
7/9/2020 12:45 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 72.

At 14 72 Face book Friends…

After landing at 14 76 Facebook Friends = 90.. I wondered what was going on since it is the Evolution of Consciousness and the First Dawn Awakening and only realized that it required the confirmation of its sum as 9 and 90…
9 is here as Arden age 9.
90 Rep as Morgan 27 8 D 90…. S E A Play.
and Sacred Portal 90 ‘Moi”
and 900 South Road.

Now this is linked to 14 72 and 86.
Yes 86 Steps and sacred portal 86
and the 86 play on the Kilm- Chimney here with 6 and 8 children on it.

8 6 8 steps here.

Yes, rather tedious, this prolonged play but something impossible happened..the Children of the world were refused to be released from the Womb and thus this great spider as Death – A Character was allowed to go too far in order for the worst judgement of the God The Sum of the Children and Alien Council Truth.
Tell The Truth could give such reps of the cruelty to children- the fate that is one which only I E as witness could approve.

12;45 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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