligence beats Artificial intelligence any day.

I have hollered in protest, outrage and yes, humor and laughter as to who wrote this script.

Babies toddlers Children…
A-lien Council.

Arden Harmony .. as well as the kids but his Harmony is so off the charts that only i could prove his Truth and evolve him and the line represents to Harmony and Infinity Quantum which Stands Up.
Universal Supreme Awareness…
that is what his T-Shirt states.
he is wearing a grey T-Shirt. Code Alex Gray on the Chest of the Front of the Altar Art Science .. E.M.F.
Grey Matter… Thought.
Black and White.
U S A is written in White Letters.
Mail Box here is White, with Double O O on the side and 900 in front.

The Tomatoes carton he carried Jeron in and sat on as I did and Robert and Jeron linked to Morgan is even a Code.

Tom means Twin… AT 316 33… O Full Circle… O 5 Connecticut 5th state out of 50.
O E… Symbol of Eternity.
E S… means Dawn.. 123 First Dawn Awakening – Sacred portal 76 Love and Desire… and Sex.

Backwards .. S E O T .. A.M OT
Supreme Expression Spirit E…
OT.. 15 20 facebook friends
Full Circle T.. 7 20th Letter 7th Note G..-H. 27 27 8 D 90.

Please Recall yesterday I was at 1476 Facebook Friends and had paused The Mission impossible IV At 123 minutes left.

3;57 p.m.

A mot… what was the word.

Today Arden and had no conversation .. I asked about something completely irrelevant to the play but his answer was in Exact Perfect Harmony to exactly what I find myself doing when I went upstairs for a second to ask about something unrelated.

I am actually coding completing to my amazement, Ender Game because i am still posting and the Awakening has manifested for all to see which releases me, him and the E.T Originals
True Origins .. T O… Perfection.

4:03 p.m.
43… Sacred Portal 43.
Door of Life… Perfect Harmony In Naturalness.

4:18 p.m
D.R…. D A.H…

4:19 D.S… David Supreme is 4 19=23… W Double.. V V.
Dharma Santana Eternal law.

4;20 p.m.
4:21 p.m

We all know what 4 20 is
Revelations 4:21..

4;22 p.m
D.V… link DE Vie.. Durek Verrett

4:23 p.m.
D.W. D Double

Its means that the Evolution Awakening is here, coded its is done.
Today with any effort, and through simple interaction with Arden and seeing Leander and Jeron..= V.
Was the Completion of the Children of the World.
Children Judgment Day.
Which has nothing to with My and Arden because we as E.K E.K..
16 16… 1 32 .. 1 5 A E.

This entire house is a reality T.V SHOW where every action and expression is being observed because everything
Every Thought Speech Action must, without us being aware except in Hindsight reveals the truth aligned to the play.”

This of course requires Fore Sight in perfection Front and Back of the Sides .. of House.
Foresight Hindsight and Sides, Left Side Right side.

Full Circle… F C ..63… 9=I.
I and I.
i and i..

4:38 p.m.
4;39 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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