
7/9/2018 20:44 – Facebook Post

7/9/2018 20:44 – Facebook Post

Lamb Of God…

That is what appeared on a T-Shirt as I just looked up.
And then young Henri walked in..18 years old.

I met Latoya yesterday who gave me a gift of 2 usd.
and today, I met the 43 year old superintendent who I met here he gave me a dollar for some tobbacco…

They both live on Archer Street, the only two people who I have net here in my almost 22 months here at Delta Manor who live that close to Beach Street.

I asked and accepted the gifts of 2 and 1 usd.

I knew.. or felt it had something to do with my reaching out to Billy Hung today to give a chance for us to resolve the conflict which should never have been there.
Billy is always moved my what I call The Guide- Father 69.
He was the one who gave me the message 5 years ago that he had received the intel that I had to involve the people in this play which I had thought was absurd.
( they will not understand the play and not only hold me back.. but my greatest fear was people,
Fear of how they could switch from the beautiful beings I recognized them and could see them to be, to these shades and characters which would literally cause me to recoil and literal raise my sword as well as tongue and destroy them.)

But he insisted and a force in me which I recognized, confirmed it so perfectly that I had no doubt that Billy had told the truth.

And then it began, the Face book play of August 2013 in which people were involved and I began to read and understand the rules created by Death undercover, Invisible.

I had felt that it was done once Nadee Nakandala recognized the play, and that others would soon join and begin linking and weaving by themselves and I could retire, rest go home.
Instead, I found myself in the play where all the codes and keys were placed in each person I met.
I began to understand the rules of engagement.

I had to accept All Face book requests.
I could not reject any request.
And it was the same as the Encounters.

In September I was asked to leave the Apartment in Kew Gardens ( K.G… Please link Gwendolyn King… Kyle Murphy aunt, link Kyle getting his New York state I.D on 7-11, in to days.
Link the visions of Death Kyle Murphy has been seeing since child hood.
Link the time right now 6:49 pm and sacred portal 49 “Death Ray Existential Death- Extinction.
Link the Keith Grant Bed 53…B R C aligned to my Great Uncle Papa Mbwede.. “Below or Sunset:- metaphor for Death… when the sun sets…a Cloak covers the world…
Keith Grant K G/ 11 7…
Link 11 Hugh Grant Circle right here on Metropolitan Avenue…
Link Boston Market and the Food I bought here which I shared with Kyle Murphy knowing it was a code.
Link the time now 6:53 p.m.
Bed 53 and Kyle room 5 C.. 5 3… Bed 26…Z…
Link Little e who was played by Eric Lile Brown whom I recognized the first day as the Energy of Papa Mbwede…
Papa Jungle code..
Link my Uncle Lord Charles who used to smoke Cigars and how Cigars have been linked in this Script as Death as the Crossing Guard…
I gave Kyle Murphy a Cigar yesterday, I have one left in my wallet.

After I left Billy Hung home, it is recorded here that the only, that I knew that there was a portal Home..
I knew this because it is a play.

*And is even confirmed in the Book which Elfin Edward gave me to read which belonged to Artie ( who also has a copy of the United States Constitution and wanted to bring it down so we could read together) but after an intense conversation instead brought up Nikolai Tesla and how he suffered and was betrayed for fighting to bring bring his invention of Free Energy for the people.

Link it to Conversation… Lyrical Conversation which Samantha Yurkosky will recall my working on as well as Marina Burini and not being able to complete the work on it to see it manifest until 7 years later with the Laughing Buddha play…
I having been given a medalion of a laughing Buddha some years ago and installed it on my Art Installation in my locker with the Male Mannequin with the Tiger Emblem giving it its twin which has the code D.VV… Double V on its shoulder.
Then I found the Jade Laughing Buddha on the ledge of a building I pass by each day on my way from Taylor Avenue to Starbucks… the number of the building is 1148… 48 is Beautiful Death in my Sacred Portals.
That led to the same day seeing Ant wearing the same laughing Buddha that day in red… the First of Last Wave Length..
Then to the alignment to Ogonna S Omocrafts
then to the form Kyle….

Conversation which can literal shift and alter physical mass and reality….
That Conversation which brought everything into Existence Creation..
The Manuscript I wrote, the True Conversation Between Energy E and AH-Tom…
( Link Arthur Hur A H the only Arthur remaining…
Link Came a lot… King Author.. and Lance a lot from his Sword…
OF Truth.. Link St Theresa of Avila… Link my Aunt Iesha aka Theresa and my mother Cecilia… T C… Link sacred portal 20 Lady Echo…)

I wrote the paper Lyrical Conversation, the 5th out of 7 papers I had written about the conclusions I had come to as a Scientist about Evolved Hue-mans capabilities.
I had proven all Fact except the last which though I had been able to prove how I witnessed how human beings were moved by the Wave of which I had accessed, that they were not aware of it.
I understood that there was something wrong with the Human species that they were not aware of it..
Then I conducted experiments.. I found that not only were people not present Here and Now, but that the literally could not See, Hear, Feel, Taste Smell.. or digest on a Energetic level…!

I also discovered that the reason why my Lyrical Conversation experiments of being able to shift physical mass was not manifesting…
It was being interfered with meddled with by Secret Societies ancient secret societies around the World but especially from Africa Pangea..!

7:28 p.m.

And when I accessed those frequencies- Marina Burini may recall perhaps coming upon me one day in great pain and agony as these forced fought me not to reveal this secret knowledge.
Or other times when I accessed frequencies of the Beautiful Ones… my oh my what amazing beings have walked this Earth…

It took me 7 years… 7 Rainbow.. Spectrum… To use Solfeggio and Quiet Intent to fight and battle these meddling frequencies…

Please recall in 2006 when I was at 268 East 4th Street, I had just arrived there and one day my computer opened up to a Web Site where my two works had been uploaded.
The True Creation Story of Humanities Origins written in 2004.
And The Elegant Nomad… T E N…

*( It has ten Sephiroth or “worlds”, which correspond exactly with the seven planes of the Eastern systems. This can be seen in Figure 3b. Tree of Life”)

All uploaded on my Birth Day and year codes but as 1966…

I could not believe my eyes and called witnesses to see it from Fritz Venneiq to Michael Frazer…
It spoke of a secret society which was as ancient as almost time itself, and it quest for “The One” and the power to contain people the perceieved as candidates in an alternate universe in which Non could ever escape if they did not prove they were the one
And these people being so cold blooded that those candidates who were not able to contribute and who though living in this reality were actually in a totally different reality .. like a box.. would eventual die violent by going mad.. insane.

The wen site would appear and then vanish despite my efforts to save it and share it with others…
I spoke about it over the years here on Face book…

Please take a look at the book by Dan Brown .. D B ( Yes my room at Delta Manor…)
It makes references to all these experiences…

Including the portal which everyone who was my Facebook friend from August 2013… 33… S P Nightmare… And 2014 ..34… 7..
Will recall that I was looking for a portal as I was forced to live in the Forests of Pelham Bay Park, then roamed the the streets of New York, and slept on the Subway. looking for the Portal .. The way out… of what I already knew was a Maze and the portal which I was aware of was not physical.. but I was being moved to look for its physical representation.

The book The Lost Symbol makes references to all this…

In the Book The Lost Symbol it speaks of this as Noetic Sciences…
There is an Institute of Noetic Science.. ( I O N S..) It is a Fact.
So is the Invisible College a FACT.. meaning they exist

In the book The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown, there he writes,,
In 1991, a document was locked in a safe of the Director of the C.I A. The document is still there today, Its cryptic text includes references to an ancient portal ( A.P.) and an unknown location underground.
The document also contains the phrase “Its buried out there somewhere”

All of you might have noticed that I had to pass through portal of human beings people, you.. Virtually on Face book and then in actuality as people.
And right from Nenad M.Djurdjevic to Nnaemeka when the Money codes play began, I documented each code, proving that these exact monies were literally designated to me for the play by revealing the codes the numbers, which aligned to the play, the amount of monies, the person and thier link to the play through letters and numbers..
The addresses and the incredible stress of each transaction which Dawn Piercy will recall..
Sheer hell and the monies would not be allowed if the energy used was not aligned..
The responsibility lay with me solving the riddle which allowed me access to the money so I could eat and sustain myself for nothing else but this work, solving this Maze…

7:57 p,m,

This money play actually began in 2010 with Marina Burini MB.. before Billy Hung and went back further to Nicholas in london who gave me 500 pounds twice to come to New York after I lost all my wealth in Istanbul after the Turkish Economy collapsed. I had invested my money in projects and rugs antiques and in companies people…
I lost everything and my sets and furniture were being held in storage by Clio Fotiyadis even my digital camera was left with Kerem Sanl?man…
I left Istanbul as if I were a figitive… it was insane…
I lost everything.

Thus, I am fully aware that the money play of which Billy Hung was moved to be part of was of my gaining the luxury of my work now being seen as fact and thus my suffering in misery and poverty was being allivisted the only other time that had happened before was with Marina Burini but that to disintegrated into power play…
Marina Burini was very generous but the power was in her hands and I find it no coincindence that my teeth which was meant to be taken care of offered by a friend of hers Julliane was compromised but not the way Billy did…
He went too far…
Marina had compassion and wanted to ensure she was part of the unfolding events…
She meddled… but it was with good intentions…
But even she will recall finding in HER house a beautiful Box meant for a manuscript with my name Kolo embossed on it..
I remember he shock as she and Tom saw and observed again and again the evidence that something was taking care of me that I had the tools required to do the work it required of me…

Billy Hung was aware of it so was Nikoma and quite a few others, they would find things in their homes or which came into their possessions whivhj they would immredistly say this is for you Emeka… it is so obvious.

So when people tried to make me me feel that I should be more grateful, blackmail me, extort me…
When in truth I could and have earned my own money and rebelled to the depth of my soul at these people being used to give me the tools .. pocket money… I roared and roared and it was the first time I came face to face with tasting the emotion called Hatred… How I fought that feeling rising in me… The Hatred for these people… when I knew … not only was certain monies designated to me which they were all aware-because Death made sure that they were given non stop blessing…
But their greed… just the very reason I saw this as my ultimate nightmare…
They would play not only with the sacred, but they would dare to treat a man who they could see what he was doing how he was working 24/7, who could easily have made his own fortune who was in torture and physical torment…
By experiencing what he knew was meant to be impossible…

I kept on waring them that not only was I aware of the correct amount each was meant to send… And that all were “Paid” for their service…but that the force behind this would make them pay a terrible price for cheating Death.. God…Me..
.. his messenger….

This is why I contacted Billy Hung today…

500 200 500 …… E B E… And the 400 usd he was meant to deliver ..

E B E D… E BED… The ls the licence plate of the Honda Accord he drives belonging to his Mother is B ED 5900…
See sacred Portal 59 it is the absolute filth and most disgusting consciousness which finally tips the scale to bring the End…
26 Z…

But the code of Salvation Joshiua is E B E… E B ED…
E BE…Full Circle…
E BED… 18… R… Robert… Robert O Sullivan.. Robert Coffee ( hence the numbers on the coffee cups.. ) Robert Kolo…
And yes Robert Murphy…

I have no money at all for the past 4-5 days… One of the contract ual agreements, covenants I made with “Father”was that if the money was not provided for the barest essentials it means that his laws was not being respected, The Law of the material world facts… That I thus, did not have to obey his rules his laws .. that he looses the right to this reality…
Because he had broke the laws of his own reality which demands that one earns and recieves payment Tithes , for that which one does…
I have worked for him for 29 years, at this is the first time that anyone has dared do what Billy Hung did apart from Albert Santana and at least he did the work and we lived in his home- though I did the work 24/7 of sustaining it…
The nearest who came to this is Joseph Carey who holds my property hostage.

It would be different if these three men especially Joseph Carey and Billy Hung had no idea what this was about and had no evidence of facts …
But they are daring to defy that which even I would not defy…
After all i still did all the work He asked of me despite my raging and calling out in fury and even my inking my vengeance… I never betrayed the Truth of this Force even now that I had to take two usd and then one from these twoo people who live on arrow street…

2 1… B A… Beach Avenue… Archer Avenue…
B A… Anthony Bienke is messaging me as we speak…

Oh there is no fury as the fury as I feel that 17 years/… 29 years… and then 6 years later money is used against me to punish me by a human avatar… by a human who himself stated 6 years ago to others that I had found the equation for unlimited energy…

The Energy is Conversation which can manifest anything into creation but it has to be aligned to the frequency and the plan of the Creator… of that room in this instance.. this Room or world does not belong to me.. It is a play of my son who is playing the role of me as the Father Guide Big Brother.. While I have been playing his “dutiful son”..

I reached out to Billy today out of love light and because

500 200 500… 400… is 16… P…
And what he has given in 12…. 1+2= 3… 2 1.. 3… it was not complete…
16= 7… the play was 16… P… Then 7…

8:40 p.m.

And so once this day is complete., then he and his line become the recipients of Terrible Death in its most Terrible aspects… SEE Kyles drawings of Death… it is not not pretty… EVL 9393…
Is a code on his page as well as taking sacred portal 37 and posting it on his page without my permission…

Ah… such arrogance… there is a price for such conciet..
Joe and Billy… J C.. B H… J B… C H… 10 2… 12…3 8…
12 11… 3 2… 3 1… 23… 5 4 5…
But each to his own but after this day…

I add my own curse to the mix…

8:44 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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