
7/9/2019 0:53 – Facebook Post

11: 39 P.m.

11:43 p.m right now

7-8-2019. 87 39. 12. 3 17.

At 12 97 Facebook Friends


John Mack came over today
His date of Birth 2-27-97

97 Green St
Green Point Avenue
MA.HA. Rose. / A H .A M.
Jesse Macias 1979. 97/79..
23 23. 46. Chromosomes 64..
Me at 8 Ham Shire Bay. Lord of The Rings
Lisa Levine portal
Luke Simon portal


“Can you tell me who you are Beautiful?”
I sang to an audience for the first time

See sacred Portal 97.
Brain Cranium light
Awarded Light of Existence

Aligned to Emeka Kolo
And now the line of John Mac Donald.

He rode in at around 4
And aligned to my rendevous with Jesse Macias

His Motorcycle and this time I really noticed today
00 A.V. Y E

Alexa Vertefeuille
A V. Y Male Chromosome E.

It means “Awareness Victorious Masculine Primciple
E m= y +y= yx. Stephen Johnson astoundingly simple representation of my Equation of Existence
Two Men and a Lady. Warriors

Alexa Vertefeuille through a long line of She of E line through Sarah Kaizer to Brooke Lee Lemery to Brenden Velez to Alexa Vertefeuille..
At last John Mack once again provided the Intel..
It ends at A Y. As having mastered the Masculine Principle of the Eternal line of E..

It ends at Alexa. B A. V V.
And her messages 23 first sent me of research evidence investigation correlation with every thing

Sarah was the rep of the Process
Brooke of the Codes
Brenden the True Universal Mind and Music..
Alexa… ?
The Point…
Of the Script

Tree Sage

I was trying to text her when first John then Jesse arrived.

I can not write to much today, something is really really going crazy in my body…
I was not even allowed to watch T.V with Jesse..
( He put on a series with Jim Carey…)

I.can hardly type now..

But I had to document this…
And would love to show what Alexa’s research and harmonies revealed..

But I will have to ask her and she with her friend David..
A D. Can reveal it for themselves.

But today All three were aligned
And Alexa and John in … my word..

I listened ( when I could stop talking) to him
He is
She is
Sacred Portal 97..
Jesse Macias 79 Beginning
97 John Mac Donald the End..
B E.
2 5.
7 +18 years.

Y chromosome
Lady Line of E..

John acknowledged me as The Source
The Source of his inspiration as Me a Man, an Human Man who he said had done all this work with him in putting together that which he and Alex a had done..

Their Home Work.
They had been prepared
And had already understood Empirical Research Evidence as the Methodolgy of the Age of Reason represented by the Seer line he is
Seer Reason Able..
Connect the Dots/ Anchors

Tell me what is The Source ..
The Source is where you reciebed your inspiration and recognition from

It could a Encyclopedia
A Muscian
A Scholar
Our the Source of Existence Itself
It is still the Source

And John did that today beautifully ..
He spoke it, explained it without any preamble
It came out Naturally

Just as with Tree Kim Chiefy.. who wrote it Naturally..

12:18 p.m right now.
Logic Reason
Left Right…
12 18. 30
T J.
John Thomas
Add I. K..

I is 9.
Sacred portal 9:00
Judgment Day. Solo Mon. Line of Lone Wolves.

See sacred Portal 155
Two Men and Lady Warrior Valkyire

John was wearing Boots with the Word Thor on it..
I was Idris Elba Helmsdall in the movie Thor..
He who holds the Key to the Rainbow bridge
Spectrum Olive oil sitting on Jesse Kitchen counter since I moved to his apt.

I met Quan Jesse landlords wife B..today
B Q.
B Q W P.

On the Transformer at Delta Manor..

B – P.
Brazil to Peru. Foot ball match
Brazil 1st
Peru 2nd..

Beautiful Pride.

Laura Walsh.. 2-16- 19….

12:27 p.m right now

Jesse and Johnny linked
I showed John Mack her intelligence
And spoke to Jesse about here..

The Source .
Who recognizes the Truth of his Own I Q and E Q recognized outside of him

From Instinct Esteban Miguel Filgueira
To Imagination Power Nathaniel Thomas Bywater
To chakras 6 7 …8..
All based on E

Alexa Vertefeuille just sent me a text
12:29 p.m
Alexa completed watching Ink Heart
I started watching it again 5 days ago and paused it…

Ink Heart

O.P E N. The story of the Human. Heart.

H H.
T M. 88..

Ink Spell

Ink Death

I H. 98. See sacred Portal 98..
My Sister Self E line Dancing to Inner Music..
Diamond Clarity..

John Mack is the line of M U S. I C. Brain Cranium Jesse Reason Able C I.S.UM
Brenden Velez .. speed of Light connecting
Music to Sound
Alexa Awareness Supreme C. IS. Universal Mind Being Aware
Kim Arthur Hines the Universal Understanding
Wisdom of the Ages

All Harmonics
Song Lines

12:52 p.m right now

Man something is tearing me my body..
trying to tear it apart

See sacred Portal 12

12:53 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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